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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: What Will Happen to Vijay Nadeer When He Hatches from Secondary Terrigenesis?

Warning: Spoilers for Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. follow.

By Allie Z.Published 7 years ago 6 min read

Update: Episode 9 "Broken Promises" concluded with the mysterious Inhuman hatched from his original Terrigenesis cocoon going into Secondary Terrigenesis. The Inhuman inside the original cocoon was revealed to be Senator Nadeer's brother, Vijay Nadeer and is currently in another cocoon. This signifies the rare occurrence of Secondary Terrigenesis and will undoubtedly lead to some unexpected dilemmas in the near future.

It's been so long since the last episode of #AgentsOfSHIELD aired that many of us have probably forgotten about some of the episodes that aired earlier this year. Luckily, the next episode, "Deals With Our Devils," will soon arrive to refresh your memory on what's happened and what's going on now. But before discussing what will take place in the next episode, let's recap what took place in the previous episode, "The Good Samaritan."

Recap Of 'The Good Samaritan'

To recap, the episode that aired prior to the current hiatus, "The Good Samaritan," concluded with Coulson, Fitz, Mack, and Robbie Reyes disappearing after they were struck by the energy released from the machine at Momentum Energy Labs.

While attempting to track down Eli Morrow, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were one step behind the entire way and paid for it when Eli Morrow confronted them.

Eli Morrow set up the machine to focus the energy on himself, but a random burst of energy hit Coulson and the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, resulting in their spontaneous disappearance. The scene cut short soon thereafter, leaving us with a massive cliffhanger to be answered in the next episode "Deals With Our Devils." Aside from the disappearance of Coulson's team, the next episode will likely see the rise of another Inhuman, only this #Inhuman might not be the average kind.

A new sneak peek released for "Deals With Our Devils" depicts Agent Gemma Simmons on a top-secret mission to investigate a mysterious Inhuman:

Within the clip from "Deals With Our Devils", we can see that Agent Simmons has been reluctantly recruited to study a mysterious Inhuman who hasn't emerged from his Terrigenesis cocoon yet. The identity of the Inhuman is kept secreted by those facilitating the meet between Agent Simmons and the Inhuman but we may already know who this Inhuman is, or at least who he was before he went into Terrigenesis.

Recap Of "Uprising"

If you recall Episode 3, "Uprising," Senator Nadeer (Parminder Nagra) spoke of meeting her brother after dealing with the global blackout. Nadeer only spoke briefly of her brother, but confirmed meeting him at her cabin once the blackout dilemma is sorted out. Upon resolving the blackout problem, the next scene in "Uprising" cuts back to Senator Nadeer as she arrives at her cabin.

When the scene cuts back to Senator Nadeer, she's in the middle of a conversation on her phone, but her brother is nowhere to be seen in the cabin. Nadeer's phone conversation is unimportant, it's what can be seen in the background of the cabin as she exits: A Terrigenesis cocoon.

It's assumed that the Terrigenesis cocoon seen in "Uprising" contains Senator Nadeer's brother since she was last seen exiting her personal cabin, leaving the cocoon behind. Were it anyone else, Senator Nadeer would have probably destroyed the cocoon at first sight, but seeing as how it's her brother in the cocoon, she's not going to follow through with that plan of action, regardless of her current sentiment towards Inhumans.

One would assume that Nadeer's brother would have been released from Terrigenesis by now, since most Terrigenesis transformations only last a few moments, but that's not the case. He's been trapped in the Terrigenesis cocoon for seven months and isn't showing any signs of being released.

With Agent Simmons studying the cocoon, it's only a matter of time before the cocoon hatches, which invites an even bigger question: Which Inhuman will be released from the cocoon?

What Will Become Of Sen. Nadeer's Brother When He's Released From Terrigenesis?

The only thing we know about the mysteriously stuck Inhuman is that he's Senator Nadeer's brother, everything else about him is a mystery. All of the Inhumans featured on #AgentsOfSHIELD so far, have ties to known Marvel comics characters, which means it's fair to assume that the newest Inhuman to hatch from a Terrigenesis cocoon will be of a similar sort.

However, when we account for this new Inhuman still gestating in his Terrigenesis cocoon for a longer period of time than what is the norm for Inhuman transformations, he may be a different kind of Inhuman altogether. It's quite possible Senator Nadeer's brother / the Inhuman stuck mid-Terrigenesis was already an Inhuman before the events of Season 4, and now he's going through Secondary Terregenesis.

