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11 Things I Learned from 'Broad City'

“I’m an adult and I’m responsible. Let’s go get some candy.”

By Melody HumbyPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

Broad City is one of the best shows in the entire world. Set in New York, it follows the lives of Ilana Wexler and Abbi Abrams, two girls with very little money who are just trying to navigate their way through the unexpected events that seem to just keep popping up.

From bed bugs to rat problems, bad DMV visits, and life-threatening shellfish allergies, these two girls go through it all and come out the other side (relatively) unscathed.

There are a lot of things you can learn from Ilana and Abbi, and here are just a few lessons I've taken away:

1. Always stick by your friends.

Even if times get tough, you should always make sure your friends know you're there to support them. Everyone goes through tough times, and that's when you need the most support. A real friend will walk through hell and back to support you.

When Ilana is crying and throwing up, she Skypes Abbi to make her take care of her. Abbi clearly doesn't want to, but she does anyway because that's what friends do.

2. It's okay to get excited about things.

Never be ashamed to be happy for yourself, no matter what it is or if people don't agree with it. Even the little things are important! Feeling excited about your day can make you feel utterly unstoppable.

When Ilana gets a volunteer job at Hilary Clinton's campaign office, she feels like nothing can stop her because she's doing something she loves. That's what's important!

She also had to literally tell people Hilary wasn't a witch, because apparently those calls are something they get on a daily basis.

3. Be confident in yourself.

You are a QWEEN! Make sure you're treated like one! Always remind yourself that you're worth it, and you can do anything you set your mind to. Being confident in yourself is the first step to success!

Sometimes you have to be your own biggest fan, and that's okay. Think positively about yourself, tackle self-doubt, and overcome your fears. Talk yourself up, because you're WORTH IT!

4. Alone time is important.

Sometimes just sitting on the couch and binge-watching your favorite TV shows is exactly what you need. Want to relax? Get a blanket, some snacks, a good friend, and watch as many episodes as you can!

So what if your brain turns to mush after thirty episodes of your new favorite show? Power through it!

5. Be environmentally conscious.

When Abbi gets too wasted to know what's real and what's not, she still has the sense to know that using packing peanuts to ship pillows is absolutely insane.

Don't be wasteful! Save the turtles! Being environmentally conscious is one of the most important things you can do these days. Plus, the bees are dying, so we should probably do something about that.

6. Give yourself a break.

It's important to take the time to relax. Don't overwork yourself! Being too invested in something draining can put you into a terrible funk, and nobody wants that.

Make time for other things, like spending time with friends and seeing the outside world. Take a road trip or a plane ride! Go see the world!

7. Always pay your bills on time.

Being an adult sucks, but make sure you keep up with your responsibilities. If you want a roof over your head, paying rent is essential.

Or you could mooch off your parents, either works fine.

8. Dance like nobody's watching.

When Bevers finally leaves the apartment and Abbi has the whole thing to herself, she does something she's wanted to do for a long time: she dances around naked to Lady Gaga. Who doesn't want to do that?

Be free! Let yourself go and stop caring about what people think of you. Who cares if someone thinks you're weird? You go out there and you do the Macarena on the dance floor. Do the running man or vogue the place up. The possibilities are endless!

9. Everything will be okay.

Even if it feels like you're going through a rough patch right now, things will get better. Sometimes it feels like time is standing still, or maybe you'll never climb out of the black hole you've fallen into, but I absolutely promise that if you're at rock bottom there's nowhere to go but up.

But don't ever say 'Things can't possibly get any worse,' because that's a recipe for disaster.

10. Exercise is important.

Make sure you take care of that body! Whether it's taking classes, going to the gym, or just working out at home, be sure to get up and get moving! Running, biking, hiking, and/or swimming, how can you choose just one?

Being active also boosts your confidence, and can give you a killer body. Be your best self! You can do it!

11. Compliments are important.

Ilana always takes the time to tell Abbi she looks fierce. Ilana also tells Abbi she's basically the best person in the world on a regular basis, which is what everyone needs.

If your friend looks dynamite, make sure you let them know. Sometimes when you're feeling down the best thing in the entire world is a compliment from your friend. Make sure they know you appreciate them and everything they do for you.

12. Sometimes you just need to let loose.

There's no shame in admitting you need a night out. You might get the feeling sometimes that you just have to get out there because you know you're missing out on something.

Don't be ashamed to go out and have fun! It's a crazy world out there, so make sure you're crazier.


About the Creator

Melody Humby

Author of 'I Live Under Your Bed' and 'Don't Go Home', both available on Amazon.

Putting the hot in psychotic since '92. Enjoys horror movies and long walks on a short pier.

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