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My Top 15 Favorite Pieces of Film + Television ever created.

Including Animated Shows/Movies

By Daniel GarciaPublished 2 years ago 14 min read

Film and Television are two of my loves, they help me with inspiration as a writer, especially with my Screenwriting, so here are the top 10 pieces of Film and Television that I love the absolute most.


15. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless mind

This is a movie that I didn't quite understand at first and kinda found it confusing, but overtime I understood it more and more, no matter how much you try to forget the past, you can't, you just have to accept it happened and move on, it really dives deep into the human mind and is so real, Jim Carrey is usually in comedy movies that aren't meant to be taken seriously, but this one was different and it really showed that he's more than just a comedic actor, he can really act. I really think this movie is one of the greatest ever made, It really was a beautiful film with a great message. One I'll truly always love and go back to whenever I get the opportunity to do so.

14. LA LA Land

This is such a comfort movie for me, I made a post explaining why I love it over at Medium. I remember when I first saw this movie I instantly loved it, the argument scene has some of the best acting I have ever seen, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone were made for these roles. The Cinematography is gorgeous, the vibes it gives off are unmatched, I related a lot to both characters, especially Mia. Damien Chazelle is an amazing writer and director and this movie shows it. At first it wasn't even in my top 10 favorite movies, even thought I still loved it, but now I think it is after Re-Watching it recently. Also I guess I kinda love it as well because it was filmed in LA which is my hometown.

13. Friday Night Lights

My favorite sports movie ever, It's an underrated one really, people never talk about it among the great sports movies, but I always have believed it's the best one I've ever seen. When I found out it was based on a true story it made it even better for me, so many moments made me emotional, especially the scene with Boobie Miles entering his Uncle's car after he unpacks his locker because he can no longer play football and breaks down in tears, that scene... it just gets to me. The final scene when they lose and everyone on the team looks in sadness watching someone else celebrate victory... it was just so emotional. I love this movie, I always will, whenever people ask me "What's your favorite sports movie?" I tell them it's this one, and it always will be. I've watched many sports movies in my life, but none touched me like this one did.

12. Batman: The Animated Series/ Spectacular Spider-Man (Two-Way tie)

Can't choose which I love more

BTAS: This show is basically what started my love for Superhero cartoons, I was a young kid and I would watch this all the time, some moments did frighten me a bit, but I always enjoyed it, I Re-watched it around a year or two ago and it was even better than I remembered as a child, it's truly a masterpiece and if I'm being unbiased, probably the greatest CB cartoon of all time. I love the different story-lines, I love how it dives deep into the mind of Bruce Wayne and not just Batman, I love how it introduces you to many different characters, it's really just an all-around great show and one of those I'll never forget.

Spectacular Spider-Man: This show is my freaking childhood, I grew up with it, I remember always being so excited for the next episode, when I started my Freshman year of High-school a few years back, I decided to re-watch it and it will forever be one of the greatest decisions of my life, I love almost every single episode, my favorite Story-line is the Venom arc, I loved the Symbiote suit in this show, it was fantastic. I loved all the heartfelt moments, I loved how it understood the character of Spider-Man and made him relatable, I really liked how all the other characters also had a lot of character development other than Peter. I'm pretty sad we never got a chance to see the Peter and MJ romance in the show, I feel like it would have been good. Overall I'm just really sad this show had to end so soon.

11. Superman: The Animated Series/Spider-Man (1994) (Two-way tie)

Can't choose which I love more either

Superman: The Animated Series: I remember watching this show as a kid and it just brought me a sense of comfort. Superman always brought me a sense of comfort really, I Re-Watched the show recently, will not really recently, more like 2–3 years ago, but I really just enjoyed every bit of it, it's the DCAU at it's peak really, alongside BTAS, Justice League Unlimited and so on. It's what got me invested into the character of Superman at a young age and he ultimately ended up becoming one of my top 3 favorite fictional characters of all time, so I will always love this show for that.

