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The Legend of Clarice: The Beginning

Clarice Ansley was drowning at sea when Posiden came to her rescue. He transformed Clarice into a Goddess of the Ocean. This is the beginning of her journey.

By Melissa Bezborotko Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 18 min read
Clover Art by Matthew Braitman

I am Clarice, Goddess of the Ocean. Have you heard my legend?

I spend my days watching ships on the horizon as I walk the ocean waters. My body is a portal for the deceased on the ocean to cross over to a better place. Some people I have saved before they take their last breath, but few are worthy of such a gift. Unlike most goddesses, I was not born into this role - I was given the choice of life or death on November 28, 1717. I was travelling aboard a slave ship on its way to Chile when Blackbeard and his pirates hijacked the ship. In fear, I curled up in the corner of the boat I was on. I saw men get shot down and their bodies tossed in a pile while women and children walked the plank. One of Blackbeard's men eventually found me in the chaos, and I was forced to walk the plank with the other women. I was praying for salvation as I sank to the bottom of the freezing, dark ocean waters when Poseidon himself came to me.

"What is your name, child?" he asked, his voice somehow in my head.

"Clarice Ainsleyn, Sir," I thought as my lungs began to fill with cold, salty water.

"Since the dawn of man, I have ruled these waters, but rare is it that I should come across a heart as pure as yours. I require a Goddess to help the deceased souls lost in the ocean find peace as they cross over to a better place. Should you accept, I would offer you immortality in return – will you help them?"

Fearing death at such a young age, I answered "Yes." without hesitation.

Immediately, the ocean became rough as the water swirled around me like a tornado. I could feel my body become powerful and strong, as my lungs adapted to breathe underwater as well as above. Adorned in the royal gold and white dress that would become my uniform, I became a Goddess of the ocean.

My new life began immediately, collecting the souls of all the men, women and children upon the slave ship I was aboard. I received no training on this role but instinctively knew what to do. Their souls reminded me of what it must be like to see a ghost—blue transparent bodies floating in the ocean waters. I approached a child's soul first and grabbed her hand as we both lit up with a golden aura. As the child's soul passed through my body. I shrieked at the pain, gasping as a sharp stabbing sliced through my torso. The pain soon disappeared after the child's soul crossed over. Looking at the surrounding waters, I became overwhelmed as I counted eighty-three more souls to take. Grabbing each soul's hand, one by one, I braced myself for the sharp pain that would follow. Over the months, the pain became more bearable, and now, years later, I feel nothing more than a gentle whisper of sensation.

Over the decades, stories of my action began to spread by the souls I saved instead of taking. The first time this happened, I had saved a young boy from drowning. When I approached the young boy, I could sense his pure heart. This must have been how Poseidon felt and viewed me, a human destined for more than death. Before this boy's last breath, I grabbed his hand and brought him to the surface. I placed my hand upon his chest. My hand lit up with a magical white light, and the ocean water was purged from his lungs. Unsure if this was allowed, I awaited reprimand from Poseidon, but it never came. I then placed the boy upon a broken piece of the sailing ship floating nearby.

"Are you an angel?" The young boy asked as he was coming out of unconsciousness. "Am I dead?"

"No," I answered with a giggle. "My name is Clarice. I am not an angel of God but a Goddess on these waters. What is your name?"

"James Hunter, ma'am," James whispered, still a bit breathless. "Thank you!"

Upon saying goodbye, I created a magical ocean wave that guided James towards the closest shoreline. He grew to be a strong man and saved an entire village in World War 1. Each pure-hearted soul that I protected from death made their marks on earth and earned the title of "hero." As time went on, the tales of my deeds became more and more fantastic; what began as praise for my life-saving acts quickly morphed into tales that seeing my face could heal the sick, or my touch could grant your deepest wishes. Of course, this was just silly storytelling, but that did not stop the desperate from seeking me out.

