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The True Treasure

Maalik ibn deenaar

By Shabir hassanPublished 4 days ago 3 min read
The True Treasure
Photo by Michael Emono on Unsplash

A thief scaled the mass of Maalik ibn Deenaar's home one evening and effectively figured out how to get inside. When inside the house, the criminal was disheartened to see that there was nothing inside really worth taking. The proprietor of the house was inside at that point, he was in the middle of performing petition. Understanding that he was in good company, Maalik immediately finished his request and turned around to confront the cheat. Without giving any indication of being stunned or apprehensive, Maalik smoothly expanded good tidings of harmony and afterward said, "My sibling, may Allah pardon you. You entered my home and found nothing that merits taking, at this point I don't believe you should leave my home without removing some advantage."

He stood up, went to one more piece of the room, and returned with a container loaded with water. He investigated the eyes of the robber and said,
"Make bathing and perform two units of supplication, for on the off chance that you do as such, you will leave my home with a more prominent fortune than you had at first looked for when you entered it."

Much lowered by Maalik's habits and words, the hoodlum said,
"Indeed, that is a liberal deal without a doubt."

Subsequent to making bathing and performing two units of petition, the criminal said, "O Maalik, would you see any problems in the event that I remained for some time, for I need to remain to perform two additional units of supplication?"

Maalik expressed, "Remain for however much supplication Allah orders for you to perform now."

The criminal wound up going through the whole night at Maalik's home. He kept on asking until the morning. Then Maalik said, "Leave now and be great."

However, rather than leaving, the hoodlum said, "Would you see any problems on the off chance that I remained here with you today, for I have made an aim to quick the day?"

Maalik expressed, "Remain as long as you wish,".

The thief wound up remaining for various days, imploring during the late hours of every evening and fasting all through the span of every day. At the point when he at long last chosen to leave, the criminal said, "O Maalik, I have made a firm purpose to apologize for my transgressions and for my previous lifestyle."

Maalik said, "Without a doubt, that is in the Hand of Allah."

The man patched his methodologies and started to carry on with an existence of nobility and compliance to Allah. Later on, He ran over another robber he knew. [His friend] told him, "Have you tracked down your fortune yet?"

He said, "My sibling, what I found is Maalik ibn Deenaar. I went to take from him, however it was he who wound up winning my love. I have without a doubt apologized to Allah, and I will stay under the entryway [of His Control and Forgiveness] until I accomplish what his dutiful, cherishing slaves have accomplished."
This story provides us with a brief look at the basic resides the past Imaams drove, a piece of which was having a straightforward house and neglecting the common life and material belongings, to such an extent that in the event that a cheat entered he wouldn't track down anything of significant worth to take. We likewise learn of the impact that being around exemplary organization has upon us, this is as per the hadith of the Prophet (May the Harmony and Gifts of Allah arrive) in which he said: "A man is upon the religion of his dearest companion, so let one of you take a gander at whom he gets to know." (Described by Abu Hurayrah in Abu Dawud 4833)


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Shabir hassan

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