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Devslopes Review - Is It Worth It?

Devslopes Review

By Axel LigmanPublished 6 days ago 3 min read

Welcome to my Devslopes review. This is an online coding academy aiming to make learning tech skills accessible, affordable, and practical.

Founded with the goal of changing how tech education works, Devslopes offers courses on web development, mobile app creation, and full stack development.

Their approach focuses on hands-on learning and mentorship.

The program emphasizes practical learning by allowing students to work on real projects.

Instead of just watching videos or reading, you get to build actual projects, which reinforces learning and makes the material more engaging.

How Does Devslopes Work?

Devslopes emphasizes practical learning by allowing students to work on real projects.

Instead of just watching videos or reading, you get to build actual projects, which reinforces learning and makes the material more engaging.

A significant feature of Devslopes is mentorship. Students receive guidance from experienced professionals who provide support and help navigate the learning journey and career path.

They also offer job placement support, providing advice on interviews, resumes, and showcasing projects to help you land a job in tech.

What's Inside Devslopes?

Devslopes offers a variety of courses covering different areas of tech and coding. Whether you’re interested in building websites, creating mobile apps, or mastering full stack web development, there’s a course for you.

The courses are designed to fit different schedules and learning speeds, with options for both part-time and full-time learning.

The teaching method includes video tutorials that explain concepts clearly, allowing you to pause and rewatch as needed. Additionally, you get to work on real projects, which helps you apply what you’ve learned.

A key part of Devslopes courses is building a portfolio. Students are encouraged to work on projects that can be shown to potential employers or clients.

This is crucial for standing out in the job market and demonstrating your skills.

How Much Does Devslopes Cost?

Devslopes courses cost over $10,000, with an option to pay in monthly installments of $250.

This is a significant investment, especially when compared to other online learning platforms or coding bootcamps that might offer lower prices.

However, it’s competitive compared to the cost of a university degree in computer science.

Here's My Favorite Program

What Do Users Say About Devslopes?

Many students praise Devslopes for its practical and career-oriented courses.

The programs are designed to equip students with relevant skills that can be directly applied in their careers.

Graduates often report that the knowledge and skills gained through Devslopes' programs have significantly helped them secure new jobs or achieve promotions.

The coursework at Devslopes emphasizes real-world application, which students find particularly beneficial.

Practical assignments, projects, and case studies are integrated into the curriculum, ensuring that students can immediately use what they learn in their professional lives.

This approach not only boosts confidence but also enhances employability.

The active Facebook group is highly valued by members. It provides a platform for networking, getting advice, and learning from others' experiences.

This community aspect helps users stay motivated and informed, which is crucial for success in this field.

The course is designed for flexible learning, allowing users to study at their own pace.

This is particularly beneficial for individuals who have busy schedules but still want to learn how to hack exotic cars.

Devslopes Pros

Modern Curriculum: The courses are up-to-date with current industry standards, teaching skills that are in demand by employers.

Affordable Compared to Traditional Education: Although pricey, the tuition is more affordable than many coding bootcamps or university degrees.

Comprehensive Support: Beyond coding, Devslopes helps with resume building, interview preparation, and career coaching.

Devslopes Cons

Steep Cost: Over $10,000 is a significant investment, which might not be feasible for everyone.

Intensive for Beginners: Newcomers to coding might find the courses challenging and overwhelming without a solid foundation.

Job Placement Support: While there is career coaching, some users feel the direct job placement support could be stronger.


Devslopes offers a lot of value, especially if you’re eager to learn modern tech skills that employers are looking for.

The curriculum is up-to-date, and the focus on real-world projects helps build a solid portfolio.

Career coaching is also a valuable resource for anyone unsure about navigating the job market.

However, it’s not a perfect fit for everyone. The high upfront cost could be a barrier, and if you’re a complete beginner, you might find the courses challenging.

Additionally, while there’s good career support, the direct path to job placement could be stronger.

If you’re considering Devslopes, think about your learning style and career goals.

Do you need more hands-on guidance, or are you comfortable diving into projects on your own?

Are you looking to switch careers entirely, or just add some new skills?

Finally, assess your financial situation to decide if the investment makes sense for you right now.

Devslopes is not a quick path to success, but it can help you develop valuable skills for a sustainable career in tech.

Here's My Favorite Program

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About the Creator

Axel Ligman

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