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Why 'Rainbow Six Siege' Is Broken

(Not Necessarily "Broken," Just Not How It Should Be) *Casually Written*

By Lyvia JackPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

Something that grinds my gears about Rainbow Six, even though it's been out for nearly two years, is that it's not even close to being a great game when it should be already. So below I'll just name a few things that desperately need to be fixed/worked on.

For one, and this is a big one, people, whether you do it or not, is defenders being able to go outside. I know that before you could go outside and it would tell attackers immediately and blur the defenders vision, which was good, but now defenders can go outside with no penalty. Like I said, whether you do this or not, it's a problem. That isn't how the game is supposed to be played and it almost gives me an aneurism. What can we really expect from Ubisoft though, honestly? Once a defender goes outside, they should immediately be spotted, their screen should blur, and if they don't go in within five seconds, they should lose health or even die.

The next issue is — spawn killing. I've played casual and I've played ranked, and the place I've seen this the most is ranked, but casual isn't far behind. I understand everyone has different opinions about all this, but it is a problem. There's just no reason for you to bust out a window and kill everyone in spawn or even shoot at anyone there. Or even worse, run outside to kill attackers in spawn.

I think the last issue I have is the servers. They go down every other day, you get kicked from matches when the servers won't connect to you, and you have no problems on your end, and instead of working around high connections (unless the connection doesn't go down), it kicks you from the game. Now, I'm not a genius about the servers and how they work, but the least they could do is try to make them a little better.

Maybe one more problem would be Acog. It's a realistic game, but attackers with Acog do have almost an unfair advantage. Don't even get me started on Ash's hit box either. The other night, I was nailing her in the neck as Kap before she even started shooting, yet she killed me in two shots. But really, a lot of operators need work. With a few adjustments, I think this game will be on its way to being better.

Actually, I believe I could go on about this game. I think matchmaking is a little off as well. You can get into a casual match looking for fun and be met with level 100+'s on the enemy team that are high ranked in competitive. Normally they run recruit trying to troll or show their skill and end up dying. Sometimes they'll run outside and try to spawn kill when the match starts. It gets so annoying.

Another point I can make is team killing. While it is helpful and easy when the opposing team does it to one another, it's a huge pain to have it happening on your team. I could see being able to team kill in ranked, but it just shouldn't happen in casual. Too many new people (or people with bad aim) end up hitting another teammate at some point in this game, or your teammates walk out in front of your line of fire. Which we all know makes you lose points, and they lose their lives, or just end up losing health and almost dying.

I've also been with a million squeakers in lobbies. I know it's a parent's choice whether they buy their kids certain games or not, but it's rated M for a reason, ya know. Maybe some parents don't care what their kids play, but I get so tired of being in game chat and hearing constant, high pitched wailing and complaining because a person on the other team is better than them. I always mute them but the point is, they shouldn't be on the game at all. Ultimately though, I know there's nothing we can do about it but mute and maybe report and go on.

OK, this could be the last one, guys. Caveira. She's super useful and powerful. Her pistol is insane in the right hands, and sometimes just in lucky hands. My trigger finger goes hard with that pistol. I just hate how your shots won't register sometimes. I've been in multiple matches where I've landed at least four shots on my screen and the attacker still wasn't down, but on their screen (when they killed me, of course), none of my shots hit. I can have spells of bad aiming with everyone, but with Cavi I'm normally always decent. It could be a connection thing but it happens so much and my internet isn't trash. I actually could go on and on about this game and things that are stupid, but I will actually stop here.


About the Creator

Lyvia Jack

In the writing style of your bestie. We are among friends here.

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