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SuperHero Vs. SuperHuman

Marvel Universe Obsession and Larger-Than-Life Super...Humans?

By Melynda KlocPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
MCU Fanatic's Twitter

If you’re a die-hard, nail-biting, sweat-through-your-clothes-while-you-watch-the-movies kind of Marvel Universe fan like me, you’ve probably seen the entire Marvel movie collection, and you’ve probably also read (like me):

”The Perfect Order to Watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Movies” by Jonathan Sim

And you’re probably no stranger to any of the plots, loopholes and overlaps that happen within each of these movies.

You’re probably also highly aware of any new movies that are scheduled to be released and you probably can’t stop imaging how they’re going to play out. Or how they’re going to bring Iron Man back. Or how Nat shouldn’t have died. But it makes total sense because they’re not romantically inclined but YOU JUST KNOW THEY CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT EACH OTHER AND HOW THE HELL COULD THEY DO THIS TO ME??? Sometimes I just can’t stand to think about the heartbreak. I love Iron Man. I love Nat. I love all of these characters as if I actually knew them.

And don’t get me started on Wanda Vision... I have my own conspiracy theories on how that is based in an alternate dimension that Vision was sent to when Thanos made him turn to dust and Wanda was able to locate him with her Scarlet Witch mind powers and how she doesn’t want to leave because Vision is everything to her but she knows soon she will have to face reality, but she’s in an alternate dimension, so what is reality and if this is reality, then what is the reality she came from and if Vision died in that reality but lives in this reality, is Wanda dead too???? Sorry, I’ll stop now.

But then that brings me back to End Game because of Loki and Loki is the actual love of my life and I cried, big giant, baby tears in the theaters every single time he died and everyone would stare at me like I was some sort of freak for loving Loki so much, but how can you not love him?? He’s the God of Mischief and he makes a game out of everything! Although, I did want to wring his neck a time or two. My point is, when good ol’ Cap’n America messed up and was seen by himself, leaving ant man to get the tessaract by himself, and the tessaract was dropped and Loki touched it with his foot and then vanished, does that mean he re-wrote his own history and didn’t die in that ship with Thor watching helplessly on the side?? THESE ARE THE THINGS I NEED TO KNOW!

Why can’t they just stop breaking my heart already? There’s too much sadness in the world and now this!

Back to reality, (if this actually is reality anymore) if you’re looking for modern-day, real-life super humans who don’t even know that they’re super heroes in my eyes, you should check out this series of documentaries on Netflix:

The Fittest by ButteryBros

“The Fittest on Earth”

(Now, I know that the word ‘documentary’ can be such a turn off to most people, but if you’re any kind of nerd like me, then you watch “How It’s Made”, “The Curse of Oak Island”, “Knife or Death” - a DOPE knife competition show on the History Channel, and other such super cool, but extremely nerdy shows.)

These documentaries, starting in 2016, and reoccurring every year since, are all about The CrossFit Games and the winners of the games. I mean, have you SEEN Mat Fraser’s legs?????? I mean, come on! They’re the size of a sixth grader! EACH! (That’s not a bad thing, Mat.) (If you ever read this.) (Which, I doubt you will.) (I’m too lowly to be noticed.) (CRYING SAD FACE) (Okay, just kidding, sorry, mom.)

These documentaries follow The CrossFit Games’ winners throughout the years and highlight the athletes that finish in the top tier with them. Following these athletes’ stories, I always feel so inspired. Sometimes I feel like I’ve missed my calling to be a professional athlete. (I would’ve been on team USA with Mia Hamm.)

The athleticism and overall raw, brute strength that these individuals possess, make them appear larger-than-life and, in my mind, superhero-esque.

They may not have the same special powers and abilities that our beloved Marvel heroes do, but Mat Fraser can back-squat a whopping 485lbs and he has won the “Fittest on Earth” title FIVE YEARS in a row. Mat Fraser retired from the CrossFit games after his fifth straight win, but his long-time training partner, Tia-Clair Toomey is still in the games, striving for her fifth consecutive win of the “Fittest on Earth” title.

Aside from being in awe of these total bad-ass individuals, they make me strive to be the best me that I can be, and I credit that slogan to Katrin Davidsdottir, former 2016 “Fittest on Earth” title winner.

Katrin Davidsdottir, 2016 Fittest on Earth Champion

If you’d like to read more on my documentary obsessions and other shows that are similar/the orders you should watch them in, come back and check out my next posts!


About the Creator

Melynda Kloc

Creating one-of-a-kind moments through immersive art and writing.

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