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Who I would cast if "I am the Messenger" were a film

“Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.” - I am the Messenger

By Leah HarrisPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Protect the Diamonds, Survive the Clubs, Dig Deep through the Spades, Feel the Hearts

I am the Messenger is one of my favorite books of all time.

Author Markus Zusak published it in Australia as The Messenger in 2002, and then it was released in America as I am the Messenger. Including this title, he has three books published in the United States. The other two being the Book Thief and Bridge of Clay.

I am the Messenger is a fun, heart warming, gripping novel that keeps you wanting more. The story is told through the eyes of Ed Kennedy, a young Taxi cab driver who see's himself as extraordinarily ordinary. He drives his Taxi, plays cards with his friends, has coffee with his dog, and lets life happen to him day by day.

I am the Messenger cover Image via

One day, Ed gets thrown into a wilder game of cards than he's used to by a mysterious stranger. This person sends him aces with address's or clues written on them. The cards are sent in a "follow the instructions or else" type fashion, and Ed follows suit.

Each of the cards brings new challenges, and every one of them changes someone's life. By the end of the book, Ed has changed too. Eventually he realizes that the messages he sends mean as much to him as they do the people he is helping.

If it were ever a movie...

I have given this more thought than is probably due, but I would love to see I am the Messenger on the big screen. Every time I read this book, these are the faces that I see as the characters on the pages. I am just going to address the main four characters, the ones you interact with the most as you read. If I am the Messenger were a movie, this is the cast I would really love to see .

Ed Kennedy - Taron Egerton

“Maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable of.”

Whenever I read I am the Messenger, I can only read Ed as Taron Egerton. His performance in The Kingsman films makes me think that he could bring the character of Ed Kennedy to life in a really beautiful way.

Ed is our protagonist and narrator. He is complacent, and doesn't think he is worth much as a person. He hasn't done anything with his life, and is rather unmotivated to do so. All of that changes during the game of aces.

He finds himself caring a lot about the people he is helping, getting both excited and scared for each new message he has to deliver. Ed grows so much over the course of this book.

From a kid you doesn't think much of himself or his life, to a confident young man who knows what he wants in life. I know that technically, Ed is supposed to have dark eyes, hair and tan skin, but I think we could all look past that.

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Marv - Rupert Grint

"It feels like youth as we write the words. At one stage, I look across at my friend. Marv the argumentative. Marv the tight arse with his money. Marv with the girl who vanished."

I've never personally seen the Harry Potter movies, but I know that Rupert Grint is a good actor, and would make an amazing Marv. He has the look for sure, and I definitely feel like he could pull off Marv's attitude.

I like the friendship between Marv and Ed, finding out exactly why he refuses to pay for anything, and why some things are so important to him. Marv's story, once you find out what it is, will rip your heart out. And I think Rupert Grint could portray him very well.

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Audrey - Saoirse Ronan

"You're my best friend, Ed."

"I know."

You can kill a man with those words.

No gun.

No bullets.

Just words and a girl.

Saoirse Ronan is one of my favorite actors, ever since I saw her in The Host. She has a gentle, confident kindness in most every character she portrays, and is exactly what I think of when I think of Audrey.

'yellow hair, wiry legs, the most beautiful crooked smile in the world,

She could easily play the best friend of Ed Kennedy, the girl who doesn't want to love him, yet does. She is happy, yet sad. Outspoken and reserved. She'd do anything for people she cares about, especially Ed.

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Ritchie - Miles Teller

“There’s only one thing I want.”

“What’s that, Ritchie?”

His answer is simple.

“To want.”

I don't know if Miles Teller can grow a beard, or facial scruff, but I think he'd make an excellent Ritchie. Dave "Ritchie" Sanchez is quiet, and seems lost. He doesn't work, lives with his parents, and doesn't aspire to much.

He also doesn't want to feel alone.

By the end of the book, something happens to start him on a better path, and you get to really see into his heart for just a moment.

I believe Miles Teller could do a very good job of telling Ritchie's story, and his journey to feel something, and change his own life.

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I would understand if it never makes it to the cinema's, because some stories are best told on paper. But I think they did a great job with the movie adaption of the Book Thief, and could see this being a great film as well.

So, Markus Zusak, if you ever read this, I think these actors would be a beautiful cast for your amazing story.

(All quotes are from I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak)


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About the Creator

Leah Harris

Writer, blogger and artist. Inspirations for writing are Markus Zusak and Tyler Knott Gregson. Follow me on Instagram! @LeahNaturally

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