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5 Reasons Wanda Maximoff is our new favorite leading lady

Wife, Powerhouse, Sister, Avenger... Here's what makes Wanda Maximoff everyone's new favorite MCU female lead.

By Leah HarrisPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo via

Wanda Maximoff, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has captivated us since her debut in Avengers: Age of Ultron. She starts off as a young, unsure, superpowered woman looking for revenge, and grows into a strong, confidant, and beautiful hero with powers beyond belief.

More recently, she has been the star of her own show, Wandavision.

We just watched the finale for Wandavision last night, and it had me in tears till long after the credits rolled.

I know a lot of people had their complaints in the beginning...

But for me, Wandavision was so much fun to watch from start to finish.

I loved not knowing what was going to happen next, and seeing this almost 'dreamscape' type reality Wanda had created for herself.

It also broke my heart.

WARNING: This post contains spoilers for a few movies in the Marvel cinematic universe, and a lot of spoilers for Wandavision. If don't want the show spoiled for you, please click a way, and find this post again after you've watched it.

Why Wanda is the MCU's new leading lady

Let me say this first.

We ALL love Black Widow. This is not a post saying that Wanda trumps Nat as a female lead, or character, at all. You could also say Captain Marvel is the new all star female lead, and yeah, she's cool and all. But honestly, I'm not the biggest fan, and felt like her first movie left a lot to be desired.

That being said,

Wanda Maximoff carries the team all by herself, and we will happily watch her do it.

1. Wanda is a Powerhouse

Her powers are beyond that of most any other character we have seen so far, Captain Marvel included. Monica Rambeau, the daughter of a close friend of Captain Marvel, even said that Wanda could have very well taken on Thanos alone.

"She could have taken out Thanos on her own if he hadn't initiated a blitz," Monica Rabeau

Wanda Maximoff is the definition of Powerhouse.

Wanda has a form of telepathy, telekinesis, as well as energy manipulation, and hinted at a sort of "spontaneous creation" ability in Wandavision.

From the first time we saw her, we knew she was going to be a force to be reckoned with.

2. She knows was it means to grieve

“But what is grief, if not love persevering?” — Vision

Wanda lost everything. Her parents at the young age of only ten years old, her twin brother in Age of Ultron, and then the love of her life in Infinity War. Twice.

Wanda knows loss better than any one of the Avengers, and that's saying something. Not only that, in Wandavision we see her finally get the wonderful life she's craved since she was a little girl, but then see it ripped away from her again.

Wanda's grief triggering her powers is probably one of the most powerful forces in the universe. We got to see a tiny glimpse of it when Pietro died and she unintentionally took out about a dozen of Ultron's drones.

We see it again in episode 8 of Wandavision, when Wanda visit's the site Vision wanted to build their home and grow old in. Her powers take over, creating not only an alternate reality inside of a town called Westview, but creating a new version of Vision himself. None of which was intentional.

Wanda photo via Disney+ (and

3. She's relatable

While we all love the Avengers, and love the idea of having super powers like them, it's sometimes hard to relate to other worldly characters. Thor is a powerful being and prince from another realm. Tony, while human, is a billionaire with a giant brain. Cap is super-enhanced and over a hundred years old. Hulk is, well, green.

Wanda has a range of powers as well, but we can relate a little easier.

In Avengers: Civil War, we get a glimpse of Wanda and Vision as "normal" people as they live inside of the Avengers compound. Vision tries to cook for her, and you can tell from him phasing through her bedroom wall (Civil War) that they are close and enjoy each others company. Their young love is something we can all feel for, and love to watch.

In Wandavision, we see what she wishes her normalcy really looked like. Wanda want's the suburban wife and mother role that a lot of us actually have, and for everything to work itself out at the end of the day. Her love for Vision, her twins, and the town they live in is something we can all relate to. If only it was real.

4. We love the Scarlet Witch

Up until the second to last episode of Wandavision, no one ever refers to Wanda Maximoff as the Scarlet Witch. We all knew that's who she was, and if you were a fan of any Avengers or X-Men comic books, you would know all about her. But getting to see her full range of powers in the series finale...

Well, that was something to behold.

Wanda faces off against the witch Agatha Harkness, an actual witch who had been messing with Wanda the whole time they were in Westview. We see the full extent (or so we think) of Wanda's powers in this last episode.

I'm sure all of us are excited to see Wanda again in Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness. Especially after hearing Agatha say that Wanda's power "exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme," or currently, Strange.

Photograph via Marvel Studios |

5. Her love for Vision

We love Wanda's love for Vision, and his for her.

Vision and Wanda both have a connection to the mind stone, one of the Infinity stones. This connection brings them together, and essentially brings Vision back to life.

While the MCU didn't give this couple a ton of screen time till the recent mini series, it's easy to see the love they share. From their few small scenes as friends in Civil War, to them apparently sharing a hotel room in Edinburgh, Scotland at the beginning of Infinity War, Wanda and Vision share a sweet chemistry rarely seen in the MCU.

Photograph via Marvel Studios | and

Wanda's love for Vision is something we all adore, and hope will be seen again as the finale of their show hints.

“You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you're my love.” — Wanda Maximoff


Thank you so much for reading! If you liked this article, be sure to click the heart button. If you really liked this article, tips are greatly appreciated! You can find more articles from me here on Vocal under my profile.

-Leah H.


About the Creator

Leah Harris

Writer, blogger and artist. Inspirations for writing are Markus Zusak and Tyler Knott Gregson. Follow me on Instagram! @LeahNaturally

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