Whether by accident or by design, Poseidon had failed to warn me about how lonely my existence would be, wandering the ocean for all eternity. After ushering souls into the beyond, I would sit upon the wreckage and cry. My heart yearned for companionship. I would whisper, "Please, father, ease my loneliness." At the same time, tears dropped into the ocean waters, their saltiness washing into the abyss, taking with them my plea to Poseidon. Only those close to death can see me, so the opportunity for cultivating meaningful relationships is non-existent…, or so I thought. After decades of being alone with only the dying as temporary companions, I found Will Klyne.

On a warm, sunny day like any other, I was walking along the surface of the Pacific Ocean when I spotted a faraway ship. My loneliness got the better of me, and I decided to walk towards the boat and eavesdrop on the sailors' conversations working above deck – actions like these were all I had to keep myself from falling into a deep depression.

"Ahoy there, m'lady, may I offer you some assistance?" A man asked as I walked up to the side of the ship.

"You can see me?" I replied, shocked to be addressed by a soul, not in grave peril.

"Not sure how anyone could miss such a beautiful woman walking on water in the middle of the water," He laughed.

"Are you dying?" I blurted out, still confused by the situation.

"What a strange thing to ask! To my knowledge, I am fit as a fiddle and expect to stay that way for many years. How is it that you can walk on water?"

"I am Clarice, a Goddess of the ocean. If you can see me, surely you must have Godly blood running through your veins?" I responded.

"Not that I am aware of, my fair Clarice. My name is Will Klyne, and I am but a humble sailor. We are several days from shore, and the sun will be setting shortly. May I interest you in a warm blanket and a hot meal?"

"While I am immune to the changes in temperature, I would be happy to join you for supper," I replied.

We talked all night while eating fish and drinking rum. I loved how his dark blue eyes sparkled like the ocean, and though I was impervious to the chill in the air, his smile warmed my body. I listened to the dulcet tones of his voice as he spoke of the events that led to a life at sea. After his parents were murdered by thieves for the clothes on their backs, Will found himself orphaned, poor, and desperately alone. Adapting to survive, Will became a thief himself - only took what he needed at first but gradually became more greedy as his pickpocketing skills increased. On a rainy afternoon, Will passed through a market, looking for an easy mark so he could buy something to eat and get some ale to drink. Will came across a raggedy blind woman sitting on the dirty ground, begging for money from villagers passing by. Will stole the dented tin cup of coins sitting beside the blind woman while the crowd's attention was diverted by a street entertainer. While walking away with the tin cup hidden under his vest, Will looked back at the woman he had just stolen. Her blind eyes raised to meet his blue ones, and suddenly he felt immense remorse for his criminal lifestyle. At that moment, he decided to commit to living an honest life. For his first act of kindness, Will placed the tin cup back beside the woman and began to ask around the village for anyone in need of a strong lad for honest work.

After apprenticing for years on other's rigs to learn the trade, Will saved every coin he could and finally bought a ship of his own. Will's sailing ship was a dark grey wood, with six square-rigged sails. Below-deck were three bunkers and a kitchen area with an attached pantry. He caught food from the ocean, mainly fish, but some days he would go ashore to acquire lobster, crab, and whatever pantry staples were needed.

Slowly, I began to tell him all about Blackbeard's pirates hijacking the slave ship I was abroad. As I reached the part describing my Goddess origins -how Poseidon saved my life and the magic he bestowed upon me - I awaited a sign from the Gods signaling that this was forbidden. Thankfully, there was no signal of indignation, so I continued on. For the first time in what felt like forever, Will made me feel human again. With Will Klyne, a thief turned honest sailor, I had found my home.

Unfortunately, finding love did not permit me to be remiss of my duties. I had to leave Will often, sometimes for weeks, to usher souls to the other side, but would always return to his ship hastily as possible.

On April 21 1912 I returned to Will from a long voyage of collecting souls from a shipwreck along the North Atlantic Ocean.

"Will, I am home!" I called, climbing the ladder he left hanging down the side of the ship for me, eager to lay eyes upon my love after so long apart.

The sun was setting on the horizon when I reached the top deck, my handsome Will standing there, surrounded by candlelight.

