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Mariana Trench and the Conspiracy Theories Revolving Around It.

By TimeTrailsPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Marek Okon on Unsplash

What is Mariana Trench?

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the oceans, located in the western Pacific Ocean. It is about 200 km east of Mariana Islands. It has a maximum depth of around 11 kilo-meters, and it is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. Along with its fascinating nature, the trench has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, some of which have persisted to this day.

When was it discovered?

The Mariana Trench was first discovered in 1875 by the HMS Challenger expedition. The expedition was the first to conduct a comprehensive survey of the deep sea and found the Mariana Trench, along with many other important discoveries. They used rope with weights to predict the depth. Since then, many other expeditions have been conducted to explore the trench, shedding light on its geology and the creatures that inhabit its depths.

By Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

In 1950, Challenger II made a survey and used echo sound technique to accurately identify the depth of the trench and it confirmed that it was 36,000 feet or approximately 11 km deep making it deepest spot in the world. Till today, only three divers Jacques Piccard and U.S Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh have explored this deep spot in 1960. Due to extreme pressure their dive only lasted 20 minutes and unfortunately they couldn't capture any photos. Talked a lot about trench let's dive into it's conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theories:

One of the most popular conspiracy theories surrounding the Mariana Trench is that it is the location of a secret government research facility. According to this theory, the trench is the ideal place to conduct top-secret experiments, as it is far away from prying eyes and is almost impossible to access. Conspiracy theorists claim that the facility is used for a variety of purposes, including the development of advanced weapons and the study of extraterrestrial life but the believers of this theory haven't provided any evidence so we cannot 100% rely on this.

By David Clode on Unsplash

Another popular theory is that the Mariana Trench is home to a secret alien base. Proponents of this theory claim that the trench's extreme depth and isolation make it the perfect location for an extraterrestrial civilization to set up shop. They also point to the strange creatures that inhabit the trench's depths, suggesting that they may be the result of genetic experimentation by the aliens. This theory is mostly believed by people as there have been some crazy looking species of ocean-life but does it justify the alien claim? You answer.

Some people hold the belief that the Mariana Trench conceals evidence of past civilizations. This theory speculates that the trench could have once been above water, allowing ancient civilizations to settle in the area. Supporters of this theory cite alleged underwater structures and artifacts that have been found in the trench, claiming that they are remnants of a lost civilization. What do you think of this one?

By Karl Callwood on Unsplash

While these theories may seem far-fetched to some, they have gained a significant following on the internet. Many people find the idea of a secret government facility or alien base intriguing, and the mysteries of the Mariana Trench make it the perfect location for these kinds of stories.

Should you trust these theories?

Despite the popularity of these conspiracy theories, there is no evidence to support any of them. The Mariana Trench is a legit place, and while it is certainly mysterious and fascinating, there is no reason to believe that it is hiding any dark secrets. The creatures that inhabit the trench's depths are the result of millions of years of evolution, and there is no evidence to suggest that they are the result of genetic experimentation by aliens. But as of today, there is only less than 10% of the oceans we have explored so don't know what is coming next. Be prepared!


Conclusively, the Mariana Trench is one of the most fascinating and mysterious places on Earth. While conspiracy theories about the trench may make for interesting stories, there is no evidence to support them. Instead, we should focus on the real scientific discoveries that have been made in the trench, such as the strange and wonderful creatures that call it home.

fact or fiction

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  • R. J. Raniabout a year ago

    I feel as though I learned about The Marinana Trench a long, long time ago. It's nice to be reminded of it in this article. Thanks for doing the research and sharing this article, Munsif! 👏

  • The Invisible Writerabout a year ago

    Conspiracy theories are the best keeping in mind they aren’t true until proven . Great article!

  • TimeTrails (Author)about a year ago

    Pls do share your thoughts and feel free constructively criticise.

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