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Most Bat-Shit Fast and Furious Moments

From all 10 Movies

By Alexandrea CallaghanPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

In my covering every Fast and Furious movie we have of course learned that they abandoned physics long ago. The Fast and Furious movies seem to operate more like comic books than action movies, with very similar rules to its characters. And since so many of its characters have done some truly superhuman things I think that it's time we talk about it. These movies have truly done some insane things so I thought I would list out the top most insane things that these films have ever done.

1) They drove a car INTO SPACE

I don’t think I really need to elaborate on why that is the most insane thing a movie about cars can do. The car was not pressurized, it would have been iced before they even broke the atmosphere, and there is no possible way the car would have even gotten that high. Ridiculous and also terrible. These dudes also had no problem breathing? No gravity issues? They were in a car, not a spaceship. Insane.

2) Dom took down 2 helicopters…with his car

This gets a slight pass because it was kinda cool, it was however so batshit insane it goes on the list. In what universe do two helicopters attach themselves to the sides of a car and they don’t just rip the car doors off, or immediately lift the car off the road? Apparently this one. Fast X was full of what the fuck moments.

3) Dom catches Lettie midair and they both land on a car unscathed

In the fight scene between Hobbs and his tank vs the crew Lettie gets thrown off the tank and Dom jumps off of his car, ACROSS A FREEWAY GAP, and they both land on a car without a scratch on them. First of all someone would definitely be dead, or at the very least have a broken limb or two.

4) The Rock redirects a torpedo

In The Fate of the Furious Hobbs is driving with Roman on ice and he holds onto the car and redirects a torpedo…with his hands…while gliding on ice. Now this whole movie was operating on action movie physics but between this and The Rock knocking out some dude by headbutting someone in a helmet I just couldn’t deal with this one.

5) Dom is an Earth-bender

In Fast and Furious 7 a parking garage is the site of a street fight between Dom and Shaw and as the ground starts to crack, apparently all it needed to come crumbling down was for Dom to stop on it really hard. Toph might have some competition out here.

6) The Rock is a Superhero

He broke his arm cast by flexing his forearm. That’s all.

7) The Whole Vault Scene in Fast Five

These little chargers are fully capable of not only towing this massive vault around but somehow controlling the momentum of said vault and causing absolutely no damage to their cars.

8) The entire plot shifting from them being street racers lifting DVD players to being international heist criminals.

How did that even happen? Do we know? What was the conversation in the writers room like? I have many questions.

9) Dom Drives Under a Rolling Gasoline Truck

And we all pretend that he would have had the space or timing for that.

The thing that makes these movies bad is that they don’t seem to know what genre they are supposed to be. If a movie is campy and it knows it that is so much better then a movie that's campy and thinks it's sincere. Adding insult to injury the cast also seems to think that they are giving us Oscar winning performances in their super car movies.

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About the Creator

Alexandrea Callaghan

Certified nerd, super geek and very proud fangirl.

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