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Breakdown Hallmark’s “Taking a Shot at Love”

Welcome to Hallsparkville

By The Green ShoesPublished 6 months ago 9 min read

DESCRIPTION: Former professional ballet dancer Jenna works with NHL star Ryan Cooper to help him recover from an injury using ballet as therapy, and as they grow close, he helps her mend her injured heart. - Hallmark’s words not mine.

STARRING: Alexa PenaVega and Luke Macfarlane

This picture is all Hallmark’s fault. I take NO responsibility for those atrocious feet and hands. :gag:

What is Happening Here?

Oh boy… What is happening here? Hallmark has some ‘splainin’ to do, that’s what’s happening here. I gave this movie a chance because… dance and hockey. Two of this family’s great loves. (And because she’s the chick from From Prada to Nada – also a cheesy movie, but it’s a guilty pleasure.) The regrets are many, the drinks are flowing, let’s get into it.

Avon Winterfest

We start this special movie at our main character’s ballet studio, Avon Ballet Studio or something like that.


There’s lots, LOTS I have to say about the dancing in this movie and I am going to try VERY hard to restrain myself, but I make no promises.

Back to the movie.

Jenna and her dancers are gearing up for the annual Avon Winterfest Performance where they’ve been chosen to perform the final number. Go team!

But wait… Not team. Because this whole movie is VERY anti-competition dance. I have words. I have so many words. But not yet. We’ll save those for later.


Two dancers drop out because they’ve joined the competitive team simply known as “The Dance Company.” Because what better way to diss competition dance than to give it a name so vague that it’s almost not even worth mentioning.

Sorry, I’ll behave.


But probably not.

Let’s Play Hockey!

It’s Ryan’s turn for introductions and he’s in pain. He’s trying to heal from an ankle injury, but it’s not going very well. As an NHL player with the New York Rangers, he needs to be at the top of his game, but Coach won’t let him play until he’s healed. What is he going to do?

Back to the “Dancer”

It hurts me to be forced to call her that.

She disses competition dance some more because she dances for the love of dance, not for a trophy. Oh, deep sigh. Competition dancers compete to be the best they can be just like dancers who audition to be a part of a ballet company where the competition is even more brutal, believe me. But it’s Hallmark and stuff.


The rent is being raised on her building, and with the two dancers having quit to join “The Company” she’s strapped for cash.

Get Ready for the Meet Cute.

At lunch with her cousin, who just haaaappens to be the manager of our favorite scruffy hockey player, Jenna and Terry discuss our young hunk. And, what a coincidence, Jenna suffered the same exact injury as our hockey player. Since she used ballet to heal herself, Terry just knows that she’ll be great at rehabbing the hotty.

Terry floats the idea by Ryan “Coop” and he’s not having it because he’s about to wear a tutu… because male dancers wear tutus… of course they do. How cliche of you, Hallmark.

When the landlord won’t let Jenna out of paying more in rent, she reluctantly agrees to rehab Hunky Hotty McHockey Player for a lot of money because New York Rangers and they can afford it.

How convenient, the Rangers just happen to have a minor league team right there in the town that he’s supposed to rehab in anyway! What a coincidence.

The Guest House

I knew before it happened that Ryan would think that Jenna’s house was the guest house because he’s a rich and spoiled NHL player and… WHAT?! He’s sitting on her couch eating takeout and watching hockey when she walks in. What an unpredictable misunderstanding. Never saw that coming.

I will admit that I was hoping she would catch him coming out of her shower or something, but it’s family friendly Hallmark and boring.

But we do get to meet Jenna’s neighbor Erin, the fan girl. Love her. She’s adorable throughout. No notes.

The First Rehearsal

Hottie is so late for his first rehearsal that he’s forced to join the Babies’ class and I am here for it, hunny.

Those 5 year olds. Be still my heart. Love those little ones. I will admit, I ignored the hottie completely during their class and just watched them. Munchkins are so cute. Props to Hallmark for the male dancers. Thank you kindly.

Sore Much?

Overacting on the soreness was eye rollingly exaggerated for one hour of a five year old’s ballet class, but do you, boo. Keep up with those plies. You’ll be better than Jenna in no time. Prolly tomorrow, actually. You’re practically there already.

Props to Hallmark for the long scene with the pour over coffee, though. Way to appreciate the finer things in life. I love me some “Snobby Coffee.”

Late Again, I See

So, I know I said I would restrain myself, but the second they started only showing the bottom half of her body doing acceptable ballet technique, then the top half of her only when she’s speaking, I knew they hadn’t added any actual ballet training into the budget for this movie.


