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How Much Does Flutter App Development Cost?

Flutter App Development Cost: Continue Reading to Learn More About What to Expect

By Quokka LabsPublished about a year ago 6 min read
mobile app development cost

Flutter, Google's UI toolkit, is highly regarded for its many benefits over other cross-platform solutions. As you pursue your goal of creating a top-notch business app, Flutter emerges as a viable option with its cross-platform capabilities.

The use of cross-platform technologies is on the rise due to their time-saving and cost-efficient nature. Who wouldn't want to save time and money? Previously, native apps were the preferred choice due to their exceptional performance, but cross-platform technologies have been shown to empower developers even more.

So, does Flutter genuinely lower the app development cost? And how much does flutter app development cost to build a Flutter app in 2023? Let's delve into the key factors that impact the price.

Stats of Flutter

  • According to Statista, Flutter is the leading cross-platform mobile framework developers use globally, with 42% of programmers currently utilizing it.

  • A StackOverflow survey revealed that 68.8% of developers are fond of Flutter and plan to keep working with the technology. The survey data also showed that Flutter is highly in demand and one of the least disliked applications.

  • Google Trends data demonstrates a growing interest in Flutter in the United States over the past year, as illustrated in the image below, with blue representing Flutter, yellow representing Kotlin, and red representing React Native.

What Makes Flutter a Cost-Effective Development Platform?

Several factors contribute to the cost-effectiveness of Flutter as a development platform:

  • Reusability of Code

With Flutter, developers can write code once and utilize it on multiple platforms, thus minimizing the need to create separate app versions for different operating systems, ultimately saving time and effort.

  • Hot Reload

Flutter's hot reload functionality enables developers to modify the code and immediately view the results without restarting the app, significantly reducing the time spent and streamlining the development process.

  • Efficient Testing

Flutter offers an efficient and rapid method for testing apps, minimizing the necessity for manual testing and conserving time and resources.

  • Open-Source Nature

Being an open-source framework, Flutter grants developers access to a thriving and vast community of developers who contribute to its growth and offer support. This results in lower development costs by reducing the requirement for paid resources.

  • Extensive Library of Widgets

Flutter offers a plentiful and diverse array of pre-constructed widgets, minimizing the time and effort necessary for creating custom designs.

These attributes render Flutter a cost-effective development platform. Flutter helps simplify the development procedure, decrease the time and effort needed, and lower the Flutter app development cost by reducing the necessity for paid resources. That’s why most startups and enterprises nowadays consider Flutter application development as their favorite platform to develop cross-platform mobile applications.

Average Flutter App Development Cost

When it comes to the average Flutter application development cost, many factors impact the cost of developing a Flutter app. Some of them are the app's complexity, design, development, features, and many more. However, Flutter mobile app development cost can be between $30,000 - 200,000, depending on the various factors.

Note:- The above-mentioned average cost of developing a Flutter application is a rough estimation of flutter development. If you need the final flutter app development estimation, you must connect a Flutter app development company or hire a dedicated developer. They can provide a well-researched and relevant cost estimation of Flutter application development.

Below is the average estimation of Flutter app development. Have a look!!

  1. Simple App Development with basic functionalities can cost up to $10,000-$25,000
  2. Middle Complex App Development with complex functionalities can cost up to $25,000-$50,000.
  3. Highly Complex Flutter Application Development costs can range from $50,000-200,000.

Factors Impact the Flutter App Development Cost

If someone from the web or mobile app development industry can relate to this, several factors influence the cost of flutter application development. Therefore, this blog has been categorized as the major factor impacting Flutter's cross-platform app development.

  1. The Complexity of Flutter App Development
  2. App’s Design & Layout
  3. Application Category
  4. Tools and License Cost
  5. Developers’ or Company’s Location
  6. Release of Your Flutter App
  7. App Maintenance & Support

Let’s get started-

  • The Complexity of Flutter App Development

Applications are grouped into "low," "medium," and "high" categories depending on the complexity of the programming involved. The more features included in the software, the greater the resources and budget required for the project.

Factors such as the chosen architectural model, added functionality, and third-party integration tools contribute to the complexity and can increase the cost of developing a Flutter app.

For instance, basic features like login require minimal expenses, but the cost significantly increases when incorporating features like chat and video calls, and even more for map navigation. The application's classification will dictate the necessary functionalities and features, ultimately determining the total cost of the Flutter app development project.

  • App’s Design & Layout

The flutter app design and layout can significantly impact its cost of development. For example- A complex and intricate design and layout take time & resources to develop the app, which ultimately impacts the Flutter app development cost.

Similarly, adding custom animation, advanced graphics, and a complicated UI can also impact the developing cost of a Flutter app.

If one considers and plans the design & layout phase of the app carefully can reduce the cost of the Flutter app development project.

  • Application Category

The Flutter app development cost depends on the type of app you wish to create for your business. There are three main types of applications: dynamic apps, which focus on a better user experience through real-time access and server-side execution (such as Facebook and Instagram), list display applications where users can view and interact with various data objects through multiple or single selections, and game applications that can have advanced features like AI-enabled functions, 3D visuals, and high-resolution animation.

  • Tools and License Cost

Flutter is a free, open-source platform for app development, including commercial use. While the core Flutter development toolkit can enhance app functionalities and streamline the development process, some additional tools and integrations may require payment. These can include specialized integrated development environments (IDEs), such as IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm, which developers and agencies use to build applications, and third-party API integrations to allow communication between programs using protocols. While lower-priced APIs can be used initially, advanced APIs may be necessary as usage increases.

  • Region or Location

The Flutter app development cost and software programming, in general, varies depending on location. North America typically has the highest hourly rates for developers, followed by Australia and Western Europe. In contrast, Eastern European countries like Ukraine tend to have lower Flutter developer hourly rates due to the more extensive availability of programmers in those regions. Hire Flutter developers at a lower cost, or outsourcing may be a good option, with countries like Ukraine being popular destinations for software development outsourcing.

  • Release of Your Flutter App

After developing a Flutter app, the next step is to publish it on app stores. The Play Store and the App Store are the two most popular deployment platforms worldwide. However, both platforms have fees for launching apps. Google Play charges a one-time fee of $25, while the App Store charges $99 annually.

  • App Maintenance & Support

The cost of developing a Flutter app (or any software) should include the initial development cost and the costs of future updates, maintenance, and bug fixing. Software is never truly finished and requires ongoing maintenance to ensure smooth functionality. Additionally, design changes may be necessary from time to time to keep the app visually appealing to users. When setting your project budget, it is important to factor in these costs and not limit them solely to the initial Flutter app development cost.

Over to You!

The Flutter app development cost can vary greatly, and there is no exact answer to the question. It depends on various factors, particularly the complexity of the project and the features required. For a rough estimate of the development cost, it is recommended to contact a professional Flutter app development company. Working with certified developers can help ensure the final product meets your business requirements while overcoming any development challenges.


About the Creator

Quokka Labs

Quokka Labs is an IT Products & Services consulting company striving to design, develop, and deploy solid and scalable software systems. W


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