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Avatar Ghozu: Sandbending Avatar

Ghozu has mastered earth and metal bending and now I tell his journey to become a fire bender

By HufflecupPublished 3 years ago 15 min read

Ghozu was enjoying wiggling his toes in the sand. A week ago, when he arrived on Ember Island, Ghozu was blown away by the stark contrast of the big city hustle in Ba Sing Se compared to the leisurely pace of life on an island resort. His new teacher, Master Chou, took Ghozu around to tour the island for the first few days. Master Chou apologized profusely for the lack of activity. Positing that the summer season had ended just before he arrived and everyone, but the handful of townies, left for home. Ghozu didn’t complain. He valued his time with Master Den, but even the Avatar deserves a break as far as Ghozu was concerned. So, Ghozu got in the habit of roaming the beaches to feel sand beneath his feet again.

Today, the beach would be the background for his first firebending lesson. Master Chou was standing next to him. His face was turned toward the sun with his eyes closed. He was certainly in no rush. But, Ghozu learned right away that Master Chou was known for his easy-going nature and ‘zest for life as he called it. But if you didn’t know Chou, he was easily a terrifying specimen. Master Den was well-muscled, slim, and straight-backed, in great shape for an elderly man. He was tall but Master Chou was near seven feet tall and a little over three hundred pounds. Chou’s hair and beard were a mass of black curls. He really was the typical jolly giant. Chou insisted learning the bending arts should be an enjoyable experience, so they were dressed for a day at the beach, meaning both wore only matching red and gold shorts.

“The sun is always bright on the island. It’s the perfect place to get in touch with your inner fire,” stated Master Chou.

“It is beautiful,” Ghozu matched his master’s pose. “Where do we start, Master Chou?”

“Fire, historically, is equal parts life and destruction. When you have that kind of power at your fingertips, it is easy to become lost. It is a lesson all responsible firebenders must learn. The true power in firebending comes from self-control, hope, and an appreciation for the complexity of the substance,” Chou smiled down at him. “Lesson one: control comes from your breathing.”

Master Chou inhaled deeply to demonstrate. Releasing a small ball of flame into the air on the exhale. With his second breath, he created a steadier stream of vibrant orange flame. There was passion in Chou’s eyes now. With two palm thrusts came two large fireballs. Followed by a high kick and a stream of flame. That flowed smoothly into a spinning kick which created a wave of flame. Then a leg sweep into a handstand. Finally, he went to his knee, raising his palm skyward for one final mushroom of flame. Ghozu was surprised by the grace and fluidity with which the big man could move. He completed every move with slow even breaths. Ghozu was in awe.

Ghozu had been excited to learn firebending. In the back of his mind, he knew he would learn all the bending arts before he could call himself a fully realized Avatar. But it didn’t seem real until Master Den told him he was ready for the next step. Ghozu was embarking on a journey to become the world’s most powerful bender. Being a power earthbender is, of course, impressive, but mastering fire was the first real test of his abilities. After watching Chou’s brief display, if he could create flames anywhere close to that he would be satisfied.

“That was amazing, master.”

“Of course it was. I’ve been doing this much longer than you,” Master Chou laughed. “Now I want you to copy that routine until you can no longer breath steadily. Focus on your breathing, Ghozu. Lesson One.”

It was a fairly simple routine that his body fell into doing without much thought by the third set. The intensity of his earthbending training had made his muscles almost as hard as the rocks he was bending. Ghozu was able to complete the sequence of movements six times, a dozen times, fifteen times before he started to feel muscle fatigue creeping in. Ghozu was pleased to see he was able to produce flame but, at the same time, disappointed that the bursts were a third of the size of his teacher’s. Every movement was mechanically precise if not as graceful as Master Chou. Until time number thirty. Ghozu rose to his knees slower than he expected. He was out of breath.

“I did it,” Ghozu had to catch his breath.

“Good work. Now you’ve been doing that for an hour. Sit and meditate for a while. Focus on the sounds of the wave. It’s peaceful.”

Ghozu was grateful to sit. He assumed the position, closed his eyes, and tried to let his mind go blank. Almost on reflex, Ghozu fell back on his seismic sense which told him Master Chou had assumed the same position on his left-hand side. He could feel every sand particle beneath him. Ghozu passed the time counting each one. That and the rhythm of the ocean did bring him peace.

Ghozu was uncertain how much time had passed before Master Chou broke the silence. “No one I have ever taught has meditated with me without fidgeting, complaining, or falling asleep. You haven’t moved a muscle.”

Is that bad, master? The waves helped as you said.”

“Not at all, it’s exquisite,” he laughed. Ghozu felt him get to his feet. “Time for lunch. We will train same time tomorrow.”

Thirty minutes later, Ghozu was on Master Chou’s terrace overlooking the ocean and inhaling the aroma of fried fish. Once the plate was placed in front of him, Ghozu couldn’t resist digging in. So, for a few minutes the only sounds were the scraping of silverware on plates. Ghozu was stuffed after the first fish so he sat back, enjoying a glass of lychee juice. Master Chou was halfway through his second fish before he spoke. “You were holding back.”

