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All Hail King Ricky Gervais

Some heroes don't wear capes; They wear devil's horns

By Chris HearnPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Image from Wikimedia Commons

Yup, yet another take on Ricky Gervais hosting the 2020 Golden Globe awards. Just what the world needs, another article about how awesomely awesome Ricky Gervais was as the host of that otherwise snoozefest of a show.

Alright, I will admit, I did not watch the whole show. I wouldn't subject myself to that. When I was younger, I would watch award shows. But, then I came to understand that they are nothing but these fake opportunities to promote movies and TV shows, and for a close knit group of very wealthy elites to pat each other on their backs.

And the lectures. Dear GAWD! The lectures by these people. They win an award, then they get up on stage and lecture us all on what we are doing wrong. They pick a cause and push their thoughts on it for a few minutes until some cheezy music comes up cueing them that it is time to leave the frickin' stage.

Now, it's not that the topics they pick are bad topics. They aren't. There has been a lot of gender equality lectures, lectures about climate change, about whatever other things these folks want to blabber on about. These are good causes, for sure. And these stars have every right to have an opinion about them and to talk about them, but that doesn't mean that some of us out here in the real world don't see a lot of the hypocrisy that is at play or just get plain tired of being lectured. It just makes for BORING television, and one walks away from it all feeling a sense of doom and gloom, like the world is a wreck and we are all failing. Ugh.

Oh, and that hypocrisy? Oh ya, that's a big one. The biggest laugh of the night was not actually triggered by Ricky was the fact that the meal served at the awards was vegan because the celebs wanted to do something good for the environment. Seriously? SERIOUSLY???? A room full of people who got there by private planes and limos thought they were making a big ethical sacrifice by eating vegan for the good of the planet?? SERIOUSLY?? Yes, seriously, and that's just one good reason for Ricky Gervais to tear into these folks.

Oh, and more hypocrisy. As Ricky went on, he told the audience that they were all pretending to be woke, but they have no problem working for giant unethical companies like Apple or Disney known for having their products made in China and elsewhere, often in sweatshops or by people paid very little. And, as he was all night, he was right. Darn right. The fake wokeness really is just that and so many people are tired of it.

He went on to point out that this room of people is really in no position to lecture others, that no one cares about their views and they should just come on stage, get their award and screw off. Ya, it was mean. It was rude. And it was funny. And, it was just what so many people have been feeling for a while now and watching Ricky be able to articulate it to all the right people really hit home for so many.

The thing is, he wasn't ripping into them to entertain them. He wasn't even doing it for himself. He was doing it for us, the regular ol' folks out here that aren't wrapped up in the Hollywood bubble. Gervais is quite active on social media, and he appears to be listening to the common man and woman. He knows what people think of these celebrities and these hollow, empty awards shows. And every word he said seemed to be what so many have wanted to say for so long but haven't had the opportunity. And today, on Twitter, he is getting a heap load of praise and admiration for his performance. And for good reason. Ricky Gervais started 2020 off perfectly by skewering all of the woke crap from raging hypocrites that we endured in 2019. Maybe he set the tone for the next decade and things can get back to normal.


About the Creator

Chris Hearn

I'm a 47 year old writer, amateur photographer and amateur dad living in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

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