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'The Young and the Restless' viewers wonder if Chelsea will seduce Rey

Adam's estranged wife might obtain the ultimate revenge by sleeping with her rival's spouse.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Will Rey fall for Chelsea?

This article is about a possible outcome on the CBS soap THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS. It is a pro0jection only and not a promise or a spoiler. Those who watch the show know that Melissa Claire Egan is pregnant and soon will go on maternity leave. She is being shown from the waist up and in loose clothing so her pregnancy is being hidden. It has been revealed that she will go on extended maternity leave but no one has indicated for how long.

Some Y&R viewers suspected that Chelsea was going to escape from Fairview and go on the run with Conner. Now everyone knows that she has been released and given the green light to travel. Rey is going to be her police escort when she goes to visit her mother Anita who fell and broke her hip. Adam confirmed that Anita is recuperating and assumes everything is on the up and up. If Melissa Claire Egan is going to be gone for 2 or 3 months or more, Its not likely that Jordi Vilasuso's character will be off screen for that long.

This is why a number of those who watch THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS believe that in spite of Victor putting a tail on her, that Chelsea will find some way to escape. Fans also know that she continues to push the narrative that Adam loves Sharon more than he ever loved her. She mentioned this recently then added that it was a sick, twisted one sided love because Rey was listening. Chelsea is insanely jealous of Sharon and it does not seem as though her feelings are going to change.

Shaddam fans want them to reunite

There is a possibility that Chelsea will seduce Rey in order to break up his marriage to Sharon. She knows that she will run the risk of Shaddam reuniting but will get satisfaction knowing that Sharon is feeling everything she felt. At this point, Ms. Lawson does not seem to desire to continue hurting Adam and is trying to prove to him and Victor that she is getting better.

On Tuesday Chelsea insisted that she was not going to do anything to jeopardize her freedom. Viewers who know the depths of her con artist methods are not buying it and believe she is up to something. A few spoilers have teased that what some viewers think might happen and Chelsea and Rey will hook up. Nothing serious would come from it but it would hurt both Sharon and Adam deeply.

Victor wants to control everyone including Adam

Those who watch THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS will recall that Chelsea lied to Rey by saying Adam and Sharon had sex upstairs in her apartment. If she no longer wants to be with Adam, then sleeping with Rey would be a way to stick it to him and Sharon at the same time. Fans are wondering what will bring Rey back to Genoa City as he won't be off camera as long as Chelsea. It could be that she slips away from him but will she also outsmart Victor's tail?

Perhaps after a few weeks, Chelsea will decide to stay with Anita longer but allow Conner to return home to the Newman ranch. There are naturally Shaddam fans who are hoping that whatever takes place or not between Chelsea and Rey it will bring their favorite couple back together. Adam residing on the ranch, hanging out at the Coffee House and being forgiven by Nick and Faith might have Sharon viewing him differently. With Rey leaving town with Ms. Lawson, this will leave free time for Shaddom to spend more time together.

Which of these 3 will ultimately have their way?

If the duo holds fast to old patterns it will only be a matter of time before Adam and Sharon are back in each other's arms. No one expects a true romance to bloom between Chelsea and Rey, but they could find themselves giving in to passion after being in close quarters with one another. If that happens Victor's man who is following them will surely reveal this information. Should the Newman patriarch tell Adam, he will go right to Sharon with the news.

At this point, all that is known for certain is that Chelsea is leaving Genoa City and will be away for as long as her portrayer remains on maternity leave. There are all kinds of storylines the writers could bring to the screen but spoilers and many viewers suspect that Rey and Chelsea will hook up as will Adam and Sharon. Who knows, the detective might even develop genuine feelings for the grifter. The writers could always prove everyone wrong so stay tuned to find out what happens with these characters on THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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