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Patton Pudge

Patton worries his pudge will make him unloveable

By Monique StarPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Patton and Logan have dated for several months and it reached the point where Logan felt he was free to get his emotions out to Patton without being changed to the fear of harsh ridicule. Patton was able to do the same towards Logan in return, but every look in the mirror without his shirt on made the pun lover feel he wasn't being as truthful towards Logan as he should be. He would pull down his high-waisted pants to reveal his... "Patton Pudge" coated with faint stretch marks and wondered why it wasn't possible for him to transfer his weight to someone who needed it more than he wanted it. He would lie down with his back on the bed, let gravity do its work, and even rub his ribcage in an effort to pretend that he was skinny. At the end of it all, though, no matter how much he had cut back on sweets, no matter how many dogs he walked, no matter how much lotion he put on his stomach in an attempt to hide the stretch marks, no matter how many times he'd rub his ribcage, nothing would change the fact that he wasn't skinny. He wasn't big enough to be compared to a pumpkin, but he was big enough to fear that Logan would be disgusted.

One evening, Patton and Logan were sitting so close to each other on the couch while watching Planet 51. Patton chuckled at the jokes and Logan was occasionally rambling about the possibility of other life beyond Earth's atmosphere and the paradox attached to it. Logan held Patton tighter than usual and kissed Patton's neck every now and then. Patton was surprised, but moved his head.

"Oh, did you want me to stop, Pooh Bear?" Logan questioned.

"What? No, I was giving you more room to kiss," Patton answered.

Pretty soon, the actions went from Logan simply kissing Patton's neck to flipping them over so he would be on top of Patton while making out with him. They were enjoying themselves and Logan had a good idea of where it was headed, so he reached for the bottom of Patton's shirt before the dog-walker pulled it back down. It happened several more times with the same outcome, so Logan was absolutely certain that it wasn't an accident. Logan pulled away from his boyfriend and had a concerned expression on his face.

"Patton? What's wrong, sweetie?" Logan asked.

Patton sat up and wrapped his arms around his stomach.

"Um... it's kind of off-putting. You probably wouldn't like it if you saw it," Patton mumbled while looking away.

"Patton, what could ever be under that shirt that would take away from the fact that you're absolutely beautiful?" Logan asked.

Patton looked at Logan with skepticism followed by defeat. As he reached for the bottom of his shirt, Logan wondered what Patton didn't want him to see. Was it a sign of a pregnancy from a prior relationship? No, they both told each other that they were cis. Did Patton have an embarrassing birth mark on his torso? It could be possible. Did Patton have a tattoo that he was saving to have removed? That couldn't be possible since his personality was too adorable for those kind of tattoos. The moment came where Patton lifted his shirt and Logan saw... a manly muffin top and lined reminders that Patton was human and not the product of a cookie cutter. Patton closed his eyes, hoping to get a disgusted rejection, but he felt himself getting kisses on multiple parts of his "Patton Pudge." He slowly opened his eyes and saw Logan kissing some of his stretch marks and caressing some of his pudge.

"Y-you're not disgusted?" Patton asked with disbelief.

"Are you kidding? There's just more of you to love," Logan retorted.

Without removing Patton's shirt entirely, Logan proceeded to kiss his boyfriend while caressing the pudge that added to his beauty. Patton felt relief that his boyfriend still loved him. He may not have been ready to shed his clothing completely in front of him, but he was aware that he was loved.

fan fiction

About the Creator

Monique Star

I'm not the most sophisticated adult out there. I'm also not the best at communicating all the time, but I do try my best to get my thoughts out there into the world verbally or nonverbally.

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