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Chapter 2 LOKI: Variant


By Renzo VGPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Chapter 2 LOKI: Variant
Photo by Henar Langa on Unsplash

Loki: Variant

Episode 2

Credit: Disney

It is incredible where the series is heading, it gets more and more interesting. Every time we realize how Loki is the essence of chaos because it becomes too difficult to predict. Unlike the previous episode, this one is slower, but that does not mean that it is more boring, Loki's actor knows how to connect Loki's arrogant and intelligent personality and combined with that of mobius they make us think when he will betray him. We will also see the philosophical questioning of loki and mobius and finally the great appearance of lady loki. Stay until the end of this review which you will not regret, dear readers.

The chapter begins with the agents of the TBA in search of lady loki in a Renaissance fair where curiously someone similar to Agatha Harkness is observed who uses a purple magic similar to the color of the devices that have the TBA. We observe how a hooded being appears, appearing in surprise, controlling the minds of the agents and for them to kill each other, and finally they take one of the agents as hostage. Later we see Loki as an office worker learning more about the TBA, but clearly it is noted that the God of lies is easily bored in a monotonous and boring job such as that of an office worker. We observe a meeting of the TBA agents where they clearly distrust Loki and his position is noted as a variant. The only one interested in what Loki can say is Mobius. At this point, a greater connection between these two characters was becoming apparent. An important revelation is the fact that they cannot catch the variant of Loki, which is that if they did that they would generate longer timelines in time.

In another moment we see Loki questioning the existence of the TBA where he says that chaos must coexist with peace. Mobius seems to be a religious fanatic by not questioning anything in the TBA, a fact that blind faith without any logical support is strange. Later we see Loki looking in the files where the variant of Lady Loki could hide and in the files of the movie Thor Ragnarok, Loki tells Mobius that in an apocalyptic event he can hide. For this Mobius goes to Rabona to ask permission for this verification and they decide to go to Pompeii where Loki has fun with the villagers before the eruption of the volcano speaking Latin. It is observed that Loki's theory is true and everything done in an apocalyptic event does not generate alternate lines.

For the final part, the TBA and Loki go to the year 2055 where an apocalyptic event causes them to finally find Lady Loki, who was finishing her macabre plan and we observe action scenes. Finally, the identity of Lady Loki is revealed and that she had detonated the time control devices of the TBA agents on different planets and timelines, which causes a great ramification of alternate time lines that worries Rabona and goes out personally to stop the event. Loki has an intention to find out the variant's plans from her but she tells him that it has nothing to do with hers and leaves, however, she leaves the portal open predicting that Loki will follow her. In this last scene Loki decides what seems to betray the TBA and join with the other variants of him.

Credit: Disney

Seen all the above we see that the plot takes more and more sense which is that Loki wants to obtain the greater power of TBA, since the gems of infinity for which he fought are worth nothing, and possibly return to his timeline. Another important issue is that the time keepers resemble Khan the conqueror and Rabona knows more than he seems. Loki seems to have already decided his path in this series which is to end the guardians of time. Agent C20 seems to be giving away the TBA with Lady Loki's hypnosis, which makes it interesting to know more about that for the next episode.


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