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Celebrity which I looked up to not so much a crush: DENZEL WASHINTON


By Evelyn GwynnPublished 4 years ago 2 min read

It's difficult to write a story about one celebrity that I have always wanted to meet or had a crush about. If I had to choose it would have been Denzel Washington. His movie career has been so wide ranged and diversified throughout the years. Whenever I watch one of his movies, I often forget it is an actual nonfiction story. He puts his entire soul into every role. My favorite movie of all is Malcolm X. He played that role as if his body had become man. Anyone can tell he studied for the role in order to be so compiling. On the other spectrum he became the star of Training Day and showed an entirely different person. Yet, when he played the role in The Preacher's Wife we got to see a more playful side of him as an angel. However, the role in Training Day and Fallen was so opposite each other if the viewers had never seen great acting, there would be a wonderment as to where did he go for his training. He was able to capture each character with futuristic style and showmanship no one else can ever obtain. I just think Mr. Washington could have his own acting school because of his ability to teach through his own skills. No other person can act in such a manner that is one usable by schools for acting. Now, when I watched A Soldier's Story, Antwon Fisher and Courage Under Fire those two movies literally helped me personally with my own military career as a African American female military officer. He gave out such strong advice as a commander. It helped me along my way to each rank I made until my medical retirement. Now, when I watched Philadelphia the very first time, I had so many tears going down my face, I couldn't complete the movie. I finally got the courage to finish it only to have more tears. Even now when I watch the tears still flow and I need time to reflect on both actors in the movie. Yet it is Mr. Washington's role I know had to be the hardest during that period of time. It takes me back to when I worked in the hospital, where I had to care for HIV+ patients and even those with full blown AIDS.

So, if I had to select one actor I admire it would have to be Mr. DENZEL WASHINGTON. His career has been so outstanding for so many years. Trying to select certain movies is so difficult when he has so many in his library. I have seen them all and many more than five times. It's great to see his son is following in his footsteps and also to know he also paid for other acting students to further their training. Now my story is written and I hope it tells the way I feel towards a phenomenal role model, actor and man.


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