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Wicked Ace

the "hero"

By Angel GarciaPublished 4 years ago 5 min read


Written and created by: (Angel Garcia)

Produced by Angelwood Entertainment

THE NIKOLAI HOUSE (40 miles north of Tower City)

The Governor begins to hold a press conference.

“Good morning, my fellow Citizens. As your Governor, I have officially determined the ruling of the Tower City crisis. Since December 2012, we have been experiencing the ultimate invasion of the SuperHuman pandemic that ruined most of the 60’s. However, the biggest worry of all this, is the secret group known as The Society. Our best detectives are doing more to stop this evil group and will bring hope into the city once again.”

LUIVILLE (50 miles south of Tower City)

Wicked Ace flies right into an abandoned building. He looks around to make sure he is the only one there; no hobos, no junkies, no wanderers. He looks himself at the mirror and begins to talk to himself.

“You need to get your shit together, Daniel.” Ace scolds himself.

“But we are wanted, Ace!” The reflection replies in fear, “We just killed members of the Gorgiano Family! The Society is going to know we are here. What are we gonna do?”

“Daniel, we will kill them too. You think I’m afraid of pansy ass gangsters trying to take over my city?! Without us, there wouldn’t even be a Tower City. Let alone without me… you would be dead.”

Suddenly, there was a ruckus on that floor. Wicked Ace turns around and loads his shotgun. He points it at a wall, waiting to see what it is. Then…

ZOOM! A streak punches Wicked Ace in the jaw. The streak stands still, only for it to be a bounty hunter by the name of-

“Vindicator?” Wicked Ace was shocked.

“You honestly think I wouldn’t catch you, boy? I know everything you do.” Vindicator laughs, and rushes towards Ace.

Meanwhile, at the Society’s Headquarters, Draco was smoking a cigar while drinking a cup of blood. Draco looks at the clock, then looks at his butler. His butler, Dragonov, was cleaning the coffee table.

“Master Draco, when will Mr. Vindicator arrive?” Dragonov asks, with confidence.

“Dragonov, do not question when my guest arrives. You should guess when we will get that special specimen and what shall we do. I know!” Draco stands up, “We will turn him into our secret weapon. Our true… human. We will start something beautiful. Something that will have people looking for more… That something is our project. My father has been trying to find this for years… and now I have it.”

“What about Project Ravenclaw?”

“No!” Draco shouts with anger, “We will not discuss this situation with anybody. And when we are in this house, we will never - and I mean NEVER- talk about this again! Do you understand me?!

The room is silent. Draco finishes his cup of blood, and walks out. Dragonov walks over to the mantle and opens a secret door. He begins to look at a chamber of a being in comatose.

“I know my son… we will help you soon. I promise.” Dragonov cries… as he looks down.

Wicked Ace and Vindicator begin to take things outside. Vindicator throws Wicked Ace through a wall and begins to inject himself with more of the serum. Wicked Ace is in shock. “What the Hell have you been eating?!” Ace asks, coughing out blood.

“Actually, I have been taking this treatment from your father’s inventory. You know, this is before I killed him.. And your son… and your dog.”

Wicked Ace looks at Vindicator… with anger. “What the Hell did you just say to me?” His eyes turned blue.. And his veins begin to pop out. He flies over to Vindicator and literally knocks his head off. Vindicator’s body falls to the ground, as Wicked Ace tries to calm himself down. But his anger begins to takeover his body.

“Ace, calm down. Please, calm down.” Daniel begs.

“No… no… more… NO!” Wicked Ace shouts, and all of a sudden, he releases a super flare that decimates the entire town.


“Reporting LIVE from Godspeed News Network, a super atomic bomb has destroyed the town Luiville this afternoon, only 50 miles away from Tower City. This bomb is said to be a- wait, it is now confirmed to be a Mutant Like superbeam that destroyed the town! Detective Mulligan from the SuperHuman Department of Health is on the case, and will provide more information soon. I am ANNIE WILSON, and that is news for you!”

The news has gotten all of Tower City. And now everybody is in fear. Nobody knows what will happen now. Only person who truly knows about it… is Daniel McWilde. He walks around the city in fear, not knowing who is watching.

“Why are you such a pussy?” Wicked Ace asks.

“You don’t understand what you have done. Now people are investigating. And what will happen to me if we get caught?” Daniel is worried, and is trembling.

“You don’t understand. You need to learn how to survive in this world. There used to be so much humanity… now look at us. We are people in one body. One vessel. I am your protector. And you… are my body. We help each other. WE survive. Do I make myself clear?”

Daniel takes a deep breath. “Okay… let’s do it.”

“Good! Now, before we do anything… we must find Draco. He has something I want.”

“And that is?”

“My body.”

Wicked Ace has a body? What will happen to Daniel’s well-being? What is Project Ravenclaw? FIND OUT IN ISSUE TWO OF WICKED ACE!


About the Creator

Angel Garcia

Writer. Creator. Leader. Actor.

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