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Living in a Multiverse

Let's talk about my favorite thing

By HufflecupPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

The multiverse theory has been my favorite thing for a very long time and for a pretty simple reason too; I am a big fan of imagination and escapism.

I don't intend to go into detail about why I believe the multiverse is real. That would require a lot of citing and referencing of articles. If you want know the science of it look it up. It's definitely worth reading. But I will say the concept of infinity in itself is a pretty solid argument. If we accept infinity as endless then if space is explored far enough we would find endless variations of earth to say the least. That is one of the arguments for multiverse theory put very simply, so there's a freebie for you.

To return to why I love multiverse theory, it's because the existence of endless alternate universes, worlds, etc. is a great argument for all fictional worlds being real somewhere out there. That is every nerds dream. At the very least it means the fictional worlds we love, people we admire, and stories that have been told, really happened.

Even better, it makes shameless self-insert fanfiction translate to aversion of reality where we all exist in our favorite fictional worlds. The way I have always viewed it is either we exist as ourselves but with some role in the story or we exist as an important main character in place of the version of the character that exists in the story or show we are fans of. What I mean by the latter is, for example, I a lover of Harry Potter and a Hufflepuff could either be me in the Hufflepuff house or fill the same role in Harry Potter as say Cedric Diggory.

The examples of this idea are, excuse the language, infinite. This is why multiverse theory comforts me. It promises that even though every day life might be mundane, somewhere out there adventure is so common that it is what passes for mundane.

Next, multiverse theory gives writers of any sort of fanfiction or original story a lot of power. Somewhere out in space every fanfic has come true. The slightest variation in detail has birthed a new world. For example the plethora of stories people have written where one or both of Harry Potter's parents lived. I have a story like that, so makes me feel pretty good.

As for original stories, creating your own world in a book has either created a world where this story has become reality or a slightly more mind bending possibility is the world already existed and writers are some sort of conduit for the multiverse. How is that for bolstering the god complex's of writers? Sorry but since I consider myself a writer, albeit incredibly amateur, it makes for a good confidence boost.

I mostly stuck to the medium of books to discuss the multiverse but it applies to every creative medium used to tell stories and craft unique worlds. Some further examples being; television, movies, plays, and comics.

The multiverse isn't just comforting news for nerd of all types from all over the world but really everyone. Multiverse theory accounts for every possibility. For every choice a person makes there exists a world where they make the opposite choice. Every event that happens has led to worlds where those events had the opposite result. I don't want to ramble so I will just let anyone who reads this enjoy thinking about the possibilities.

Anyways, Multiverse theory is cool, right?


About the Creator


I want nothing more than to dedicate my life to writing, so I figured I would start here to test the waters. I will be submitting stories to as many communities as possible.

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