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Everything You Need To Know About Groot's Homeworld, Planet X, And How It Could Factor Into The MCU's Future

I am Groot!

By Kristy AndersonPublished 10 months ago Updated 10 months ago 4 min read
Credit: Marvel.

First introduced in the original 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy film, Groot, a sentient tree of very few words, quickly became an MCU fan favourite. While we have seen Groot at nearly every life stage, from adorable baby, surly teen, right up to the impressive 'King Groot' in the mid-credits of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, the character's origins and backstory from before he met Rocket Raccoon and his other fellow Guardians has not yet been explored. Now, the first hint of said origins have come from a rather surprising source.

A blink-and-you'll-miss-it Easter Egg in episode two of Secret Invasion confirms that Groot hails from Planet X, providing more explicit confirmation of Groot's homeworld after an equally brief Easter Egg in the first Guardians. While this is already well-known among comic fans, it is very likely new information to those who only know Groot through the character's appearances in the MCU. Here's everything you need to know about Planet X, and how it may be included in the MCU's future.

Planet X and it's residents

Credit: Marvel.

Planet X, not to be confused with a similarly named planet to which Earth's Mutant population were once evacuated, has long been established in Marvel Comics as the home of the Flora colossi, a race of large sentient trees. The Flora Colossi are ruled over by the largest and wisest of their species, known as the Arbor Masters, who carry the wisdom and knowledge of all the generations of Arbor Masters who came before them. They share this knowledge with the youth of Planet X through photosynthesis, the same process through which plants on Earth convert sunlight into energy.

This wealth of shared knowledge leaves most members of the Flora colossi with a genius level intellect, but unfortunately, they don't have much time to share this outside members of their own species. While young, Flora colossi can speak in full sentences, but as they grow from soft, flexible saplings into fully mature trees, their larynxes stiffen and warp, leaving them able to say nothing but the three now iconic words:

"I am Groot."

This means we can take an educated guess that the first 'Groot, Monster from Planet X' who originally attacked Earth in 1960's Tales To Astonish #13 is not the same character as the loveable Groot who joins the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Credit: Marvel.

The latter Groot, who is the main version of the character seen in Marvel Comics' core 616 timeline, is notably different than many members of his species. As a youth on Planet X, Groot did not get on with his fellow Flora colossi saplings, preferring the company of the Maintenance Mammals. These small animals cared for the planet, but were often mistreated and dismissed as lower class beings by the Flora colossi.

When Groot accidentally killed a fellow sapling in defense of a Maintenance Mammal, the Arbor Masters exiled him from Planet X, and with no other options, he roamed the galaxy alone before meeting and befriending Rocket Raccoon, who reminded him of his Maintenance Mammal friends. The pair are eventually recruited into the newly forming Guardians of the Galaxy.

Credit: Marvel.

Groot has returned to Planet X with Rocket on at least one occasion, albeit forced to conceal his identity due to his exile.

Could we visit Planet X in the MCU's future?

At one point, Vin Diesel, who has voiced Groot in all of his MCU appearances to date, said he and Marvel Studios' head Kevin Feige had discussed the possibility of a Groot-centric film set on Planet X. When multiple Marvel Studios comic con panels passed by without reference to such a film, fans assumed the idea had been scrapped, but this is not necessarily the case. Unlike many franchises, the MCU's release schedule is not decided by how long it has been since we have seen a particular character, but rather, where a story best fits in the continuing narrative of the overall universe.

The MCU's first Groot was killed via a heartbreaking heroic sacrifice in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film. The baby Groot who sprouts from a twig salvaged by Rocket at the end of the film is the son of the original. This Groot, jointly raised from birth by his Guardians family, has never set foot on Planet X, so far as we know.

With little knowledge of his own species beyond whatever stories the Guardians have told him about his Father, the now adult Groot could develop an interest in his origins, possibly driving him to seek out other members of his species, eventually leading him to Planet X.

This journey of self-discovery could form the basis of the previously discussed Planet X film, or perhaps more likely, a fourth Guardians of the Galaxy film, exploring Groot's origins as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 explored Rocket Raccoon's past.

Well, we're always down for more Guardians. Bring on the quest for Planet X!

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About the Creator

Kristy Anderson

Passionate About all things Entertainment!

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