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Eating my experiences (15)

A zombie story for those bored of zombie stories

By L.D. Malachite Published 3 years ago 3 min read


I woke to what I could swear was my cat jumping onto my bed, I allowed myself a dash of excitement at the prospect of seeing her. Sitting up abruptly, allowing Zach's arm to fall to the bed, I am greeted with the reality of my cat being gone. I had faced this several times before now, yet it hits me hard none the less.

I decide to walk to my back porch where I choke back tears while looking at the familiar scenery. I missed my old life, a life of ease and comfort. I'm not sure how long I sat there before I saw eyes poke over the railing of my neighbors porch. I know these eyes well "Breb?" I ask, unsure if what I'm seeing could be true until she lets loose a bellow of a meow, sending me sprinting to my feet and out my front door.

I banged on my neighbors door for some wile before deciding she must have abandoned her apartment. I check the door, only to find it unlocked, letting myself in, I immediately call out to my cat who comes running while screaming at me. That's when I see blood in her snow white fur, causing me to swallow hard, hoping it isn't her blood. I continue into the apartment wondering if I may find food for her or I.

That's when I saw her, my neighbor, bloated by rot, and chewed up by my sweet cat. This has been one of my worst fears, that my rotund cat would find humans to be appropriate food, but I will not abandon her this time. I scoop her into my arms as she allows herself to purr and slip back into my apartment, where I find myself in need of a good long sit with my Breb as tears run down my cheeks.

Alex woke up next and shortly after, Zach, where I inform them I want to get Aurora. I don't feel securely enough that she would have sold us down the river. They reluctantly agree, and we begin gathering ourselves along with any helpful items. I grab a few kitchen knives, some clothes, food, and my cat. Alex and Zach grab blankets, a pillow or two, and books.

As we walk down the street, me in my domed back pack with a pacing, yodeling cat in it, and my friends carrying inanimate objects. The store is close, and before we know it we are standing in front of the store. I lead the way in, with my hood up, and hoping I am not recognizable. Aurora sees me as she sits behind the front desk, reading through the skylight.

I see her expression take on that of sorrow before she lets out a loud whistle. Several armed guards come from the staff areas hidden behind her as she begins to speak. "I'm sorry, we...I want to see my family again, they promised to take me to Monterey if I gave them you...try to...survive." I couldn't help but forgive her, her sister had a baby shortly before this whole Zombie problem, but getting gas is more difficult than any of us would have thought leaving people stranded across the world. I provide her with a simple nod before turning to run.

We don't get far, none of us have been eating well and we are weak, there were people surrounding us before we had the chance to steal away down the street. I say nothing as we are led to the Apartments that we recently fought so hard to escape. We are led to the fourth floor, causing Zach to go pale.

Once we are alone, locked in an apartment, I ask Zach "What's wrong?" a somewhat silly question, yet I'm glad I asked

"This is the floor they use to experiment with Zombies... We're probably food." He stared ahead in horror as reality set in.


About the Creator

L.D. Malachite

L.D.Malachite is an author from California who specializes in Horror, and psychological explorations on trauma.

All stories published here are first drafts which will be later published as books.

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