We get to see some gag worthy glissades, some hitchhiking thumbs sticking way up in the air, a back arched so far she might as well be a jelly bean, and those feet…oh dear baby Jesus in the manger, those feet…

I literally snorted into my delicious drink when she said they were going to combine plies and glissades. I would like to bring to the court’s attention the fact that you already were.

Keep it Professional

Jenna doesn’t want to mix her professional life with her personal one, but Erin isn’t having it and I’m with Erin. Sorrynotsorry. They all go to the Ice Bar together. We get to meet Matt, Erin’s hubby, who used to play hockey, but it’s a sore subject for him for reasons we’ll get into later.

They have a great time and the sparks fly. They share that long lingering look that every Hallspark movie requires. Check. Then Jenna kicks Ryan’s ass at air hockey because she was touring the nation with her ::gags:: professional ballet company and played a ton or whatever. Hunny, a pro you ain’t. Your bee bees are better than you.

It’s still a big mystery as to why she quit for now.

My Bee Bees

Oh my bee bees! Thank you, Hallmark, for casting actual dancers to play these students. They’re beautiful and I love them so much! If only Hallmark had let them train Jenna, then we wouldn’t have had to get so drunk to get all the way through this movie.

My man, Felix! Ryan called him an athlete. Props again, Hallmark. Bravo!

The Mystery is Revealed

We get to find out that the reason Jenna left pro ballet was because she dated the boss — oooo, naughty, naughty. When Jenna got hurt, the company replaced her with her understudy, who ended up engaged to said boss. Eek. But, Jenna, hunny… The world doesn’t stop turning just because you got hurt. The understudy was going to take your place. Again, pro ballet companies are brutal. If she really was one, she’d know. But, yes, I’ll admit that her understudy getting engaged to her ex is shady AF.

Stop dissing competition dance, hunny. I’m over it. You’ve never done it. We get it. Moving on.

S’mores Night and an Ice Storm

We get to find out that Matt almost made it to the NHL too, but his dad died and he had to quit to take over the family company, and that’s why hockey is such a sore subject for him. But enter Felix, my man, my bee bee, needing help with his own hockey skills, and Ryan the match maker, bringing them together to help everyone. Aw. Love it.

During the ice storm, the power goes out and the crew plays a little poker. Erin and Matt leave the budding new loves alone for the night, but since the power is out, they’re both forced to sleep on the couches since that’s the only warm place in the house. Cute. Way too innocent, but cute.

But in the morning, Jenna receives the bad news that there’s a power line down in front of her studio so she has to cancel rehearsal. Oh, darn. Another Hallspark movie moment is a brewin’ but this time Jenna has to experience Ryan’s world. They share some cute moments on the ice because Jenna is a ballerina not an ice skater.

She’s neither, but for the sake of the movie, I’ll try to pretend.

Oh, who am I kidding? I can’t. Miss Prada to Nada can’t dance. And it’s hurting my heart.

My Philosophy

“Training people to win trophies is the exact opposite of my philosophy.” – Jenna

::takes deep breath::

Competition dancers are trained to be the best they can be. Just like her ballerinas are trained by her to be the best they can be. Comp dancers just get to perform way more often. You have a shared philosophy. Step off it, sista.

Close your hip, chest up, point your toes, that pirouette made me puke in my mouth.


Her bee bees are laughing at her behind the scenes, I guarantee it.

Back to Reality

I’m trying so hard to focus on this story, but the dancing keeps throwing me off.

Ryan passed his physical. Yay!

Terry comes back into town to pick Ryan up because the coach of the Rangers saw the video of him at a practice with the minor league Wolfpack and wants him back tonight!

And just when they were about to share an almost kiss.

But his big game back is on the same night as Jenna’s bee bees’ performance. NO! What are they going to do?

In the Nick of Time

Ryan plays his big game, scores the winning goal, borrows the boss’s helicopter and makes it back just in time to introduce Felix and my bee bees. They perform beautifully. LOVE. Be still my beating heart.

Ryan promises he’ll come back during the off season.

Thank you, Hallmark for not forcing him to give up on his career just to live the cookie cutter small town life. THANK YOU. Finally!

They tell each other “I love you” before their first and Hallsparkingly chaste kiss.

And then they all live happily ever after.

I’m gonna go hide my ballet shoes before she can taint them with her icky lack of training.

Do better Hallmark. I need another drink.


Rating: 3 out of 5.

(To be clear, my bee bees get 5 stars. Jenna gets 1. Hottie McHockey Player gets 3. I averaged)


About the Creator

The Green Shoes

Writer of words I hope to someday share with the world. Transcriber of words other people say.

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