“I-I didn’t realize I was,” Ghozu sputtered.

“It’s my fault. Next lesson we will start with the dancing dragon form. I need to give you a little history lesson.”

“Yes, master.” Ghozu bowed.

“Get some sleep.” Master Chou rose from his seat. He paused to collect the dishes and walked inside.

Next morning

Ghozu had been waiting on the beach maybe five minutes when Master Chou arrived. He wasn’t alone. A young bespectacled man with well-oiled short hair and a magenta suit walked alongside him. He looked the sort who would be upset to get a fine layer of sand on those nice clothes but the way he smiled while chatting animatedly with Master Chou seemed to show he didn’t notice.

“Morning, Master Chou,” Ghozu waved. “Who do we have here? I’m certainly not ready for an Agni Kai.”

Master Chou looked genuinely startled at the suggestion of an Agni Kai. “Absolutely not. This is Tzu. A friend of mine. He will be helping me demonstrate the dancing dragon form which you will then copy.”

“It’s excellent to meet you, Ghozu.” Tzu offered his hand. This close Ghozu noticed how young Tzu really was. He was no more than twenty. So proper for a young man.

“Likewise,” Ghozu replied. “I am grateful to have your assistance.”

“My pleasure,” Tzu stepped back. He slowly pulled off his suit jacket and folded it. “Shall we begin, Master Chou?”

“Please,” replied Master Chou.

“I’ll take your coat, Tzu.” Tzu thanked him with a nod and handed it over delicately. Ghozu was kind of surprised at himself for the offering. Ghozu certainly was never picky about his own clothes.

Ghozu watched as the pair stood three feet apart to start. He had heard tales from some of the more braggart firebenders who claimed to have met Sun Warriors and learned this famous routine directly from their society, Ghozu never really believed them. He couldn’t picture the firebenders he knew before this doing anything but picking fights and showing off. But the two firebending masters before him today were the picture of elegance and nobility. Watching them move in perfect sync opposite each other until they met in the middle on the opposing side was a thing of beauty. When Master Chou compared fire to life and spoke of its beauty the day before Ghozu thought it was simply a philosophy he could learn and emulate but that is not how to learn true firebending. Tzu and Chou slammed their two fists, arms fully extended, together and in unison raised one fist in the air to release funnels of flame so monolithic and bright Ghozu was sure it could be spotted from across the island. Ghozu understood that the dance of dragons was the true way.

“Your turn, Avatar,” Master Chou was smirking. Ghozu had a sneaking suspicion Chou was finding it easy to read his mind right now.

Ghozu sprinted to reach his teacher. He stood in the spot Tzu had begun his dance in moments prior. He moved without thinking. This time the precision of his movements was not the goal. Instead, Ghozu focused on the sand beneath his feet, the sound of the waves around him, and the feeling of excitement swelling inside him. Soon he and Master Chou completed the semicircle, striking the same pose as Chou and Tzu did earlier. When they broke apart Ghozu was eager to test himself. He extended his leg in a full vertical kick, releasing a powerful stream of flame thirty feet high. Ghozu thought he saw the flame turn white where it left his foot for an instant.

“Beautiful,” Tzu was shrugging his jacket back on. “Better leave you to it.”

Master Chou wasted no time as Tzu headed for the boardwalk. “Now that we’ve managed that. One hundred hot squats and then the routine I showed you yesterday. Do that ten times and you can call it a day.”

Ghozu watched as Master Chou sat down and began meditating. He figured the faster he started the faster he would be done, so he planted his feet and started doing squats.

Four months later

Ghozu found himself in a familiar position after four months of training. He and Master Chou were seated next to each other, meditating. Ghozu never broke the silence first. Master Chou always took his time and it was best to wait. Today, while he launched into his lecture he was also drawing in the sand. “By now I believe you realize you, as the Avatar are the embodiment of the balance of the elements in one person, ideally to keep peace in the world.” Ghozu finally recognized the symbol of the Earth Kingdom. He thought he could guess that the symbol for the Fire Nation was coming next. “Obviously, this gives you the power to be the most powerful bender alive. But if you rely on one element too much or one way of fighting any master of a single element could overwhelm you. For example, a master firebender could take you in an Agni Kai if you rely on traditional firebending. But you can learn new techniques and become unpredictable by combining the elements.” Master Chou had completed his drawing the four symbols for the four nations were now united in a circle.

“I’m not sure I understand,” Ghozu replied.

“Lightningbending, Ghozu. It was developed hundreds of years ago now by watching the movements and adaptability of waterbenders.”

“I’m going to learn how to bend lightning?” Ghozu was elated.

“Many advanced bending techniques were developed during the hundred-year war. Lightningbending, metalbending, energybending, and even bloodbending. No Avatar has learned all of them. I believe it is your destiny to be the first Avatar to do so. Yes, we will begin with lightning.”

“I’m ready, sir,” Ghozu started to rise.

