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What I don't Like About Live-Action Mulan

I am utterly disappointed!

By eiidakhaleedaPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Hate is a strong word but I really really really don't like the new anticipated Mulan movie. For those who love the movie, I suggest that you stop reading this article because it might give you discomfort.

First of all, I would like to clarify that this is solely based on my opinion only I am aware that there others who enjoy the movie very much. So, here goes;

Last weekend, I had the luxury of watching the Disney movie, Mulan that just come out in my country. Mulan is one of my favorite movies however, I don't have much expectation of the movie because of previous experience with other Disney movie that turns into live-action.

Before that, some of my friends already gives me some mix-review about the movie but I always want to experience it myself before jumping into any conclusion.

The first 15 minutes, I found the movie quite interesting as it is different than the animation itself but from there, it goes south until I've lost my interest to keep watching it.

So here are the things that I don't like about the movie.

The storyline

Honestly, I am disappointed with the storyline. I get it, they do not want to use the same storyline as in the animation but can the scriptwriter at least make the storyline beautiful?

There are so many loopholes and there is no chemistry between Mulan and the other soldier while in the animation we can see their brotherhood is so strong.

Source: Google

Mulan also looks sort of weak and quite boring. For those who are not familiar with the animation, they might find it quite confusing as to why Mulan is so special therefore they will see this movie as women empowerment.

No Mushu and Cri-Kee!

This is a BIG NO! These two characters are what makes animation Mulan so entertaining (Beside the soldier). The lack of Mushu and Cricket makes the original fans feel like the movie is not complete.

Oh, they did have Pheonix in the movie but I found its existence not necessary. I would like to see a dragon, not a Pheonix.

Source: Google

Plus, there are no Cri-Kee! That poor cute little thing, how could they forget about you. I am crying!

Lack of script & songs

The movie too focused on the action scene hence the limited script. And it became one of the reasons why it spoils the storyline. There are many things that they forgot to mention making the movie seem dull.

Source: Google

The movie also seems to be lacking with the songs. The lack of 'Reflection' and other songs also make the movie dull. What is a Disney movie without a lot of songs?

Mulan love interest

For the fans, they always pictured Mulan with Li Shang, her commanding officer therefore when the movie introduced Hong Hui as Mulan love interest, most people are confused.

Not to mention, his role is reduced and doesn't feel too prominent until toward the end when he helps Mulan to get through Bori Khan guard while she goes and saves the emperor.

Not to mention, towards the end also their love should be blossoming but it doesn't feel that way. However, I understand the reason because the movie is more about family than love. It is understandable but, not preferable!

How they defeat Bori Khan

I cannot brain on how they end the fight between Mulan and Bori Khan. I mean like when it is over...I am like, what?!!! Just like that?

That easy? when he is supposed to be that powerful?

Supposedly, the scene can do better! Plus, the additional character which is the witch. Her indecisiveness is super confusing. And I feel like there is more on her character than they led on. I would like to know more about her back story.

Source: Google

Yeah, there are so many wrong things with Mulan and I am disappointed with the movie after all Mulan is one of my favorites Disney princesses. From 5 stars, I can only give 2.7 to the movie.

I am sorry, I am just too disappointed with it.


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A writer I Love Travelling I Book-Lover I Kpop-lover

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