"My fairest Clarice. We have called this ship our home for one year now. Although we have to part for many days, my golden Goddess, I await eagerly for your return." Will took a deep breath of the cool ocean air and dropped down to one knee. "Will you do me the honor of marrying me, m'lady?"

"Yes, my darling Will, it would be my honor!" I cried, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks.

Will slipped on a ring made of seaweed and tiny pink seashells that he fashioned together while I was away. My dream of having a husband, and perhaps children, was quickly becoming a reality. However, this moment was destined to be nothing more than a fleeting distraction in my eternal life. Only three months from our engagement, the ocean that brought us together saw fit to steal him away from me. I was away collecting souls from a shipwreck when Will got caught in a terrible hurricane. His beautiful, smoke-colored ship sank to the bottom of the ocean, and with it my one chance at happiness. I arrived too late to save him and instead had to usher my beloved into the world beyond—Will's blue transparent soul floating in the dark sea. Before grabbing his hand, I kissed him one last time on his lips. As I kissed Will, I wished that he would somehow return to me with all my breaking heart. Once Will's soul crossed through me, my devastation quickly turned to rage towards Poseidon for allowing my one spark of joy to be taken from me.

"Why couldn't you have saved him for me?" I yelled into the ocean. The waters became angry as waves smashed hard against my body, and Poseidon appeared.

"Because, my child, I feared the distraction he was becoming." Poseidon's voice was in my head again. "A year ago, I felt your tears of loneliness, so I gave Will the gift to see you. Falling in love, getting married, and having children was not a part of our arrangement." Poseidon closed his eyes, and the waters became calm as he disappeared.

"Do not go. Please come back!" I cried to the ocean with tears and desperation, "Please, father, bring Will back to me." But the only sound in my mind was my own breaking heart.

I continued to roam the ocean in sadness, collecting souls. On February 18, 1921, my life was once again changed. While easing my loneliness by listening to others' conversations on a family cruise ship, I met a girl of 10 years old.

I was sitting on a lounge chair enjoying the views and gossip as a young girl stopped and looked at me.

"I love your dress." The young child said.

"Excuse me?" I replied in question.

"Your dress, it's beautiful. What is your name?" The child asked with the sweetest voice.

"My name is Clarice Ainsleyn. What is your name?"

"Annabelle." She replied, smiling proudly as she was swaying the skirt of her blue dress back and forth.

I soon learned that Annabelle was dying of cancer. Death was taking her slowly but quickly enough that she could see me. Still unsure but hung up on the possibility of having children of my own. This was the closest I may come to being a mother. In the weeks we spent together, I had begun to look at Annabelle as my surrogate child, and she viewed me as her fairy Godmother. Without realizing it, Annabelle had imprinted on my heart just as permanently as Will had. I tucked Annabelle into bed every night and told her stories of the ocean.

"Tell me the story of the goddess and the sailor!" Annabelle would request.

"Again? Alright." I smiled. "Once Upon a Time…"

Inevitably, the cruise ended, and Annabelle left my world as quickly as she had arrived.

Once again, my loneliness enveloped me, and I grew weary of the Pacific and the bitter memories it held. Longing for a change of scenery, I began to walk towards the Indian ocean. I travelled for months, collecting souls from shipwrecks along the way. On April 9, 1921, I was near South Africa when a ball of light came down from the night sky. The light circled around me three times and then started to make its way towards shore. Curious, I followed the light to where it stopped at Cape Agulhas. As I stood there, the light began to shift to reveal a beautiful woman. She had sapphire crystal eyes and long, wavy blonde hair adorned in a gold dress similar to mine.

"Hello, Clarice." the mysterious woman spoke, "My name is Selina, Goddess of dreams and wishes. Athena sent me once she was made aware of what Poseidon did to poor William."

"What do you mean by what Poseidon did to Will?" I asked Selina, confused.

"Oh dear!" she exclaimed, embarrassed. "I was unaware that you did not know. I am sorry to tell you, but Poseidon created the hurricane that took your beloved William."

