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3 Unsolvable mysteries

What our ancestors wanted to tell us?

By Mitchelle Published 12 months ago 3 min read
3 Unsolvable mysteries
Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

They have one thing in common - scientists are always giddy with them. The flower of life, crystal skulls or prehistoric cave paintings, some of the most mysterious messages of the past that are really hard to explain...

1) Flower of life

Most messages and symbols refer to only one specific location. However, there is one symbol that is found across cultures, religions and locations. It is the Flower of Life - an esoteric symbol found on ancient sacred objects, in the symbols of Gothic cathedrals, in stained glass windows, in places of worship of the gods and at the roots of many religious teachings. The New Age movement hypothesized that the Flower of Life, which consists of thirteen intersecting circles of equal size, contains essential information about the nature of space and time. One of those who was fascinated by the mystery of the Flower of Life was Leonardo da Vinci, who was allegedly inspired by it while working on the drawing of the well known Vitruvian Man.

2) Crystal skulls

Crystal skulls have fascinated both, experts and the general public for more than 120 years. However, we are still unable to find out who their author is. Of the total number of 16 known skulls, four stand out.They are the size of a human head (the others are much smaller than that). The most famous is the story of a skull allegedly discovered by adventurer F.A. Mitchell-Hedges (1882 – 1959) in Belize. Hedges claimed that the skull was 3 600 years old and that the ancient Maya used it in their ceremonies. It was supposed to ensure longevity for its owner (Hedges' wife lived to be 100), but the family, sadly, never gave it to scientists for research.

The other three "large" crystal skulls are owned by museums in Paris, London and Washington. Not much is known about their true origins. Twelve smaller skulls are in private hands. These were connected with the end of the world, which was supposed to take place, according to the Mayan calendar on 12 / 21 / 2012. If these skulls were connected with one more in some kind of geometric sign, it was supposed to avert the end of the world. There are many conspiracy theories about the origin of the skulls. According to some, it is a remnant of the mythical Atlantis, according to others, they come from Mars...but nobody really knows from where they are.

3) Cave paintings

The most famous cave paintings are found in the Lascaux cave system in France. In the deep caves there we can find 150 paintings and around fifteen thousand engravings. Some scientists are convinced that these images testify to contact between prehistoric people and an extraterrestrial civilization. They depict a creature with stars instead of eyes, and above the painting of a bull is the Pleiades constellation, where, according to many myths, beings from space once came.

Other archaeological sites are in a similar situation. Well-known are the Creswell Crags cave in Great Britain, in which ancient hunters left their paintings more than 13,000 years ago or the Brazilian cave Caverna de Pedro Pintada. However, the Chauvet cave in France raises the most questions.

Scientists found that the paintings in it are about 35 thousand years old, much older than in other caves that are nearby. And some paintings are very strange. These include depictions of human-animal hybrids, palm prints with missing fingers, and images of bizarre unknown creatures. Could it be that these findings support the theory that our ancestors communicated with an alien race?

vintageurban legendpsychologicalpop culturefiction

About the Creator



I will publish articles here about various mysteries, unexplained events but also my own poetry and feeling expression.

*I'm not a native english speaker so I want to apologize for mystakes*

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