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Top 5 Romantic Comedy Manhwa

Must read RomCom Webtoons

By G.BPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Maximilian Kasin Ashet

Let's face it, you are here to read about the juicy, funny, and romantic webtoons because you just can't get enough of it right? Let me introduce you to some sexy male leads and their stunning leading ladies! So here we go, the top 5 romcom manhwas you should read (because why not?).

1. The Invincible Princess Is Bored Again Today

This is a manhwa that centers around the theme of reincarnation. In her first life, Dante Renatos, was the bastard daughter of the king and had to work her way out of poverty into the king's good grace. She became a legendary hero that not only defeated a deadly dragon but also took the throne by force and gave it to her dear friend to end the legacy of her royal blood. Fast forward hundreds of years later, she is reincarnated as Helena Pereska the daughter of Duke Pereska. Unlike her previous life where she dealt with difficulties and lack of familial love, she is tremendously loved in her new life. The problem with this new life? She's bored. In her previous life she was a mighty sword master, in this life she is a beautiful girl bored out of her wits! All that changes when she meets the crown prince, Caesar, and she decides to take him in as her disciple. Can this relationship lead to love, bloodshed, or the reestablishment of the previous life?

2. Contract Concubine

What does a concubine and an assassin have in common? Well not much really, unless you are Yesuh, the best assassin one could possibly hire. She is approached by the emperor with the intent to bring her in as a hired spy to sniff out any rebellious enemies that lurk in his imperial palace. Yesuh accepts the job and will go into the imperial palace as one of the emperor's concubines that will be highly favored by him. However, things start to get a little complicated once the acting Yesuh becomes 'too real' for the emperor and a one sided love begins to blossom. However, he is not the only one that has fallen for Yesuh's oblivious charms and strong female lead qualities.

3. Father I Don't Want To Get Married

I get it, the title is a bit tacky but it's not too bad. I promise. This webtoon is centered around the female lead, Jubelian, the daughter of the Duke Floyen. As beautiful as she is, she is quite naïve to her father's love and believes that she was never truly loved from the beginning as she commits suicide in an attempt to avoid being killed by the Crown Prince. Surprisingly she wakes up and goes back in time before the event of her committing suicide and decides to live a better life and cast off anyone that will set her up for failure or worse set her up for poisoning the Crown Princess. As she begins her journey on the 'good' road, she encounters a devilish handsome mercenary that can help her rid of unnecessary pests and perhaps learn that her father actually loved her? An entertaining story full of misunderstandings but also jaw-dropping handsome male leads.

4. It's Time To Change The Genre

Yes, indeed Judith Maibaum does attempt to change the genre in this romcom. Judith is bound to be a villainous side character in the story, The Owner Of The Winter Forest. However, she is not the real Judith, but rather a ditzy and slightly drunk woman that happens to get run into by a truck (here we go again with truck-sama). The current Judith realizes she has been reincarnated into the story and decides to turn her villainous character into a loving aunt to the main lead. However, she realizes that her 'nephew' or male lead does not actually act like he was originally used to in the story. Not only that but she also gets roped in by her nephew's rich and handsome uncle to play as the mother of her nephew. The story derives from the typical main female lead and readers get a glimpse of the aunt female lead.

5. A Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther

If you want to enjoy yourself with some silly but also romantic reading material this one is for you! It takes place in a world in which animals can turn into humans and they have built complex aristocratic kingdoms. Unfortunately, for Vivi Levian, she is the next head lead to the rabbit kingdom but is unable to shapeshift into her human form. In the eyes of her family she was nothing but a useless family heir and decided to get rid of Vivi so they could replace her with a different family member. Vivi is thrown into the panther territory and she happens to stumble into a red-eyed handsome man that turns out to be the next family head of the panther kingdom. It is then that he decides to keep the baby rabbit, Vivi, as a pet. Will this relationship bloom into pet ownership or a romantic relationship?


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Anime enthusiast


Tea Lover


And my craziest job of them all...... A MOM!

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