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Vivarium 2019 Ending, Explained: What's the Story Behind?

What and what is the meaning of the film Vivarium?

By Blimey.proPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The name "Vivarium" is strange and incomprehensible, but let's turn to search engines and find an explanation for it. A vivarium is a separate place near a medical and biological facility, for example, at a research institute. The purpose of the vivarium is to keep laboratory animals that are needed for experiments. In other words, a vivarium is a nursery where, in addition to conducting experiments on animals, they are also bred. This is such a capacious title, and a person who was not too lazy to look behind the answer may superficially guess about the content of the film.

What does it mean to live when you are just a resource for someone? But more importantly, what does it mean to live, realizing this, deceiving oneself, being in the illusion of freedom? These questions are played out in the film "Vivarium".

From the very beginning, we are told about the house number 9, located in a comfortable area of ​​Yonder, where the main characters - Jama and Tom - live. This is something like a kind of laboratory cage, and the young couple themselves for this place becomes an experimental consumable. There is a hunch that an inhuman experiment awaits us ahead.

The plot begins with a couple of lovers wanting to acquire their own home to create a cozy nest. This is a basic need for any newly created family. At the beginning of the film, Jama's maternal instincts have not yet been fully formed, she doubts what she feels in a conversation with a woman she knows. But in the end, she succumbs to the pressure of this systemic person, who already has a child. This pushes Jemu to the first step. Moreover, a familiar woman motivates her with the fear that real estate will soon rise in value. Deciding to buy a house, she drags herself and Tom into involuntary participation in a mysterious experiment.

Having got to the realtor, Tom also doubts the need to immediately go and look at the house. As a man, Tom should have made the final decision, but he didn't have a chance to argue. The realtor from the real estate agency only says that the area is ideal in every way: close to the city and close to beautiful landscapes. The seller also manipulates resources (money), reminding that houses can be bought up very quickly.

Following a chain of reasoning, we will see that a young family ended up in Yonder only because someone else's systemic woman and the same systemic salesman, manipulating, pushed them both to this decision. The behavior of the seller is extremely strange, he often mimics the young. But Jama and Tom did not give it the proper attention. When they drove to watch the house, the words in the song playing in the car were like an opaque hint of the absurdity of what was happening. Tom and Jama sang along, but as if trying to persuade themselves and their inner voice to calm down and write off the panic and anxiety on an exciting event associated with the acquisition of their own home. We observe moments when all inner understanding of the situation literally screams that you should trust your intuition, as an instrument of the mind. But a person is deceived by external images, manipulations and inherent systems of behavior.

Aslo read: Vivarium – Ending Explained & Plot Summary

In an ideal area called Yonder, there is neither fresh wind nor realistic clouds, which usually have a wide variety of shapes. All of them are absolutely identical to each other, as if taken from a perfectly illustrated children's book. Any acoustics here seems to be heard in a huge pavilion or in a giant laboratory.

Yonder turns out to be a remote place, cut off from civilization, where birds do not catch communications and do not even fly. It is impossible to leave the town and any attempts end with the couple again and again at the ill-fated house number 9 (as a reference to the woman's pregnancy). Unidentified people give Jame and Tom a baby with an accompanying note that freedom will be obtained when the foundling is raised.

The behavior of the "cuckoo" is based on primitive principles of behavior. A child's scream is essentially an ordinary manipulation, the TV that he watches forms his behavior model, i.e. the system gives rise to the system. And the terrible modifications in it are in some way an allegory of when parents see that something is wrong with their child, something that is not included in their understanding of the norm (for example, belonging to a subculture, or, if a teenager of atheistic views would live in a family of religious parents).

Thus, those systemic templates with which you move through life do not allow you to look at reality from the correct point of view. Only when Djema decided to get rid of the grown-up foundling, i.e. conditionally take off the veil of illusions, the true essence of this place was revealed to her. If she had listened to Tom before, then they might not have become part of the system. The film introduces to the audience the idea that having children is creepy and means forever saying goodbye to their dreams and that children do not belong to their parents: kindergarten, school, TV, Internet, books form a personality with certain views, not always the way we would like. The images of the film and the enclosed space, from which one cannot get out, is another wrapper for all the systemic templates of the modern world.


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Best Review of Films / Explained ending 2021 -

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