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The Rise of Web3 Gaming

Web3 gaming, the future of gaming?

By Tashi GamingPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Web3 gaming has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, even amidst the challenges faced by the broader crypto industry. In 2022, web3 gaming emerged as a frontrunner in web3 investments, securing a significant portion of the total amount invested in web3. Major players in the gaming industry, such as Epic Games and Square Enix, have also recognized the potential of web3 gaming and made substantial investments in this space.

While players’ acceptance of web3 and NFTs in gaming is still a contentious topic, studies have shown that players are becoming more comfortable with these concepts. Coda Labs’ report demonstrates the growing acceptance of web3 among gamers. With money and players flowing into the web3 gaming ecosystem, game developers are increasingly seeking ways to leverage the benefits of distributed ledger technology.

However, the adoption of blockchain technology in game development has posed challenges. Many web3 games are developed by crypto developers rather than game developers, resulting in a focus on in-game economies at the expense of gameplay. This has led to innovative blockchain-based games that lack the polish and engagement required for a truly immersive gaming experience.

Web2 players are making significant strides in the web3 gaming industry, signaling a solution to the challenges faced by crypto-focused developers. Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite, has acquired SuperAwesome to integrate kid-safe technology and explore blockchain and NFT integration for the metaverse. Square Enix, known for franchises like Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider, has partnered with Elixir to bring web3 games to mainstream audiences, showcasing their commitment to this space. Ubisoft, responsible for popular titles such as Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry, has been actively experimenting with blockchain-based in-game items and participating in blockchain initiatives. The entry of these established game developers promises to bridge the gap between blockchain innovation and engaging gameplay in web3 gaming.

One of the core promises of web3 gaming is the concept of “true ownership” and decentralization of in-game assets. While blockchain technology offers potential solutions, current blockchain infrastructure is not capable of handling every in-game event of complex games. Developers have resorted to a hybrid approach, combining centralized and decentralized architecture, which compromises the trustless nature of blockchain technology. While this enables games to track in-game assets on chain, these games are still mostly centralised, leaving gamers wondering what would happen to their assets if the game shut down.

Tashi, a revolutionary player in the web3 gaming industry has developed a consensus-driven game session that provides verifiable and indisputable game results. By integrating its unique consensus algorithm with a peer-to-peer server approach, Tashi enables true decentralization and trustlessness in games. The game results can be sent directly to smart contracts for algorithmic verification, facilitating on-chain, in-game economics. Tashi’s platform is designed to handle even the most demanding AAA FPS games, offering developers a high-performance, engaging solution for building web3 games.

Moreover, Tashi seamlessly integrates with popular game development technologies. The initial launch of Tashi’s product includes a Unity plugin, catering to the significant number of web3 game developers who use Unity as their engine of choice. Unreal integration is also in the works, expanding Tashi’s reach to a broader range of game developers.

In addition to its groundbreaking multiplayer engine, Tashi tackles the issue of cheating in online gaming. Cheating has become a prevalent problem, compromising the gaming experience and the integrity of games. Many game developers employ anti-cheat software, but these solutions raise concerns about privacy and security. Tashi takes a different approach by running multiplayer sessions on each gamer’s PC using a fast consensus algorithm. This approach renders cheating ineffective, ensuring fair gameplay without invading players’ privacy. Tashi’s multiplayer sessions also offer other benefits, such as efficient and fair netcode and trustless game logs that open up new possibilities for in-game economies.

Tashi is committed to pushing the boundaries of anti-cheat technology further. By utilizing zero-knowledge proofs and encryption-based solutions, Tashi is developing even more robust anti-cheat measures that maintain privacy while safeguarding the integrity of games. These advancements will not only benefit traditional web2 games but also have implications for the growing field of web3 gaming.

In summary, Tashi’s multiplayer sessions revolutionize web3 gaming by offering true decentralization, trustlessness, and anti-cheat functionality. With its fast consensus algorithm, low-latency sessions, and seamless integration with popular game development technologies, Tashi paves the way for a new era of immersive and fair gaming experiences. Whether you’re a large game studio or an independent developer, Tashi’s multiplayer sessions provide an innovative solution for building high-performance web3 games. Explore the possibilities of Tashi sessions at


About the Creator

Tashi Gaming

We offer the security of a dedicated game server, the cost and infrastructure simplicity of a P2P server, and fairness neither offers.

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