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Why Views Matter More Than Subscribers on YouTube

Channels with fewer subscribers but higher views earn more

By Aniil MacwanaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Why Views Matter More Than Subscribers on YouTube
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms with over 2 billion monthly active users. The platform has revolutionized the way people consume and interact with video content. YouTube is also a lucrative platform for content creators, with some earning millions of dollars annually through advertising, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

Two essential metrics for measuring success on YouTube are views and subscribers. Views refer to the number of times a video has been watched, while subscribers are people who have chosen to follow a channel and receive notifications about new videos. While both metrics are essential, there are several reasons why views matter more than subscribers on YouTube.

By Austin Distel on Unsplash

Views drive revenue:

YouTube pays content creators through the AdSense program, which pays creators based on the number of views their videos receive. YouTube generates revenue by displaying ads before, during, or after videos. Creators earn a share of the revenue generated by these ads.

The more views a video has, the more revenue the creator will earn. This means that a channel with millions of subscribers but low view counts will earn less revenue than a channel with fewer subscribers but higher view counts. This is because subscribers may not watch every video a creator posts, while a video with a high view count has been watched by many people, even those who are not subscribers.

Views indicate engagement:

Views are a better measure of engagement than subscribers. While subscribers are an important indication of a channel's overall popularity, views are a better measure of how engaged viewers are with the content. High view counts suggest that viewers are actively seeking out and watching the channel's videos, which is a sign of a successful and engaged audience.

When viewers watch a video, they are engaging with the content in a meaningful way. They are not just passively following a creator but actively consuming and engaging with their content. Creators who have high view counts on their videos are more likely to have a dedicated fan base that watches their videos regularly, interacts with their content, and shares it with others.

By Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Views attract new subscribers:

While subscribers are important, views are often what attract new subscribers. When videos have high view counts, they're more likely to show up in search results and recommended video lists, which can attract new viewers and subscribers to the channel.

For example, if a viewer searches for "how to bake a cake" on YouTube, videos with high view counts will appear first in the search results. If a viewer clicks on one of these videos and enjoys it, they may decide to subscribe to the channel to receive notifications about future videos. This means that high view counts can help creators attract new subscribers to their channel.

By on Unsplash

Views help with sponsorships and brand deals :

Brands and sponsors are often more interested in working with channels that have high view counts, as it indicates that the channel has a large and engaged audience that will see their ads or sponsored content. When creators have a large and engaged audience, they can command higher fees for sponsorships and brand deals.

For example, if a beauty brand is looking to promote a new product, they may choose to work with a beauty YouTuber who has high view counts on their videos. This is because the beauty YouTuber's audience is likely to be interested in the new product and will be more likely to purchase it if the YouTuber recommends it.

While subscribers are an essential metric for measuring success on YouTube, views often matter more. Views drive revenue, indicate engagement, attract new subscribers, and help with sponsorships and brand deals. Creators should focus on creating engaging content that will attract views and build a dedicated fan base, rather than solely focusing on growing their subscriber count.

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