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Villainess Review: Vanessa (Vid Chronicles)

An unhinged madwoman resorts to unleashing potential harm to a young boy to fulfill her selfish desires

By Clyde E. DawkinsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Monica Fatorma as Vanessa

Out of all of those "life lessons" video pages, I have to say that I love Vid Chronicles the best. For one, it's darker and grittier than Dhar Mann and Totally Studios, and secondly, the villainesses in Vid Chronicles are that much more interesting. One of a number of examples of both attributes is featured in one of their short films, Girlfriend Harms Boyfriend's Son, which centered on Vanessa, the girlfriend of divorced father James.

As we see in the beginning, Vanessa is elated over her and James' upcoming anniversary, though James informs Vanessa that he had to watch his son, Matthew, due to Miranda (James' ex-wife and Matthew's mother) being hospitalized. Vanessa responded with immense frustration, and maintained her feelings even after James stated that it was a chance for Vanessa and Matthew to meet. After Matthew is dropped off at James' house, James introduced his son to his girlfriend, but meeting her boyfriend's son wasn't in Vanessa's mind; she was still focused on her plans for their anniversary.

James later received an urgent call from his workplace that forced him to leave his son with Vanessa, who became angry over what was happening. She voiced her refusal to sit for Matthew, only changing her mind after James promised to shower her with gifts. Even so, Vanessa accused James of ruining her day, and after James leaves, Vanessa calls her BFF and vents about her current situation. Her friend attempts to talk some sense into Vanessa, but Vanessa sees it as a potential betrayal. So much for that.

Vanessa's selfishness reaches a dark point when she actually said that she hoped that Matthew would become ill so he could be with Miranda, leaving her and James to themselves. After her call ends, Matthew approached Vanessa and asked for something to eat, with Vanessa acquiescing after rudely brushing Matthew off at first. Vanessa decided to take that opportunity to enact on her evil plan to make Matthew sick, as she placed a bunch of grapes in a bowl and sprayed bleach on them. Yikes. Vanessa enters Matthew's room and sees that her mother's lamp was broken, leading to the insane woman preparing to strike Matthew, only for Miranda to arrive and stop her. James also entered the scene, which saw Vanessa lash out at Matthew for breaking the lamp, while Matthew pinpointed a strange odor on the grapes. Matthew's sense of smell led to both parents realizing that Vanessa had poisoned the grapes, with the villainess admitting to her evil act afterwards. James ejected Vanessa from his home, while Vanessa screamed that she was the best thing to happen to him.

Girlfriend Harms Boyfriend's Son was released by Vid Chronicles on December 10, 2021, and featured Monica Fatorma as villainess Vanessa. Fatorma is one of VC's regular actors; she has done 14 of their videos, and while this was a rare villainous role for Fatorma, it was her best. Now, the video quickly established that Vanessa is self-serving, but from what we see at first, that's the worst thing she's guilty of. In that regard, Fatorma acted out Vanessa's selfish demeanor very well. As the video progresses, Vanessa goes from simply selfish to dangerously psychotic, and I couldn't help but be enamored by the facial expressions during Vanessa's slow heel turn; all of that was Fatorma's stellar way of acting out Vanessa's descent into madness, and transforming from a simple "bad girlfriend" to a deranged and insane villainess. And as we saw, Vanessa's crazed persona remained on overdrive the rest of the way, and overall, Monica Fatorma gave an absolutely epic performance as the villainous Vanessa, who remains one of my favorite Vid Chronicles villainesses.

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Check out Vanessa's profile on Villainous Beauties Wiki!


About the Creator

Clyde E. Dawkins

I am an avid fan of sports and wrestling, and I've been a fan of female villains since the age of eight. Also into film and TV, especially Simpsons and Family Guy.

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