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10 Reasons Why Captain Marvel is the Only Captain That Matters

She's magnificent and if you don't agree, don't read this.

By Mae McCreeryPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Captain Marvel is better than Captain America and most of the other Avengers; welcome to my TEDtalk.

Like most people, I assume you want to fight my opinion. Maybe you think Captain Marvel isn't powerful. Maybe you hate Brie Larson. Maybe you're pissy because she's a female character.

If you agree with me, welcome to the club we have 50 members and meet on Tuesdays.

If you disagree with me, you are encouraged to leave this article now. Because below this line, I'm going to give 10 reasons why Captain Marvel is amazing and deserves better. However, if you want to stay and give yourself an aneurysm, I won't stop you.

First off, I'm just going to cover the movie 'Captain Marvel' starring Brie Larson as Carol Danvers. I have read a few comics of this character but I love the movie, and shockingly, I feel like the only one who does like it.

I've been a fan of Marvel Cinematic Universe since 'Iron Man' came out in 2008. For 11 years, I sat through and loved every Marvel movie that followed: Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Black Panther, Ant-Man, and Spider-Man all got their own movies. Yes, in each there is a strong female character but she was never the lead. We had 'Agent Carter' but only for 2 very short seasons and dripping with so much misogyny and male ego that Peggy didn't get to shine for just being herself; everything she did, she did because men told her she couldn't.

Then, Captain Marvel was announced as the lead in her very own movie. Not hidden in some mid-credit scene or as the sidekick of a male character; she was the beginning and the end. And she was magnificent.

10. This movie didn't shy away from misogynistic comments and actions, it pushed back against them.

9. She was powerful before the powers, she was a pilot in the airforce and commanded respect

8. Even as Vers, she questioned things even when threatened otherwise.

7. She chooses to leave Earth to fight for the innocents across the galaxy, not micromanage one planet. SHe is from Earth, like most of the Avengers, she could have

6. She clearly states states being Human isn't a liability, that it's enough to be the most powerful person in the room.

5. When she learns she was used, she doesn't wallow; she fights back.

4. She steals the guys bike when he tells her to smile. When I tell you I cheered in the theater, I felt like someone finally responded the way I wanted to in that situation. I don't want to smile when someone tells me to, you know what I want to do? Rip out his larynx and tell him to smile. All she did was steal his bike.

3. She protects people, and doesn't 'shoot to kill' like Wonder Woman and Spider-Man, she fights to disarm and knock out.

2. She apologizes for the hurt and damage and pain and death she brought upon the Skrulls, she doesn't try to excuse it by claiming she had no idea. She takes responsibility for her actions and asks forgiveness. What a real soldier should do when they realize they've done something wrong.

1. She chooses not to fight Yon-Rogg not because she is afraid of him, but because she has nothing to prove to him.

Captain America made it possible for Thanos to win in 'Endgame' by not sacrificing Vision in the beginning. I have thought that since I watched that movie and I believe it to this day. Had Captain Marvel been there, she would've taken care of it herself as she has powers that match Wanda's, not an exact match but enough to destroy the Infinity Stone.

I think of Captain Marvel as like a controlled Deadpool, she's definitely a hero but she has flaws that she recognizes and tries to be better.

Let's get back to the fact that so many people are mad at this movie, tey could probably give you a myriad of reasons but it will usually boil down to one thing: they're mad because a woman is the superhero lead.

I was waiting outside the theater to see this movie on opening night and I was on my phone waiting for my sister to come back from the bathroom so we can get our seats. One guy walked by and was talking to someone else. I peeked up and we made brief eye contact. My mistake.

"Are you waiting for Captain Marvel?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered. I looked back down at my phone.

"You know that Captain Marvel is actually a DC character?" He sneered at me. I looked up and noticed he was wearing a batman logo shirt. And several popcorn crumbs.

"Actually they renamed the Captain Marvel character to Shazaam because Marvel created their own Captain Marvel first and fans got confused." I explained. I probably sounded condescending but I wasn't concerned, I probably should have been but I just wanted to be left alone.

"You are such a poser, you just want to see this because it's a feminist movie." He was getting super snarky.

I was over it.

I put my phone away and looked up at him and his neckbeard.

"First of all, feminism is a movement for equality between genders, not for women to rule over men; however I am open to that idea." I sighed. "I just want to enjoy a movie, yes it stars a woman. Just because you're satisfied with women only leading in videos on PornHub doesn't mean the rest of us are."

He opened his mouth a few times to reply but I just held my hand up and walked away. I saw my sister, grabbed her, and yanked her into the theater with me.

I regret nothing.

For almost 20 years, there were no major female led superhero movies. I believe in everyone being represented in entertainment, shockingly that includes women.

So the next time someone wants to fight you about seeing a female led movie, please tell me how you shut them down.

pop culture

About the Creator

Mae McCreery

I’m a 29 year old female that is going through a quarter life crisis. When my dream of Journalism was killed, I thought I was over writing forever. Turns out, I still have a lot to say.

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