Secondary Terrigenesis Explained

In the comics, there are several instances of Inhumans going through a secondary transformation, which produces more aberrations than the usual metamorphoses. When an Inhuman is exposed to Terrigen Mists for a second time, they go through the process known as Secondary Terrigenesis. This process can alter the normal time length of Terrigenesis, as well as its results, which is why the newest Inhuman on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. has likely been subjected to Secondary Terrigenesis. Had he gone through the normal Terrigenesis transformation, the gestation period would have been less than a few minutes, but since the aforementioned Inhuman is stuck mid-Terrigenesis, he'll remain in the cocoon for an undetermined period of time.

However, with Agent Simmons looking into the new Inhuman, it's fair to assume he'll emerge from the cocoon soon enough. If so, that would give us our first glimpse at a more feral Inhuman (depending on who it turns out to be), which brings up our next important question: Which Inhuman is in the Terrigenesis cocoon?

The most logical candidate would have to be closely related to Senator Rota Nadeer, in terms of ethnicity. Presumably speaking, Nadeer's brother (the person stuck mid-Terrigenesis) is of the same ethnicity but that doesn't eliminate the possibility of him being adopted. However, that explanation wouldn't benefit Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. at all, so it's much more likely that Nadeer's brother is none other than the Inhuman known as Grid.

Could Senator Nadeer's Brother Become The Inhuman Known As Grid?

Dinesh Deol a.k.a. Grid is one of the only Inhumans of Indian descent in Marvel comics. Grid possesses abilities similar to Magneto, as he's able to manipulate metal through the use of magnetokinesis. Grid possesses superhuman qualities as well, such as superhuman strength, reflexes, speed, and endurance.

However, some would argue that the Inhuman stuck mid-Terrigenesis couldn't be Grid since he appears to be going through Secondary Terrigenesis rather than the usual Terrigenesis metamorphosis. So if we look at the other possible candidates to properly identify this new Inhuman, there are only a few Inhumans who have survived Secondary Terrigenesis and can believably appear on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Gorgon is known as a member of the Inhuman Royal Family, and has been around since the time of Black Bolt. Gorgon and the rest of the Inhumans were separated from the Royal Family when Black Bolt broke down the barrier between Attilan and the rest of Earth. Being forced to govern their own lives, Gorgon progressed down his own path, which eventually lead to him being held captive by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Within captivity, Gorgon was forced to go through the process of Secondary Terrigenesis, which mutated Gorgon's already beastly body into a more feral creature. Gorgon wasn't able to control himself at first, but managed a level of control over his new body when the Kree began attacking.

Gorgon isn't the only Inhuman to undergo Secondary Terrigenesis. Barbara McDevitt a.k.a Quickfire is another Inhuman who underwent Secondary Terrigenesis. Once again forced by S.H.I.E.L.D., Quickfire was subjected to Secondary Terrigenesis, turning Barbara into an Inhuman capable of manipulating time — quite a useful ability in a world where Doctor Strange exists.

Those two candidates are just some of the Inhumans who have gone through Secondary Terrigenesis. It's still possible for more Inhumans on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. to go through the Terrigenesis process once again. Even a known Inhuman like Daisy "Quake" Johnson could be inadvertently subjected to the Terrigen Mists again, to the point where she emerges from a cocoon with abilities beyond her control.

The other possibility could see a recently deceased Inhuman thrown into Secondary Terrigenesis to determine the effects of the process on a deceased body. Although, the person(s) conducting the experiment might not be as weary of the results as they should be. In the scenario of an ill-equipped scientist like Holden Radcliffe attempting to produce Secondary Terrigenesis, the results could be catastrophic — possibly even giving birth to a monster like Hive.

We've already seen one instance of Radcliffe attempting to replicate Terrigenesis, so it wouldn't be surprising to find out someone else has perfected the process of Terrigenesis, at the same time inadvertently producing a Secondary Terrigenesis. Regardless, there's still no info on who the new Inhuman (Nuhuman) is, but when their identity is revealed, it'll likely change everything we think we know about Inhumans.


About the Creator

Allie Z.

I cover most entertainment related topics and am venturing into journalism.

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