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'The Bold and the Beautiful ' fans flip the script on Thomas and Liam

Many viewers are now expressing empathy towards Steffy's brother while saying that her baby daddy is a jerk.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The Bold and the Beautiful writers seem to be doing a switcharoo when it comes to Thomas and Liam. During the past month, Steffy's baby daddy has been becoming more judgemental while her sibling has been trying hard to stay on the straight and narrow. Last week several events took place that now has viewers expressing empathy, sympathy and patience with Ridge and Taylor's son. Dollar Bill Spencer's offspring, however, seems to be headed down a path to being placed on the naughty list. Many devotees of the CBS daytime drama are already fed up with Liam not being able to choose between Steffy and Hope and having daughters with both women.

Now Liam has yet again slept with Steffy while married to Hope and this is going to have disastrous consequences. Jacqueline Woods is pregnant in real time and spoiler say the pregnancy will be written into the show. If she is carrying Liam's child this will cause problems for the Forresters, Spencers, and Logans yet again. Liam wrongly assumed he saw Thomas kissing Hope but it was the mannequin. Instead of getting answers, he ran to Steffy's house, drank Tequila with her and then they had sex. Liam went on and on about how beautiful their night was and how he was going to leave Hope and let her have Thomas.

Liam found out on Friday that he made a mistake and now he feels like an idiot. B&B fans are expressing their opinions on social media and are flipping the script on the two men. Liam is in the dog house while Thomas on the other hand has new fans in his corner. An increasing number of those who watch the CBS daytime drama want Thomas to pull through his ordeal and end up with Hope. This is a huge change from the way viewers felt about Steffy's brother prior to the pandemic. There is compassion for him now that Thomas has been hospitalized.

After admitting to Hope that he kissed her lookalike Mannequin, he fainted and now is unconscious. Finn thinks Thomas has brain damage because he hit his head twice within the past few weeks. Ridge and Steffy are at the hospital waiting on his prognosis, while Hope was at his apartment trying to clear the air with Liam. Unless the doctors say there is a tumor that was growing for a long time, this will not excuse all the other evil deeds that Thomas has done. he practically led Emma to her death, and threatened Xander and Zoe. He gave Liam a drug so that he would sleep with Steffy and later set it up for Hope to find his sibling and Liam kissing.

Viewers are now saying they are tired of how easily Liam breaks his marriage vows and continues to be stuck between Steffy and Hope. The fact that he and Steffy so easily fall into bed speaks volumes. It's true that drugs were involved the first time, and alcohol this last time they jumped into the sack. This does not excuse their choice's lack of restraint and the fact that they are unable to set boundaries. Now that Steffy has had a taste of Liam again, will she even be able to give herself to Dr. Finn? B&B fans are saying they do not desire to see history repeat as it did with Taylor, Ridge, and Brooke. When Taylor left town, Brooke shifted the triangle and began running back and forth between Ridge and Dollar Bill.

Now it seems that the offspring of these four adults are carrying on the tradition of indecision. Brooke was married to Eric who had once been her father in law, while Steffy slept with Dollar Bill who was her own father in law while she was married to Liam. Katie has been hurt time and time again by the actions of her sister and her spouse. Thomas has been hurt by his sister's entanglement with Liam, who can't choose between her or Steffy. The Logans, Forrestgers, and Spencers are watching the same tired story play out to a new generation but fans want it to stop.

Viewers are demanding something new and different and desire to see Thomas have a happy ending. Once the truth is exposed that Liam and Steffy hit the sheets again, Hope will be outraged and walk away from Liam yet again. If Steffy ends of pregnant with Liam's child this will seal the deal. Lope will be over and Steam will start up again. Dr. Finn will be out in the cold and Thomas may finally have a chance with Hope, that is if he survives his latest challenge.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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