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How The Lorax restores my Faith in Humanity

Yes seriously

By Sarah St.ErthPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Furry Meatloaf of my Dreams✨

This movie has become the soundtrack for my life at the moment, as it is my toddlers absolute favourite, and we watch it many, many times in a week.

Thankfully The Lorax actually has some substance beyond many of the movies made for children. Movies that are full of moral lessons about happily ever after and everything turning up roses in the end.

A beautiful ideal to instill in our children, to be sure. This movie is no exception, but it does touch on realistic consequence instead or purely unlikely circumstances.

However I still think we can inspire magic, and wonder along with common sense, and logical consequence without diminishing the beauty of our world.

The Main antagonist Oncey, aka the “Oncler”in all his good intents and purposes heads off into the big wide world to make his fortune, only to come up against his most insistent antagonist yet.

Aside from his mocking and un supportive family unit.

Ego dynamics are introduced as a concept here, addressing many levels of the personal consciousnesses we develop through our families,communities,and extended social circles.

Oncey’s certainty that he is entitled to chop down all the trees, despite it being the opposite of what many other beings wish, simply because he desires to be rich and a success in the eyes of his low vibrating family members, indicates a level of common knowledge that is designed to inspire disdain for such an idea.

Here enters the Lorax, a deliverer of higher intelligence and the spirit of nature in the form of a lovable, blue eyed, moustache rocking, meatloaf. Characterized by the familiar and beloved voice of Danny Devito.

Who doesn’t Love Danny Devito?

I mean I already loved him, but doing the voice for the Lorax increased my love quotient significantly.

I kind of think the Lorax is an Extra Terrestrial. He descends and ascends from the sky to either underline his displeasure, share his council, or in the end give his congratulatory pat on the back to the reformed destroyer of environments.

Introducing concepts of regret and vindication intended to guide children to learn from the Oncelers mistakes, and to make right their own mistakes.

The Lorax attempts to re direct the Oncler, and is ultimately unsuccessful.

The Oncler must stand alone in the presence of the destruction he has created while the animals, and their ascended guardian vanish into what is presumably extinction.

The Lorax, is set in a child friendly version of a post apocalyptic world without trees. A world sheltered from its past mistakes by an ultimately pathological individual.

An individual that is destroyed by greed, and the inability to see nature in all its forms as equally important.

The Narrative begs to be addressed, and in fact gives us many tools to interface with the many problems we face in the world today.

When Cartoons hold a higher morality than the general population we have a problem.

Here we meet the modern worlds oblivious hero, Ted Wiggins, whose only wish is to win the love of the imaginative and empowered female character of Audrey.

Concepts of questioning the status quo, and no less important engaging with empowered and intelligent female counter parts, are conveyed through their dynamics. With each other, and with their antagonists, Alouicious Ohare and his Gorilla sized thugs, who defend the corporatized boycott of trees.

Plastic Trees, and air that you have to buy, touch on the consequences of monetizing the elements. Further to the secret fact of the destruction outside the sheltered walls of Thneedville.

The namesake of the product that systemically destroyed the natural beauty of the land prior to its unfortunate aquaintance with “THE ONCLER”

The preposterous brain child of a Greedy little dirtbag, Alouicious O’hare.

Delightfully Dis-Likeable

Betty White rocks the insanely intelligent and somewhat eccentric granny, making us all realize our Elders should be greatly respected and listened to, a trait many have lost touch with, demonstrated by the dynamic between herself and her daughter.

Wise Children know to heed their Grand Parents!

At least when they guide you towards following your heart, and your dreams, and share what they have learned from their significant amount of time on Earth.

Watching my son dance and clap his hands at the victories of Ted Wiggins and the people he loves, gives me hope.

Hope that we are, really ready to admit mistakes, seek solutions, and ultimately unite behind some truths that we all depend on.

Otherwise why are we teaching this to our kids?

With all my Love and Intent to leave the world on a path to regeneration and re connection for the next seven generations, So Mote it be!

Sarah St.Erth


About the Creator

Sarah St.Erth

BC Born activist, Mother & Grandmother. Raised in Music and counter culture. My Pen name is an ode to my matrelineal lineage. Sign up for Vocal plus here

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