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The True Jesus Is Black Skin

Russia President Putin Reveal The Painting of Jesus

By Adekola DamilarePublished 24 days ago 7 min read
The True Jesus Is Black Skin
Photo by Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

As the Ukraine Russia War drags on Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to move one of Russia's holiest icons from a museum to a Moscow Cathedral. He said in the 60s that Jesus was a black man. Have you ever come across biblical icons that portray Jesus, The Virgin Mary, Elisha, or King Solomon with dark skin? If you have then you should know that Russia has recently opened its Vault to reveal biblical icons featuring darker skinned figures.

It's not an unusual depiction of the biblical figures, but a realistic representation. These icons convey a profound meaning and hidden truths, generating curiosity as to the representation of faith traditions in history and surprising corners on religious art. I just got one question how you white Christians feeling now that Putin done open up the boat and done showed y'all? what I've been telling y'all, what we' been telling y'all, you know who the world ignorantly calls Jesus is a black man! He is a black man for all day.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're gathering around this Article, and we're going to find out the truth. get ready to be amazed and enlightened, please hit the like button to show your support, share it with your friends and family to spread our eye opening extra narrative and don't forget to subscribe to stay tuned for more.

In this Article, we are going to explore the origins of these unique religious symbols and why Vladimir Putin took part in their unveiling. How the world reacted, and Bible descriptions of Jesus, so we must be on our toes as we make our way through Russia's underworld of Black Jesus.

The history of black Jesus icons dates back to the 14th century, and they've been preserved ever since. They display predominantly black figures, a departure from the usual depiction of Jesus and his followers in Europe, thanks to the efforts of museums.

The earliest known image of Christ that was found in Syria, about 235 AD depicts him with short wooly hair and dark skin. In contrast to the prevailing image of Jesus as a bearded, fair skin man with wavy brown or blond hair, often with blue eyes, that is deeply rooted in Western interpretation. First of all, it's important to remember that the Bible is a world before colour Prejudice. The Bible is a world where blacks are treated with great respect.

it's a multicultural World, it one of the great tragedies has been that in the last 400 years Europeans and white Americans have created the whole ideology of white supremacy and they have in the process taken the images. During a visit to the Solovetsky monastery, sacred images, as well as secular images of them, were victorious and positive, making them white and, by the same token, recasting black into a negative image.

An icon of black Jesus was presented to Vladimir Putin from the 16th century. This experience stimulated his interest in these unique religious artifacts, leading to increased efforts for their preservation and promotion throughout Russia. Putin has been a strong advocate for the preservation and recognition of black Jesus icons. His support not only helped to restore these icons, but also to integrate them into the public domain, in recognition of their importance to Russia's cultural and religious heritage.

It made them more visible and appreciated when we learned how to remove dark layers that had been found beneath the immense beauty, as much as it surprised Andre Matis who was in Moscow at the time. He said that in order to better understand the historical context of black Jesus icons, artists should come here to learn not to paint in Italy. we need to go back in time and delve into early Christian art and Anakin ISM in the first few centuries of Christianity Anakin ISM which is the rejection of religious images had a strong influence on Christian art.

However this opposition to images was eventually rejected. In the announcement period, there has been an increase in Christian art and Jesus's depiction in different ways. The most common image of Jesus during this time was the Good Shepherd which showcased the diversity of representations from the outset by the year 300AD.

A common appearance for Jesus had developed with a popular portrayal of him as a bearded long-haired figure. Icons such as Christ, pantocrator created in the 6th Century established a recognizable image of him while still reflecting ethnic characteristics despite this standardization images of Jesus continued to display distinct ethnic character statistics that were similar to those of the culture in which the image was produced this highlights. The emergence of black Jesus icons has caused a sensation around the world, the adaptability of Jesus' image in different societies.

The Archbishop of canterbury's suggestion to reconsider the portrayal of Jesus following Floyd's murder in America was met with opposition by the Russian Orthodox Church who claimed that such depictions go against Church laws. On the other hand, as a symbol of support for the Black Lives Matter movement, the image of a black Jesus was also used. If Jesus were here, he'd say that life matters. For example if Jesus was here he would say that the black lives that are being obliterated in the womb matters. And as a Christian I believe that lives matter from the moment of conception, all the way to their moment of natural death. And that's why I'm totally committed to the lives that matter.

Jesus is depicted as black in a painting called the Last Supper. The global reaction to the icons has given rise to ongoing controversies over representation of religious figures and Art's role in questioning, as well. Social norms I'm talking about, but who is really surprised by it, though? Just let me know, because even a pooping have been praying to the Black Jesus for the longest since the beginning of time, I don't care. It's good that they put it out there, 'cause the truth is what I knew from a very early age! I only know this, but it's good to see that others are starting to realize the truth too. I am so happy that the truth has finally come to light. nevertheless, I am very happy that the truth even under this kind of a sauce so to speak, it's coming out and we all are here to celebrate it psychological warfare.

You're assuming that he didn't have any use for saying it; there's a lot more going on here. We both know that all religions and governments of the world are one. But it's not a good Unity, an evil Unity like we saw in the Co March of 2020 coming out of someone known to persecute. Quote unquote Christians in his country, I don't trust and currently I don't speak Russian.

Many believe that Jesus is God's son, Messiah and savior of humanity. Billions of people worldwide have been affected by his teachings and actions that shape their beliefs and values. The depiction of Jesus as either black or white is a matter of artistic expression and interpretation reflecting the cultural and historical contexts, in which these icons were created. Bible scriptures related to Jesus can be found throughout the Bible. One such scripture is Isaiah 53-2 which describes Jesus as having no stately form or Majesty that would attract people to him. This passage points out that Jesus' appearance was ordinary, but he didn't seem to be noticed. other scriptures such as Matthew 26:67, 27:30 and John 19:3, describe Jesus's appearance as he was being scourged before his crucifixion. He looked so disfigured that he could no longer be considered human. These scriptures show the physical appearance of Jesus throughout his Earth's life.

In Russia, black Jesus icons have been discovered, challenging traditional depictions of Jesus. They promote a deeper understanding of religious imagery, which has led to a wider debate on religious art and identity both in Russia and abroad. Anyone who knows anything about icons, will immediately recognize this image as the Trinity the or otherwise known as the hospitality of Abraham.

Their importance has been enhanced by the involvement of Putin in their presentation. It was a good time, Putin decided, to open one of the oldest vaults that had been in existence for so many years. But I'll tell you, it's one of the oldest vaults in the world, and it's got some of the most important stuff. You're familiar with art as far as the depiction of religion, who Jesus is and how he looks. So he's decided it's the right time to open it.

Mr Putin let me tell you why this is going to rough up some feathers, especially in the religion community and in a Christianity Community. you're trying to tell a group of people that their Jesus was black. you trying to tell a group of people who truly believe that Jesus was not white.

For those who doesn't understand how religious have played into specifically. Christianity have played into colonization and have made it possible and created access for colonizers to go to other countries. And you know conquer Jesus was black, oh the Bible lacks a detailed physical description of Jesus which allows for artistic interpretation and representation. This reflects the diversity of views and priorities in various groups and generations.

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Adekola Damilare

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  • Fagbenro Adesola24 days ago

    More grease to your elbow

  • Fagbenro Adesola24 days ago

    Thanks for enlightening us

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