“Stay seated, Ghozu, I am not done,” Ghozu obeyed immediately. He had never heard this serious tone from his teacher. “I will teach you this technique. But it is your responsibility to take it to a new level. The day is coming where you will need the power.” With that Master Chou rose to his feet. Ghozu copied.


“Not today. Now pay attention. You’re breathing is more important than ever.” Master Chou began to demonstrate as he demonstrated. “The lightning must come from one side of you. Then enter the stomach. As you breathe out you let it flow through you and out the other end.” As soon as the words left his mouth Master Chou unleashed a blast of lightning into the sky. Ghozu noticed the four prongs and the reflection it produced against the ocean and then it dissipated.

Ghozu’s first attempt generated the barest number of sparks from his finger. The second blew up in his face. He was frustrated which made him rush the third attempt. The pain was immediate. Ghozu doubled over as the lightning coursed up his spine. He collapsed face-first into the sand. Master Chou was at his side right away. Ghozu felt himself being rolled on his back. His body was slow to react when he tried to sit up. “I’m sorry, Ghozu. I didn’t warn you of the danger. If it goes through your heart, I may lose you. You will rest for a couple of days before we resume.”

So, Ghozu’s lesson in lightning bending came to a sudden halt. Ghozu felt nothing like a soon to be powerful Avatar as his teacher carried him to bed. His first attempt at a truly advanced technique had been an utter failure.

Two months later

The sun was high in the sky, today. Ghozu relished the heat on his face. The rest of him was shielded by gold sparring gear. He leveled his sight on his three opponents. They all wore matching red sparring gear. The one in the center was his friend Tzu, whom he learned a week after meeting him was the Fire Nation Prince. Master Chou had a good laugh about that. The other two were royal guards who were willing to participate in Ghozu’s final firebending test.

The guards struck first. Ghozu deflected their fireballs easily and propelled himself into the air with jets of flame from his feet. He kicked an arc of flame at each of them and smoothly flowed into a flip. Sending a burst of flame at Tzu. Ghozu was running as soon as he touched the ground. The guards flanked with whips of flame at the ready. As they pulled back with the whips to strike Ghozu interrupted by pulling the flame from them. In one fluid motion, he merged them into one large fireball, spun, and was able to knock both guards away. That left only Tzu.

Tzu had charged up two fire blasts and sent them at Ghozu in one big wave. Ghozu was able to move through the wave without breaking stride by crossing his arms and sweeping outward. Ghozu led with a flaming uppercut. Tzu ducked and flipped Ghozu over his shoulder. Ghozu stuck the landing and kicked backward sending a burst of flame. Tzu had mimicked him, so their legs connected which redirected the flames. Tzu was the first to break away with a tuck and roll. He turned and fired but Ghozu had launched himself skyward again. He crossed his arms and legs like a drill started spinning and ignited his feet again. Tzu tried to defend himself with a flame shield, but it only added to Ghozu attack. When the dust cleared Tzu was on his back just outside the crater that Ghozu now crouched in.

Ghozu stared in the direction of five official-looking elder folk all lounging in beach chairs. He was beaming at Master Chou who was front and center. Ghozu hoped he saw a brief smile back. “I think I nailed it.”

A response came from behind Ghozu. “Based on how much my back hurts, I agree.”

Mildly embarrassed, Ghozu went to help his friend up. “Sorry, Tzu.”

The middle-aged man to Chou’s left spoke. It was Tzu’s father; the Firelord. “It was an impressive display. No question in my mind that the young man passed. Bravo.”

Ghozu watched all but one White Lotus member nod in agreement. The holdout was a woman with a grey pixie cut who Ghozu knew to be a non-bender. “Chou, you taught him lightning bending, but he did not display it.”

Ghozu’s face fell. He turned and saw Chou more stone-faced than he has ever seen before. “Trust me, Ren, the boy is capable. I have seen it. Let’s not fault him for not needing to use an advanced technique. His skill is obvious.”

The large man next to Ren slapped her none too gently on the back. Ghozu knew this one well. A jovial earthbender named Hanu. “So serious, Ren. The boy passed. We best make arrangements to get him to an Air Temple.”

Ghozu felt the tension evaporate. Chou finally cracked his usual smile. “Monk Tam can of course handle the logistics.” Chou looked in the direction of the woman in question. An airbender; bald except for the braid trailing down her back. She was the youngest official there at forty.

“Right away,” Monk Tam smiled warmly in Ghozu’s direction. He returned the smile. She bowed to her peers and left to attend to the arrangements.

The others lingered to congratulate Ghozu on his achievement. Master Chou was last and the only one familiar enough with Ghozu to risk a hug. The hug was refreshing. Chou lingered to whisper to Ghozu. “You are ready to be called a firebending master, but I know you still fear the lightning. Be strong. I hope the airbenders can help you achieve the peace you need.” Master Chou let go and looked him in the eyes. “Oh, Happy Birthday.”

Master Chou walked away. Ghozu was left standing there with Tzu wondering if he wasn’t so much moving on to the next element as he was running away from firebending.

fan fiction

About the Creator


I want nothing more than to dedicate my life to writing, so I figured I would start here to test the waters. I will be submitting stories to as many communities as possible.

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