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If This, Than That

Watching as Much TV as I Did, I'm All Caught Up.

By Tracey CadePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

This past year is one that we will never forget. Most of us have grown weary with the waiting. Trying to be creative with the time that we have has been a challenge for most of us. When we first entered into isolation, it was difficult for some of us, especially little children with no one to play with. I read a sad story about a little boy who couldn't take it. He was just too lonely. Even though his parents tried to do what they could to help him, they couldn't take him anywhere to be helped.

Watching movies ad TV Shows are ways to fill your days. Here's why watching together can keep your family feeling loved and healthy during the shutdown. With several types and topics, some shows will make people laugh and yet others wouldn't find humor at all. For example, ''The Greatest Showman" or "Circ du Soleill". are about circus acts. The first movie shows the beginning of the circus, and the second one is the Circus Overload. One is a movie and the other can be seen on YouTube, for now.

Genre's are the catagories of the shows. You must decide which ones you want to see and how long each program will be. TV Shows now have episodes as well as series, that could last for a few weeks and sometimes for months.

They are Comedy, Drama, Educational, Governmental, History, Science Fiction, and Vocational. With this many to choose from, you can choose a few at a time that's just for you or for your family. What is the type that you might want to watch?

To name a few, During December, Christmas Movies or TV Shows that have snow or are in the winter are my favorite. The 2 that I watch that are timeless are "White Christmas" or "Holiday Inn" Both are musicals and feature Bing Crosby. So there is singing and dancing through the movie.

Sitcoms or comedies for shorter tv viewing have some to watch. "Throw Mama from the Train" or "How I Met Your Mama", Also this second one is considered to be a Dark Comedy.

Others that I like feature one of my favorite actresses that recently passed away, portray enslaved characters. She lived through the Emancipation Proclamation in the second movie. They are "Sounder" or "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman".She shows what it was like in the history of this country at that time. Cicely Tyson is the Actress.

More historic or Iconic movies featuring another one of my favorite actors that recently passed away, are "Ma Rainey Black Bottom" or "Da 5 Bloods". Both feature Chadwick Bozeman, and Both were made about a past time. Which were the Blues, and Viet Nam.

Christian Education has a few to choose from that feature one actor. It is Charleston Heston in "Ben Hur" or "The Ten Commandments". Most Christian households watch these 2 during the Easter season.

TV Shows that have at least 10 episodes are called "Mini- Series". They started in 1990 when books were being made into movies. If you like these, you can watch "Ozark" or "Love Craft Country". Both are dramas and will keep you on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what's next.

Both have violent scenes, Strange Occurrences, Strong Language, and more. However, if you have Nightmares, be very careful with the second mini-series.

People seem to be very fascinated with tv series that coincide with Fire, Medical, and Police Force. You can watch 3 hours of them with "Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, and Chicago PD". or Law and Order: SVU, Law and Order:CI, and Law and Order:OC. They have cross-over episodes very often. Well, I wrote about TV viewing, because these shows are what I tend to watch most of the time.


About the Creator

Tracey Cade

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