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The Return of the Order: Act 39

Act 39: The Garden

By Lorelei_SandsPublished 4 years ago 7 min read

Act 41: The Garden

Black mist surrounded the group as each of the demons took on their true form. The sound of fabric tearing and seams giving way filled the quite sky as cloth gave way to growing and rearranging limbs. The air shifted and swirled around their heads as wings were unfurled and stretched. Louisa rolled her shoulders, turning her head from side to side as her horns took form. She took looked around her. Her father's dark scaled form stood behind her to her left. Malphas stood next to him on her right, his feathery wings catching the slight breeze that brought the scent of the enemy to her.

The twins moved forward, dropping Ronald on the ground next to Louisa before taking their place to the other side of their father. Louisa smiled, her eyes alight as she took in the sight of her mate and children together. The twins were truly beautiful, the perfect mix of their parents' forms. She breathed heavily, the weight of what she yet again asked of them pressing on her chest. She turned her head once more to her left. The emerald eyes of the three reapers shone brightly, their scythes glinting in the failing light. She knew when the fighting started, Grell and William would move to protect the twins, but for now, they stood as requested with Undertaker, ready in the hope that many they faced would take the opportunity for surrender that they would be offered. Her heart beat erratically, blood pounding in her ears. She had faced enemies before but never had she asked so many to sacrifice beside her. They were in the hands of the fates now. All they could do was wait and watch as the figures crept closer under the darkening sky.

Louisa focused on those at the head of the group, quickly making out the skulking figure of Peter as they neared. Snarling, she lowered her left hand, grasping Ronald's collar, not wanting him to attempt to run as his reapers neared. He would not have gotten far, but she did not wish a swift death to replace the punishment that had been planned for him.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her face to the oncoming reapers.

“Your leader is caught, your plans undone. He cannot escape his punishment. Do not let it become yours as well. Throw down your weapons and mercy will be shown to those not involved in orchestrating this rebellion.”

Louisa snarled as Peter neared the group, his eyes bright, and a smirk plastered across his face. "You think we would take your word for that," he laughed. "even without our leader and those you took from us in the library, you are outnumbered. It is you that should be begging for mercy."

Louisa cast her eyes over the shadows that moved in the trees at the edge of the manor grounds. Her breath caught in her throat at the sheer multitude that stood before their small number. She resisted the urge to turn to Undertaker, to send a silent plea to understand how their numbers had grown so quickly. Louisa gathered herself quickly, threw her head back, and laughed, "I think not."

She inclined her head to her father, watching as he smirked and moved his hand by his side out of sight of the assembled reapers. She turned back to Peter, the corners of her mouth turning up as his eyes widen at the sight of the portal now opening behind her. Her grin grew as Peter stepped back. The colour drained from his face as two dark-winged figures emerged from the portal. As the figures approached Louisa's back, she pulled Ronald to his feet. Peter shrunk back further as the snarling demons grasped Ronald, each curling a clawed hand around his upper arms.

Louisa looked over to them. “He is yours as promised, as are any others that do not yield or fall on this field tonight.” Lifting her sword, she pointed the tip towards Peter, “starting with this one.”

The two creatures hissed and snarled as they dragged a screaming Ronald with them back to the portal. Louisa lowered the sword back to her side, raising her voice, she again addressed the assembled reapers. “This is your last chance. Throw down your weapons now and submit to the authority of Undertaker and William.”

Not one of the reapers lowered their scythes. Louisa’s chest tightened. She did not want bloodshed on this scale, but they had been given the only chance they were going to get. She watched as Peter straightened and once more moved towards the group. His eyes flickered towards the sword. “We do not fear you, Louisa, or the demons you now seem to command. The sword may have the power to end us, but we are on the side of the angels, completing their grand plan. For that reason alone, we will be victorious, and you will pay for your actions.”

“Then let us see if having the angels on your side is enough, shall we.” Louisa nodded to her father again. Typhon roared, and the mouth of the portal shifted once more as his demon hoard poured through. The snarling creatures flanked the small group, eyes wide as they quickly adjusted to the dim light. Typhon roared a second time, the sound reverberating through the ground, it was met with a cacophony of noise from the assembled demons who sped forward past Louisa and her family, focused solely on reaching the reapers who massed behind Peter.

Screams and the sound of tearing flesh filled the air as Louisa motioned her group forward. She watched as the reapers not engaged with the demon hoard surged towards her family. Grell and William raced to join the twins as Typhon, and Malphas took to the air, dropping down in the centre of the hoard. Undertaker stayed close to Louisa as she lunged forward towards Peter, both hands gripped around the hilt of her sword. Peter held his ground as Louisa neared him. Just as she came within striking distance, another reaper moved between them, swinging his scythe wildly, allowing Peter to run. Louisa brought the sword up to block the reaper's swing shattering the scythe's handle as it made contact with her blade. She brought her arm up to shield her face from the splinters that burst out from the shattered wood. The reaper gasped at the sight of his broken scythe. As she lowered her arm from her face, she looked at the reaper, his eyes wide with fear, the shattered remains of his scythe hanging loosely in his hands. She met his gaze and grinned, "run, now, tell the others they face Lilith's sword, wielded by her descendent."

The reaper dropped what was left of the weapon and ran. Louisa turned her attention back to finding Peter. She scanned the crush of bodies, her eyes straining to make out individuals under the light of just the moon and the faint glow of the lamps in the manor windows. A cry from her left caught her attention. Focusing on movement near the sound, she found Peter moving towards Lilith. Her daughter's attention was focused on the reaper who already faced her, while William protected her back. Fearing that her voice would not carry over the cacophony, Louisa spread her wings and took to the sky. She landed in front of Peter just as he reached within striking distance. He immediately backed up but faltered as he no space to escape. Screams and the metallic smell of blood filled the air around Louisa as she advanced on Peter. "You can still save them, Peter. Stop this madness now."

“We will die before settling to peace with your kind,” he spat.

"Then, so be it," Louisa replied, swinging the sword around, aiming to disarm him. She moved quickly to the side as Peter raised his scythe to block the blow, taking care to ensure that it was the enchanted blade and not the handle that made contact with the sword. Louisa arced the sword over her head, bringing it around on the other side, slicing it through the handle of his scythe before he could react. The blow unbalanced Peter, as he fought to regain his footing, Louisa swung again, slicing into his wrist. Blood spurted from the wound as she pulled the blade through severing the appendage. His screams filled her ears as the hand and scythe fell. Louisa reversed her grip on the sword, pointing downwards, she drove the point hard into the blade, shattering it.

Peter sank to his knees, his remaining hand wrapped around the stump. Louisa stood watching as his defeat sunk in, all colour drained from his face. His once bright green eyes dulled. Grasping the disarmed reaper by the collar, she lifted her head and roared, the sound carrying across the blood-soaked gardens.

fan fiction

About the Creator


Professional copywriter and mother during the day. Poet, dabbler in fanfiction and erotica at night. I've been living with a long term chronic condition for over 20 years and I'm not ready to give up the fight yet. Glory or Valhalla.

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