Spider-Man (1994): This show is honestly peak Spider-Man, it's basically the webhead in the comics brought to life, literally everything resembles him in this show. I love this show so much because it's quite possibly what got me into the character of Spider-man and made me fall in love with him (Or maybe it was the Raimi Trilogy, my memory is a bit blurry) the quips, how relatable he was, the Story-lines, the designs of the characters, all of it was so comic accurate, to this day it's the most comic accurate adaptation we've ever gotten in my opinion and my favorite adaptation of the character. I admit sometimes the show was a bit all over the place and sloppy and I found myself confused sometimes about what was going on, but I don't really pay too much attention to that, it was a fun and really great show for the most part.

10. The Rocky Franchise

Now these movies, they just touch my soul. They're more than just boxing movies in my eyes, they're movies about life in general, the character of Rocky motivates me so much, he has a rough life but he never gives up and keeps going, he always had a chip on his shoulder and wanted to prove himself, the same goes with Adonis. There's not a single movie in this franchise that I dislike, the only one that wasn't all that good was "Rocky 5" but even that one had its moments. I watch these movies traditionally, whenever I feel like giving up in life I just put them on and they motivate me to get back up and keep fighting.

9. The Dark Knight Trilogy

These movies are a huge part of my childhood and I'll always hold them close to my heart, but that's not the only reasons they're amazing to me, the acting, the writing, the action sequences, the directing, the cinematography, it's all phenomenal. Let me not even begin with Heath Ledger's GOD tier performance in TDK… we all know how it was. I love these films so much and I always will, of course I believe "The Batman" is a better film than "The Dark Knight Rises" but I'm counting the entire trilogy as a whole here. Truly a work of art from Christopher Nolan, he's an amazing director, one of my favorites, and these movies are the main reason for that.

8. Daredevil

Oh my God I freaking love this show, I watched a bit of it while it was still ongoing, but never really watched too much or even honestly paid too much attention. So around a year and a half ago, I decided to watch it as I heard people say great things about it, some even said it was the greatest CB show ever created, and while I don't believe that's exactly true, I do however believe it's an amazing show and I will never regret giving it a view. A lot of people say Season 2 wasn't all that great, but I still think it was really solid and had it's great moments although it was the worst out of the 3, it was still good. I loved the acting, the writing, oh boy don't even get me started with that wonderful writing, the cinematography is some of the most underrated I've seen, the action sequences are top tier, Wilson Fisk is the greatest live-action Marvel villain ever in my opinion, Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock is one of the greatest casting choices of all-time, it was just all wonderful, this show well forever be a masterpiece.

7. Transformers franchise

I know a lot of people don't really like these films, but I personally will always love them (At least the first, third and fourth) they were probably the biggest part of my childhood, I still remember watching DOTM in the cinemas and being just blown away. They weren't perfect by any means of course, but I honestly won't ever forget them and all the memories of my childhood that came a long with them. I don't know if people want to consider Bumblebee as part of the franchise or a reboot, but if it counts, I love that movie as well. Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime is honestly one of the greatest things ever. I know the last one wasn't all that good, in fact it wasn't really good at all, but I didn't hate it as much as everyone else did honestly. Overall, I don't care what the people who hate these films have to say, I will always love them.

6. How I met Your Mother

My favorite Sitcom of all-time, and my second favorite show of all-time period (Not counting animated shows), I made an entire post of it on Medium, but I watched this show while it was still airing, I was little but I still loved it. I Re-Watched it this year because for some reason me and my brother decided to start watching a ton of sitcoms this year, so I decided, why not revisit the one that I loved the most growing up? and let me tell you, it was so much freaking better this time. I don't love this show because of the comedy, much like other sitcoms that mainly just make me have a good laugh, this one was different, this one moved me, it made me emotional, it made me see life differently many times, I cried in a lot of scenes, but the one scene that struck me the most is that one you see in the picture on top, that moment when Ted realizes he's all alone was personal to me as I've felt alone my whole life. I love everything about this show and I will watch it from time to time whenever I want to feel something.

