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13 short horror stories that are "N times scarier than horror movies

Horror short story

By antoinePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Sometimes the shorter the story, the more deeply frightening it can be. It can be just one word, one bright moment of a paragraph that makes an ordinary story extraordinary. The fear effect is just as good as the scary short words in the spooky Atlas.


My mother used to beat me in front of people when I was a child, burn me with cigarettes at night and feed me cat feed. She has been gone for 10 years now and I have three children. It is only now that I see that she was right because my children are learning from this way of being together.

Sometimes the shorter the story, the more deeply frightening it can be. It can be just one word, one bright moment of a paragraph that makes an ordinary story extraordinary. The fear effect is just as good as the scary short words in the spooky Atlas.


"My God, these wax figures are beautiful!" "They said as they passed

"This museum is really great," they said to the guide

"Eh? My dear, is the wax figure melted?" "One woman said

But she didn't realize they were my tears...


My job was to look for bodies in the water, and as I searched the area, my partner came on the intercom and said, "We've got bodies. We're on our way."

When I was about to follow, my body suddenly went limp and I realized that it was me that my partner had picked up...


It was a stormy night when the power went out and the whole house was dark. She could not help but sigh that it would be better if her ex-husband was there. When she was fumbling for candles in the dark, she stepped on a piece of wetland, which was suddenly frightened, and then she stopped moving, because she heard the sound of water droplets falling on the floor nearby.


Please stop it.

I can see you

I can hear you

Please don't close the coffin!!


I woke up from a strange feeling of fear. I made my way carefully down the hall to the basement, where I saw a twisted face with evil eyes staring straight at me. Suddenly I felt unspeakable fear.


Because I've been blind since birth


Late at night, she had a pain in her abdomen, a deep pain, as if someone had been tapping and pushing on her stomach, and one night she woke up feeling two small hands clutching her thighs.

It's been going on since the miscarriage seven months ago.


I decided I wanted to stay

I decided to keep going

I decided to give myself another chance

But, I've jumped off


Every day, I pass by the alley behind my house, where there is an old house, because it is not so rotten that the roof is about to collapse, so once I ventured into it, I found a lot of toys lost in my childhood on the shelf of a small room, I rushed out of the door in a panic, during the process, I accidentally knocked the toys on the shelf. But the next day I went in and the toys were all lined up again.

It's actually Toy Story, right?


I went into the room to say good night to my son. He had wrapped himself in a comforter and I had to hug him deep through the comforter and kiss him when I noticed a noise under the bed. I looked down and saw my son hiding under the bed and said, "There is someone in my bed."


You go to the bathroom to brush your teeth during a power outage, you get a toothbrush, you start brushing, and then suddenly the power comes back on and you realize you've got a razor.


My neighbor passed away yesterday

I saw him stop breathing

I saw them set him up

But here he is on my doorstep


This guy said I married him 50 years ago, but I don't remember

The man said I had him, but I don't remember

Others said I was happy and laughing with them, but I don't remember

The nurse told me how much I love these people

But I don't remember


About the Creator


Hey, my friend,If you feel bored, you can come and read my writing to kill some leisure time!!

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