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'Game of Thrones' Fans Disappointed

The worst or the best possible ending?

By Kayleigh TaylorPublished 5 years ago 5 min read
The love story that never happened.

GOT fans have without a doubt endured some of the worst torture, in any series so far.

In season one, we were thrown into the story instantly, yet by the end of it had already lost three main characters: Eddard Stark, Khal Drogo, and Robert Baratheon.

Although three very different men with very different morals, they still were liked in different ways by the cast and fans alike, all of which reacted with shock and excitement at what this series could unfold.

Eddard Stark losing his head, Khal being smothered by Dany—after being left in a vegetated state—and Baratheon dying a slow and far from painless death. Fans had noticed from this point already not to get too attached to any characters.

If the main ones aren't safe, who are?

By the end of season three, we as fans tragically had to endure the brutal episode that fans nicknamed "The Red Wedding."

Witnessing the death of an unborn child, its mother, father, and grandmother in a few short minutes left audiences shocked and saddened.

In season five, fans were again left shocked and saddened when Jon Snow was stabbed to death. Only this time, the writers brought him back, giving fans hope that some of their favourite characters would indeed be safe.

Any hopes of favourite characters being safe, of course, were only dreams in die-hard fans' minds. This was proven in season six when troubled and beloved character Hodor was killed in the episode "The Door."

By the time we reached the final episodes of season eight, we had already suffered as fans and lost many beloved and some not so beloved characters.

The first couple and last, but one episode of the final season left you on the edge of your seat: The fight scenes, the violence, the war, the revenge, the death, the realisations, the secrets, the lies, the corruption, the love—we grasped on to it all and the show completely enthralled us.

So what happened in the final episode?

For a show that had shocked fans with their unpredictability for eight seasons, and left us on the edge of our seats, they somehow failed to grasp us that one last time.

Many fans are calling for a different ending, many pointing out that Dany had been met with betrayal and loss all the way through the series, never gaining what she wanted.

Many saying that Bran simply did nothing and had no right to the Throne, so therefore should not have been granted it.

Many saying Jon Snow shouldn't have been punished for his "crime." He was the true heir to the Throne and was loyal, literally until the end.

Some would say, was only brought on by Dany's demonstration of destruction, to the innocent people who inhabited King's Landing.

Many are saying Cersei didn't get the punishment she deserved, yet still argue that her death was in ways poetic.

The basic argument is that the finale was not much of... well, a finale.

It was slow, lacked action, the dialogue was not at its finest, and the majority of outcomes for the characters were seen as either predictable or senseless.

Many do agree, however, that Arya Starks ending was fitting for her character. Having never wanted to be tied down, or in one place for long through seasons one to eight, it seemed perfect that she would become GOT's very own Francis Drake.

The same applies to Sansa.

We have already watched Sansa save Winterfell, seen her strategic mind grow before our very eyes, and watched her turn into a calm, smart, collected woman who holds her suffering behind closed doors to make life better for the people of the North.

It seemed only fair that she should be Queen of the North.

I, however, do believe that the ending was—although in many ways underwhelming—still fitting to the story that GOT wanted to tell.

It's no secret that the Starks are the most liked, kindest, and generally "normal" family in GOT. So to end with a victory for them, including Jon Snow, seems poetic to say the least.

Bran may not have the physical ability to have contributed, but he certainly has the mental capacity and ability to have contributed and he did.

He is by far the wisest, although one of the youngest of the cast, due to his insight into the future.

What better person to have on the Throne but one who can see into the future?

Dany had shown many acts of kindness and selflessness throughout the series, but she had also shown acts of vengeance and was beginning to reflect her father's ways.

Is this the sort of person to be left on a Throne? One of which killed innocent children to, let's be honest, get her point across.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

And, of course, Jon Snow. Yes, he was punished and sent to the Wall for his "crime," but that is exactly where he wanted to be. Jon wanted a simple life, in the North with his family.

He had already made clear throughout the seasons that the men he stood by and guarded the Wall with were his brothers.

Watching him walk into the woods with the people he had grown close to as family has its own sense of poetic justice.

So for me, the ending was as good as any other ending could have been, it was just different to what was expected.

Let's be honest, however.

No matter the ending, fans would have found a way to pick at it, because that's what we do when we have loved something for so long and we have to say goodbye.

What a spectacular goodbye it was.

The final episode may not have been action-packed, but season eight, as a whole, left us on the edge of our seats.

Sometimes, we were left with excitement, sometimes covering our faces with fear, but it was an honour to watch something as it's released, that will be remembered and watched over for generations to come.

Thank you for eight magnificent seasons.

Your fans will surely miss you, and the legacy in entertainment that GOT has will carry on for years to come.


About the Creator

Kayleigh Taylor

Book, coffee and pet-obsessed writer who loves writing raw truths and fictional fantasies. I hope you enjoy.


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