5. The Edge Of Seventeen

I also made an entire post on this movie over at Medium, It's quite possibly the film I have always related to the most. I stumbled across it during a pretty rough period of my life, I was a Sophomore in High-School and struggling to "Fit in" or have any friends, the few I did have turned their backs on me and didn't want to talk to me anymore, then I kid you not, by some weird coincidence one day when I came back home from a long day at school feeling miserable, I opened up social media to distract myself, and I saw someone post a review of this movie, seeing what they said about it made me interested in seeing it, so I did. I was moved to tears, and I'm not afraid to admit it, that final scene where Nadine talks to her brother and explains to him how she feels about herself was exactly how I felt about myself during that time, and I just couldn't hold those damn tears back, This movie is also what made Hailee Steinfeld my favorite actress and favorite celebrity, so there's also that.

4. The Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy

I grew up with these movies, much like a lot of people from my generation did, they're really what started it all, without these, a lot of the superhero films that came after which so many fans love would have never came to existence. To this day, I still firmly believe this is the greatest Live-action adaptation of the character by far, and no it's not because I'm "blinded by nostalgia" like so many people say, I just think much like the 90's cartoon, these films really got the core of the character (Especially Spider-Man 2, but that's for another post), maybe some of the acting was a bit cringe at times, but that's just nitpicking if you pay too much attention to those things. Sure the 3rd film had it's flaws and wasn't at the level the two previous once where at, but it was still a good movie. These movies just have so many moments that touch me on a personal level and make me emotional, I surely will always hold this trilogy close to home. I don't really Re-watch them too often I'm not going to lie, but when I do, I enjoy every minute of it.

3. Batman Beyond

I saw this show as a kid, but this is another one that I decided to give another watch my Freshman year of high-school, and it instantly became my favorite cartoon of all-time! Terry Mcginnis is hands down my favorite Batman (Yes, even over Bruce Wayne). I loved the partnership of Bruce and Terry and how Bruce was a mentor to him guiding him as the new Batman. That Bat-suit is honestly my favorite ever, it's so simple yet so cool. I loved the relationship between Terry and Dana, they're my favorite couple in DC, I know that may be a shock to some people, but they really are, although his brief relationship with Melanie was pretty interesting as well. Terry was not just another Batman, he was unique and brought his own style, he was different then Bruce and I loved that. It's a shame the show didn't last too long, but it was such an epic show. I also loved Terry's friendship with Max, I loved the dark tone of the show a lot, really felt like the classic Batman tale while being a bit different as well. I think this show is the greatest Batman show ever, but that's just my opinion.

2. Smallville

Ah this show, this show is magnificent, simply amazing. It's one surprisingly that not too many people talk about and I have never understood why. They made Clark more than just a guy who has it all, they made him relatable, I felt much like him, struggling to fit in but feeling different than everybody else truly is something difficult to go through. The acting in this show was amazing as well as the writing and the character development of each character, Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor is the second greatest Live-Action villain in my opinion right after Heath Ledger's Joker, Tom Welling is the greatest Clark Kent ever, Erica Durance is the greatest Live-Action Lois Lane and Jon Schneider is the greatest Jonathan Kent ever! I loved all the heartfelt moments in the show, Jonathan's death really hit hard, I love how it made the audience sympathize with Lex and not just make him some big jerk like in most adaptations, he was actually a good guy at first but was misunderstood by everyone because of his father, his father also didn't treat him like a son, and all he wanted was his approval. I will always love this show and what it did for me, it made me fall even more in love with Superhero media.

1. Lost In Translation

Here it is, my favorite piece of Film + Television media ever, "Lost In Translation". This film means so much to me, it captures perfectly how it feels to be lonely and depressed, I saw myself a lot in both Bob and Charlotte, I love how them being in Japan where they don't speak or understand the language was used as metaphor for loneliness, cause that's exactly how it feels, like the people around you speak an entirely different language and don't understand you or you don't understand them. I love the gorgeous cinematography, the amazing acting by Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson, The vibe, the all too real feeling of being alone and not knowing where to go next in life. I watch this movie annually, and I grow to love it more and more with every Re-watch. I always shed a tear or two at that ending when Bob and Charlotte say goodbye. I watched it not too long ago with my Grandparents and they loved it as well. It's just the movie that will always stay with me no matter where I go next in life, I will always love it and it will always be my favorite movie to have ever been made, Sofia Coppola is also my favorite director ever.


About the Creator

Daniel Garcia

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