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Why I Adore: Eddie Redmayne

A Filmmaker's Guide to Appreciation (Pt. 5)

By Annie KapurPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

In this chapter of ‘the filmmaker’s guide’ we’re going to look at people that I absolutely adore and why I adore them. They can be anyone who is famous for being in film such as: actors and actresses, directors and producers, composers etc. We’re going to be looking at my childhood heroes, people I have discovered recently and people that I have yet to look entirely into. We’ll take a bit of a look at how I discovered them, what I think of them and why I think this way about them. Hopefully, we can gain a common ground, you can discover some new people or, via the email address in my bio, you can email me with any new people I don’t know about that you think I would like based on what you’ve seen. These are supposed to be positive articles and made to brighten your day and mine. So, let’s take a wild ride into my childhood, my teen years and what I absolutely adore about the film industry because it is alive and kicking (and if it isn’t, hell I might be out of a job…). Let’s go!

Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne is a very versatile actor that I discovered like many people did through the film "Like Minds" and honestly, I had no idea who the actors were or what the movie was about. I remember watching it and I remember it was the first Eddie Redmayne film I watched but I don't remember where I watched it. I think it was on television. But when it came to Eddie Redmayne's role in the film, it really stood out as something incredibly manipulative. It was this soft-spoken sociopathic vibe that made you really understand how this character was about to change the entire course of the story and not necessarily for the better. After this, I would watch films like "Hick" in which he had a smaller role but a character that was completely different than those from his earlier roles. But then, he became a huge star with "The Theory of Everything" and "The Danish Girl" as he also got the role of Newt on the Harry Potter spin-off "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

The way I feel about Eddie Redmayne is that he is one of the few British Actors who is not completely stuck up. He's not snobby and he's not pretentious. As a very genuine human being and a very kind human being, Eddie Redmayne has the ability to get into the minds of complex characters and portray them with three dimensional attributes. For example: my personal favourite film with Eddie Redmayne starring is "The Danish Girl" and I feel that the way Eddie Redmayne portrays the strains of the relationship between Lili and Gerda really adds an extra layer of personality to Lili and her misery within middle of the story. She has a very incomplete view of her life as she is stuck in a position she does not want to be in during the early part of the storyline and I think the progression of personality that Eddie Redmayne gives us is absolutely beautiful. Lili flourishes in her biopic through Eddie Redmayne's great talent.

Eddie Redmayne will never fail to make you laugh in his interviews. The show he did with Graham Norton when he performed the magic tricks and when he talked about reading "Les Miserables" in preparation for his role as Marius in the 2012 film are just two of the cases in which Eddie Redmayne shows that he is down to earth. His charity work for the LGBT causes and the fact that he is colourblind as well tend to gather him sympathy from others. But the main thing is that he is human, he doesn't try to be a celebrity and you can tell he just wants to be around his family and his two adorable children.

I hope that in the future, Eddie Redmayne expands back into the realm of psychological thriller which was the genre of "Like Minds" and I am really looking forward to his next films in which I am in the process of ("The Trial of the Chicago Seven"). I also hope that Eddie Redmayne remains just the way he is, just as genuine and just as kind to people. He just seems very different to the British Actors of today in that he has no want for celebrity status. He just wants to do his job and make people happy.

Join me next time for "Why I Adore: Marion Cotillard..."


About the Creator

Annie Kapur

200K+ Reads on Vocal.

Secondary English Teacher & Lecturer

🎓Literature & Writing (B.A)

🎓Film & Writing (M.A)

🎓Secondary English Education (PgDipEd) (QTS)

📍Birmingham, UK

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