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A Man's Duty - Sound of Music Fanfiction

Chapter 2 – Unwanted Encounters

By Victoria KeeleyPublished 4 years ago 7 min read

A/N – Please note –* VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED* this chapter is extremely dark – it explores content that could be uncomfortable for some viewers. Feedback is always welcomed good or constructive!

It was dark and almost silent when Georg came around. Stinging and throbbing all over – was he dead? Alive? Or dreaming? He had no recollection of where he was. He slowly rose from the ground leaning himself against his gate to the manor, when he suddenly jolted forward. He had remembered what happened.

Maria, the children, Max! My God please let them be okay, please.

He thought to himself whilst trying to block away his pain and the tears trickling from his eyes. He glanced around cautiously, looking for signs of life - nothing. Suddenly footsteps could be heard not far away, and plenty of them. Georg had prayed silently that it was not Herr Zeller returning to finish the job and crossed him arms against his chest whilst looking to the black sky.



Voices could be heard as a group of people approached him lying on the ground. His sight was blurred but he recognized the voices. He was safe – they were safe. Max knelt beside Georg and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Let's get you inside – and your wounds cleaned up."

He lifted Georg's arm over his head to around his own shoulder for the extra support and the children huddled around his other side to hoist him up. Georg staggered to his feet and winced with the pain. He was a sea captain but could not hide this discomfort he felt. They made it inside the children not uttering any words after their ordeal. Georg assumed Max must have taken them away when Herr Zeller forced his men onto him. He had all faith in Max to keep them safe. Georg was placed on the nearest sofa so that he would not have to stand anymore, Max sent Liesl to get Frau Schmidt & Franz. Georg's eyes were heavy - he drowsed in and out of consciousness due to the intense pain he felt in his side, and back. He drifted into a deep slumber – but he was safe, the children were safe.

"Come my dear, take a seat, and relax." Herr Zeller motioned towards a chair for Maria to sit on.

She had been restrained for precautionary measures Zeller called it. Maria was pale, white, and her cheeks were stained with the tears she could no longer cry due to exhaustion. She approached the chair and stood staring miserably into Zeller's eyes, somewhat afraid, but what else could he take from her?

"You are becoming a handful Fraulein… I was not asking you…" Herr Zeller stood up from the behind the table and advanced towards Maria. She was now staring towards the floor not wanting to look into the eyes of a man she knew was dangerous and could have killed her husband - she was terrified. Zeller forcefully jolted her face towards his own and spat out;

"Look at me when I am speaking to you! Did the Captain not teach you any manners?"

A single tear escaped and rolled freely down her cheek. Zeller moved his hand and wiped it away with his thumb and started to caress her face. She moved her head slightly, somewhat uncomfortable by the obvious invasion of her personal space.

"Dear Fraulein, why the tears? I'm no monster. It is your husband who defies all, and does not follow orders."

He again motioned for her to take a seat. She obeyed – drained from all of the events that had gone on. She sat timid and afraid of what may happen to her, the children, her husband and her unborn child. She rested her hands upon her stomach and slowly moved her hand up and down. She buried her head and didn't look Zeller in the eye. Tears fell from her eyes and dripped from her cheeks to her dress. He sat watching, observing her every move. After a brief silence Zeller spoke again.

"Fraulein, just think you would not be in this mess, had your husband obeyed the rules, and leave for his commission. You could be at home right now. Don't you feel betrayed?" His question ushered towards Maria was harsh, he wanted a response.

With no emotion Maria replied; "I feel nothing."

Zeller was shocked by Maria's response, he expected her to be angry with the Captain for getting her in this mess, but she wasn't. She loved him. Zeller saw red, this made him angry. He knew there was something that needed to be done in order to get the Captain to tick and perhaps come to visit him. If he used Maria as bait for what he wanted in return perhaps this would change the Captain's plans. Maria sat silently staring at the floor – crying silent tears. He moved his chair around the table so he was sat bedside Maria. She sat with her legs under the table and her hands firmly gripped to her stomach. Zeller placed his hand on Maria's thigh and caressed it slowly.

"You feel nothing? Perhaps we can change that. But know this, one wrong move my dear and this could all be over."

He moved his free hand to his jacket and revealed his weapons inside his pockets. Maria's face turned whiter than before. Did she know what was coming? He continued to press his hands on her thighs moving them up and down closer to the top of her leg. Maria winced slightly at this uncomfortable situation she was about to face. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at Zeller. He gazed into her eyes that were red from tears and smirked.

"I've always liked the quiet Fraulein. I expect you to keep it that way. Do you understand?"

He sternly looked Maria in the eyes – as she indicated a nod. Tears continued to roll from her eyes. He got closer with his hands and jerked her towards him to face his direction. She winced silently again, and he pulled her towards him. He placed a finger on her lips to silence her as his other hand explored further. Maria scrunched her eyes closed and imagined this was not happening. She pulled from his grasp slightly, causing Zeller to tug at her shoulders to face him.

"Now Fraulein, this defiant attitude of yours is quite irritating. You are almost as defiant as your husband for obeying orders."

He tutted and pulled at her dress bringing her legs in-between his own. Maria leaned back in the chair not wanting to be anywhere near him. He moved his face closer to hers; she could feel his breath on her neck.

"I will take from you what I want. One sound and I can change your future just like that." He clicked his fingers, and cupped her chin.

"Now do you understand?" He glared coldly into Maria's eyes.

"Please…" was all she could mouth as he advanced and explored further.


Tears rolled down her cheeks. She sobbed quietly not wanting to upset Zeller further than she already had. She shook her head in discomfort as he progressed further forcing himself upon her - his weight almost knocked Maria from the chair. He placed a hand over her mouth and continued to pursue her. She didn't struggle, she was too exhausted. The tears flowed from her eyes as she silently winced in pain and discomfort - she could not believe this was happening. Closing her eyes tightly – she prayed - that she would come past this, and be okay. Everything suddenly went dark.

Time passed – Maria awoke from her slumber unaware of what had happened – did she blackout or faint? Zeller was gone – she was still restrained by her wrists. Slowly she attempted to stand evidently in pain she gasped and fell to her knees. Completely shattered – she collapsed onto the ground and cradled into a fetal position. At this moment she lay stroking her stomach, and praying, wishing to be home with Georg and the children, away from this hell.

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