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Migrate VB.NET to .NET Core: Modernizing Your Application for Enhanced Performance and Scalability

We will guide you through the process of migrating from VB.NET to .NET Core, while highlighting the benefits it brings to your software ecosystem.

By Kevin BhutPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Migrate VB.NET to .NET Core


Do you want to migrate VB.NET to .NET Core? Migrating your VB.NET application to .NET Core is a crucial step towards modernization. By embracing the power of .NET Core, you can unlock enhanced performance, scalability, and cross-platform capabilities, ensuring your application remains competitive. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of migrating from VB.NET to .NET Core, while highlighting the benefits it brings to your software ecosystem.

Understanding the Need for Migration

As businesses strive for performance optimization and cross-platform compatibility, VB.NET's limitations become apparent. Migrating to .NET Core allows you to leverage its improved performance and modular architecture, ensuring your application meets the demands of today's market.

Benefits of Migrating Your VB.NET Appplications to .NET Core

Enhanced Performance: Migrating from VB.NET to .NET Core brings significant performance improvements. The redesigned runtime, CoreCLR, offers faster response times and overall application performance.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: .NET Core enables your application to run seamlessly on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. This broadens your reach and opens doors to new business opportunities.

Improved Scalability: .NET Core's modular architecture and lightweight deployment make it an ideal choice for scalable applications. Leverage containerization support and microservices architecture to build resilient systems.

Modern Development Experience: Migrating to .NET Core grants access to modern development tools and frameworks. Benefit from features like the .NET Core CLI and the cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor for a streamlined development experience.

Community and Long-Term Support: With a thriving community and active maintenance by Microsoft, .NET Core ensures ongoing support, regular updates, and access to new features and improvements.

Migration Process: Steps to Follow to Convert VB.NET to .NET Core

Software migration complex process that goes through a process. You need to follow the steps so you do not mess up with your valuable data. For your convenience, we have given a step-by-step process to help you migrate your legacy VB.NET applications to the latest .NET Core. Here we go.

Assess the Application: Evaluate your VB.NET application, identifying dependencies, third-party libraries, and components that require migration. Assess feasibility and potential challenges.

Porting the Codebase: Convert the VB.NET codebase to C# since .NET Core primarily supports C#. Rewriting the code ensures compatibility with .NET Core libraries and addresses language-specific differences.

Refactoring and Modernizing: Utilize the migration process to refactor and modernize your code. Adopt newer coding practices, improve performance bottlenecks, and optimize the architecture.

Updating Dependencies: Update third-party libraries, components, or frameworks to their .NET Core equivalents. This guarantees compatibility and leverages the latest features and improvements.

Testing and Debugging: Thoroughly test the migrated application, ensuring functionality, compatibility, and performance. Identify and fix any issues or bugs during the testing phase.

Deployment and Rollout: Plan the deployment strategy for your .NET Core application. Choose an appropriate hosting environment and adhere to best practices for a smooth rollout.

Here's an example of how you can migrate a simple VB.NET console application to .NET Core using C#:

VB.NET code:

Legacy VB.NET code

Equivalent C# code in .NET Core:

Equivalent C# code in .NET Core

In this example, we start with a basic VB.NET console application that prints "Hello, VB.NET!" to the console. To migrate VB.NET or Desktop applications to .NET Core using C#, we:

  • Change the Imports statement to using in C#.
  • Update the namespace to a desired value, such as MyNamespace.
  • Convert the Module to a class and remove the Sub keyword from the Main method.
  • Update the method signature in C# from Sub Main(args As String()) to static void Main(string[] args).
  • Modify the Console.WriteLine statement to reflect the desired message, such as "Hello, .NET Core!".

This is a basic example showcasing the equivalent code in VB.NET and C#. The migration process may involve additional changes depending on the complexity and specific features used in your VB.NET application. It's essential to thoroughly review and test your code during the migration process to ensure proper functionality and behavior in the .NET Core environment


VB.NET to .NET Core Migration is a crucial step in modernizing your application, unlocking performance improvements, and ensuring cross-platform compatibility. Embrace the power of .NET Core to future-proof your software ecosystem, leverage modern development practices, and stay ahead in the ever-changing technology landscape. Although the migration process requires time and effort, the benefits gained from improved performance, scalability, and community support make it a worthwhile endeavor. Start your VB.NET to .NET Core migration journey today and reap the rewards of a modernized and high-performing application.

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About the Creator

Kevin Bhut

I am a young entrepreneur with an ambition to transform businesses with tech advent. I am the Co-Founder and CEO of Codzagarage, a leading application modernization agency in the USA. Visit us at

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