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Author Thought #1

The Girl and the Laser

By Cyber DragonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Author Thought #1
Photo by Jason D on Unsplash

Author Thoughts #1 The Girl and the Laser

So, hey there and welcome to my show.

So, this video is going to be about little short snippets that I use to probably just talk about random thoughts and also to give you a little bit of a preview for some of the stories I'm going to be releasing.

My schedule is going to be probably about once a week and this week I wanted to focus on one short story that I'm writing. This story is called The Girl and the Laser.

It's a tentative title. And just some of the reasons why I'm writing this story, is because lately I've actually been watching a lot of history, documentaries, and I've become very fascinated with the pale lipstick or the stone age or just the era before humans actually formed a civilization, and I guess you can also say this was the time when the Flintstones lived.

I just find it very fascinating that human beings were able to survive in these harsh conditions. I'm also perplexed that it happened for so long and many people, many scientists say that it was because of the environment and the climate during that time that people were not able to make the kinds of inventions or technological advances that they need that would get us to this point in history. And obviously, our modern day probably is not the pinnacle of human existence, but we like to think that since we're the ones that are living right now.

I've just become so fascinated with all the different cultures and things and artifacts that they find in the Paleolithic or the stone age and how all these things are, they're not even so different from some of the tools that have inspired us today.

So really when you think about it, I wonder if the stone-age humans, were they just as capable of things, or was there a small boost in brain power or something like that, that was able to help them accomplish more goals over time.

So, expect the story to take place, actually, it would actually take place in the opposite of that. I'd like to create a story that takes place in a little bit of a Neolithic future. And in our modern time we've had threats of things like nuclear war, obviously we have climate change coming upon us right now, and just many different existential threats that threaten to wipe out humanity, I guess.

And I've also been listening to a musical group, Kero Kero Bonito, you’re an anime fan, you might know about them, but I've known about them for a few years and they're about to come out with some new releases. But their last release was called Civilization One.

It touched upon humans throughout human history and I thought that was a very fascinating topic. And this week, that album and those topics, those history documentaries I've been watching, they're the ones that have really kind of inspired me to kind of write this story.

Like I said, I have so many stories that I can get inspired by just by small tidbits and I'd love to write this story. So, you might also be wondering besides the time period, what does a story involve?

Basically, it does involve sort of a catastrophe that will be happening. I won't get into too many details about it. I want you to kind of read the story and be interested about it but basically, there will be sort of a technological warfare going on that will influence the story and obviously it'll be a very easily digestible, short story.

Most of my stories that are released at the end of the week will be easily digestible. And I hope that it's something that obviously entertains you, something that I hope you can slightly relax. I'd like to create videos and stories that maybe relax people, you might want to read or listen to before bed. I will be narrating it so that'll be nice.

And I just hope that you can really take something from the story and really understand that I believe personally that human civilization is actually more fragile than we believe, even if we had like a nuclear Holocaust or some other meteorite falling on our heads, something like that that comes along and almost wipes us out, I'm wondering how humans would be able to cope. I don't think that humans will be completely wiped out, I think that in a small way, we'll be able to find a way out of that.

However, most humans, I don't think would be able to survive an event like that. And including myself, I'm not saying I'm special or anything, but yeah, I look forward to seeing, hopefully people's reactions to the story and it's just going to be a short story that I hope entertains you excites you a little bit, relaxes you a little bit, and it's something that you'd be able to take with you and listen to again and again, maybe share with others.

So, take it easy and I'll share with you another couple of days a little tidbit, another little snippet before I release the story end of this week.

So, look forward to The Girl and the Laser, take it easy.


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