"Poseidon did what?!" My eyes began to tear as my heart started to break all over again.

I walked over to a nearby flat-topped rock and collapsed down onto it. My mind flashed back to the conversation I had with Poseidon. "I feared the distraction he was becoming," The words repeated over and over as tears flowed from my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Clarice," Selina declared, "But I am here to bring Will back."

Selina stepped onto the ocean surface and began to walk towards me. "At midnight tonight, William's ship will be seen on the horizon. You will be able to sail with him once again.

Salina transformed back into a ball of light and disappeared into the night sky, her voice echoing in the silence,

"Tonight, at midnight, you will be reunited with your true love."

I continued to sit upon the rock staring into the horizon where the sky met the ocean, waiting in earnest to see Will's dark grey sailing ship once more. I was in disbelief that this wish was granted to me. The hours passed slowly until suddenly, the wind picked up, causing my long blonde hair to whip around my face. The water became restless, and then I saw it - Will's sailing ship - shimmering into view. I leapt from the rock upon which I had been perched and began to run. Faster and faster as my toes barely grazed on the surface of the ocean. I stopped short, just feet away from the boat, as my beloved's face filled my vision.

"Ahoy there, m'lady, may I offer you some assistance?" Will called as he stood at the edge of the ship's deck, smiling down at me.

I ran so quickly to the boat I felt as though I were flying over those last few feet. Hastily I clambered up the side and collapsed against Will, who was waiting for me with open arms. Our lips met as tears of joy streamed down my face.

"I have missed you dearly," I whispered.

"I as well, my fair Clarice," Will spoke, his voice exactly as I remembered it.

Lying in our bunk below deck, Will recounted the incident that had taken him from me. The hurricane came from nowhere, leaving him with no time to prepare. His sailing ship was being torn apart from strong winds and huge ocean waves. Then, just before death was upon him, a lady glowing in gold appeared, telling him She was the Goddess Athena and that everything will be alright. Before his lungs filled with cold, salty water, Athena placed her hand upon his chest, and he died. Once his soul had crossed over through my body, Will awoke in Mount Olympus. He explained how he didn't seem to recollect much of his time there, his memory nothing but a blur of disconnected colour and shape.

"The only thing I remember clearly is Athena advising me that one day I would see you again and that I was of great use to her."

When we awoke the following morning, I could hear the cries of souls needing to cross over not too far from where we were. I knew I had to go, but what about Will? If Poseidon becomes angry that Will is alive again, what might he do? So many questions and no one to ask.

"I know that face, m'lady," Will said, grabbing my hand.

"I have to go, but I am afraid to leave you alone." Tears of frustration rolled down my cheek.

"I will be alright. The Goddess Athena is protecting me." Will said with great pride.

"We do not even know what that means," I said, unsure.

"I don't know, nor do I care - as long as I get to hold you in my arms again and tell you how much I love you."

Months passed, and I waited daily for a reprimand from Poseidon that Will was alive, but it never came. Every time I had to leave Will's side, anxiety made knots in my core, and I felt seasick. Will would assure me that everything is fine and that he will be on the ship when I return. I had a fear that as soon I let my guard down, that would be when my father would rip him away from me again.

Exactly six months later, on October 9, 1921, I awoke with no Will at my side. I searched the ship up and down crying out his name. Panic was setting in as I went below the sea but found no Will. I called for Selina, but she never came. In desperation, I called for Poseidon, but still, my cries went unanswered.

Once again, I found myself utterly alone to walk the ocean surface. Instead of being on a mission to help souls cross over, I vow to not rest until I see my one true love and unravel the mystery of his disappearance.

Now you know of my legend - I am Clarice, Goddess of the ocean, and this is only the beginning.

fan fiction

About the Creator

Melissa Bezborotko

I never know what to write here! I am a mother to two beautiful daughters. As my full-time job, I handle freight and logistics for an office supply company. I enjoy the gym as an outlet for life's stressors, I and I have my own radio show.

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