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Why Wandavision Is Paying Off?

Four episodes down and five to go

By Jason Ray Morton Published 3 years ago 4 min read

Welcome to the tie-in episode of Wandavision and this is the one we've been waiting for since that confusing first entry into the series. If you haven't been watching the series, let me warn you, or as the experts put it, post a spoiler alert. If you're a Marvel fan, for god sakes people, get Disney Plus or keep reading.

This episode starts off showing the history of who we now know is the grown daughter of Maria Rambeau, the adventurous pilot and best friend of none other than Carol "Captain Marvel" Danvers. Monica is returned to the world, compliments of the Avengers when Hulk hits the snap that returns all the victims of Thanos's first snap. The crowd is losing it as many, many, others are being brought back, some still forming, as Monica looks for her mother in a hospital setting, where she had originally been before being snapped out of existence. This is the same character that is forced out of Westview by Wanda, as Wanda begins to expect she's not who she claims and may pose a risk to the magically conceived children she gave birth to.

Like her mother, Monica is an agent, only an agent of Sword which gives her a direct tie to her introduction and her alliance with the younger Skrull she befriended at the end of the movie. It seemed she followed auntie Carol, Uncle Fury, and her mother down the proverbial rabbit hole, ending up in crazy situations and exploring odd worlds.

There's going to be a lot of recap in the episode but we do learn a few new things. Who are the people investigating the town of Westview? Well, that's SWORD, the new and exciting replacement for the Agents of Shield series that we've heard about the past several weeks. Our favorite Federal Agent from the FBI is on the scene with Monica as she goes to assist with a missing person's case. That's right, Randall Park is back as Agent Jimmy Yoo and is for the moment not bothering with Scott Lang's Antman.

Park is his fun, ambitious, and altogether enjoyable self as teams up with Sword to work his case. He greets Monica and the exchange the usual official pleasantries before he goes into his missing person, an agent in the field in Westview. Two local sheriff's go on and on about how nobody knows the names of the missing and how the city of Westview doesn't exist, before disappearing. He also is the voice asking Wanda, "Wanda, who's doing this to you, Wanda?" dispelling the popular belief that it was Steve Rogers' voice we heard during episode two.

Around ten minutes into the episode, we are able to catch up with another MCU favorite as Kat Dennings character, Darcy Lewis, returns as now Dr. Lewis. Along with Dr. Lewis, a small group of experts has been brought to Westview to give the investigation some help identifying the event at Westview. Dr. Lewis advises them that there are colossal amounts of CMBR at the site and a strange wavelength can be detected. This leads us to see who's behind the ancient piece of tech, a "classic" television as that's what Dr. Lewis needs to show them what is on that strange wavelength.

At the end of the episode, which should help to tie the world inside Westview and the world outside together in the story, we have a few new questions but are finally brought up to speed with the city and what is going on in Westview. With the names and faces we've seen, this all appears to be coming together from the original comic cannon. Now, that's all subject to change as the show progresses but there are definite similarities to an eighties/nineties era story when Wanda loses her mind. All of this is definitely leading to the Multiverse of Madness if you ask me, and yes I know you didn't.

Hopefully, now that we have the two universes, Westview and Wanda's imaginary world and the world outside the confines of her safe little town, we will get back to Wanda and Vision next week. Also, let's not forget that Agent Jimmy Yoo is there originally looking for someone that was an "informant". When we last saw Jimmy Yoo, at the end of Antman and the Wasp, he was on the cusp of an interesting relationship with Scott Langs' Antman as Yoo's interest was obviously not ending at the end of Scott's house arrest.

Wandavision started off hard to watch but as it goes on it is becoming the only fix we will get for our MCU addiction until the release of Black Widow, which hopefully won't suffer another schedule change. Reading an interview with Paul Bettany (Vision), we can look forward to one heck of an ending to the entertaining mini-series on the Disney Plus service, which, appears to be leading the once heroic Wanda Maximoff down a much darker path than we're used to seeing. No doubt due to Vision's death, the memories of her brother being taken by Ultron, and the traumatic events of Endgame. Who is it that is leading the powerful enhanced person down the dark road, we'll have to wait and see!


About the Creator

Jason Ray Morton

I have always enjoyed writing and exploring new ideas, new beliefs, and the dreams that rattle around inside my head. I have enjoyed the current state of science, human progress, fantasy and existence and write about them when I can.

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