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REVIEW: Resident Evil Village

I was not thrilled when it was revealed that Resident Evil Village would be a continuation to Ethan's story of Resident Evil 7

By Benito RamirezPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

I was not thrilled when it was revealed that Resident Evil Village would be a continuation to Ethan's story of Resident Evil 7. Resident Evil7 was a good title, but Ethan's story and character were not as compelling as previous titles. Resident Evil Village rectifies all of that with a better core mystery and more character-driven lore. It also has more fun gameplay.

Three years after Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil Village sees Ethan and Mia, a husband and wife, living happily with their baby Rose. Things don't remain peaceful long, however, as Resident Evil 7 series veteran Chris Redfield visits and causes chaos. Ethan soon finds himself isolated in a deserted village. Cue title screen.

Resident Evil Village is scary in many ways. You'll notice that the village section looks and feels very much like Resident Evil4. Everything in the village is transformed into zombie-like werewolf-like creatures, and everything has an old-fashioned rural European look.

You'll be able access more buildings, discover more secrets and get into more areas of town by returning to the central hub area in Resident Evil Village between completing each section. This gives the game an incredible sense of progression. I was able to unlock new areas, get new weapons and obtain new items that helped me through the night. The dangers were still there. Every time I returned to the village's hub, I would face another enemy or obstacle.

The way you interact with Resident Evil Village reveals how it can have many aspects of horror. The game's various areas feel like they are a callback for previous entries or other horror games. For example, the castle section feels eerily reminiscent of Resident Evil 1's Spencer Mansion, having you solves puzzles and do a lot of backtracking--classic survival horror.

Lady Demitrescu also follows you in the castle, just like in Resident Evil2 Remake & Resident Evil3 Remake where Mr. X & Nemesis chase you. It was a wonderful blend of Resident Evil history, and easily my favorite place.

Next, you will find a haunted house full of dolls. You'll need to take your weapons away and turn off all lights. This will severely limit your view. This section was terrifying and I ran to complete it as quickly as possible. Perspective and lighting are crucial in horror games. Even simple things such as not being able see clearly can increase the creepiness. This section felt more like Resident Evil or Silent Hill if I had to compare it.

While there was still some puzzle-solving to be done, a large portion of the time was spent hiding and trying to avoid enemies. I had to make the most of the environment and escape the pursuing monsters, while trying to avoid them by narrowly walking in the darkness. It felt like something was crawling under my skin. I was so afraid during this portion of the game.

You can experience the game in different ways and have different horror experiences. However, you must first try it out and not be afraid to go blind. It all works great, and it is amazing how many horror methods can be combined to create one cohesive experience that never becomes boring.

Although this game is scary, I didn't want to stop exploring and looking for new weapons or items. Even with simple items like money or bullets, I was always rewarded by my curiosity. This game's exploration element is highlighted by my favorite Resident Evil character, The Duke. The Duke is similar to The Merchant in Resident Evil4 in that he appears periodically throughout the game, so you can purchase all kinds of items from him. Not only can you get the basic items like bullets and healing items but you can also buy new weapons and attachments.

But he does more than just sell you stuff. If you have enough money, you can upgrade your weapons. The best ways to make money are by killing enemies, exploring the game's sections, and selling valuable items. You can find valuable items by solving puzzles, killing boss enemies or even combining key items. This is how I became addicted to the game. I would run to The Duke whenever I had enough money, kill boss enemies, or find something I could sell to buy a new weapon attachment or upgrade my shotgun.

Every time I went to a new place or returned to the village and saw a new section, I was excited about the possibility of finding rare items and selling them to The Duke. The weapon upgrade system is very satisfying. I had the money I needed to purchase the next upgrade. A third feature of the Duke is that you can harvest the meat of animals killed by you and bring it to him.

The Duke will then take your meat and prepare a meal that will improve aspects such as your health and speed. There is always something to improve Resident Evil Village. There are always things to discover, always reasons to explore and, thanks to its many unlockables, always reasons to play.

Resident Evil Village is a sequel to the previous titles. It has multiple difficulty levels and unlocks new weapons and upgrades once you beat it. There are also side modes. Points are earned based on the achievements you have completed and then used to unlock new weapons or upgrades. To unlock all the features and earn enough points, you will need to play the game multiple times. Resident Evil Village and the entire series have a very simple gameplay concept, but there are many reasons to play it multiple times. I have only beat the game once, but I cannot wait to get back in.

The story is the weakest section of the game, so I saved it for last. Although it is still quite good, it is not exceptional. This game's advertising is misleading. It makes you believe you know the plot twists and motivations of characters like Chris, which you don’t. When I began Resident Evil Village I assumed I understood the situation. I was wrong. I am incredibly grateful.

Although the story was not what I expected, the central mystery behind Chris's actions isn't exactly what I expected. Although the plot does develop a little during the game, the final hour is when the main mystery is solved. The reveal is also a little disappointing. There are some things that tie Village to Resident Evil 7 as well as past games and characters. It feels like Resident Evil7 was originally created as an independent story and not as part of larger narrative.

Ethan Winters has not changed much in terms of his main character. Although I admit I liked him more at the end than when the game started, it was not because he had any character development or relationship building. His inclusion in the franchise still feels unnecessary since they could have added any series regular and given them more development. It doesn't really matter if it was Chris or Leon, Claire, Jill–-hell, Barry Burton, or any other series. With minor modifications to the story, they could easily have filled Ethan's shoes.

The story was still enjoyable to me. I don't expect these games to be masterpieces, so I'm always satisfied. It was more than a setting for horror games. The village was an amazing set-piece. The game's main antagonists felt more fleshed-out than previous franchise villains. There was also a lot of backstory in journal entries. It was always a pleasure to have Chris onscreen, as he made the game feel more like a Resident Evil videogame and even grounded at points. It was disappointing that the core mystery and narrative were not as captivating as I had hoped.

Resident Evil Village was an enjoyable game with many fun references to previous entries in terms of gameplay. It's a great mix of everything that makes this series so exciting and terrifying. The Duke and his upgrade system forced me to search every corner of the world, despite being scared. I cannot wait to get back in this world. You will be able to replay the game many times thanks to the numerous difficulty options, new modes and weapons, as well as a variety of difficulty levels. Although the story isn’t the best in the series, it’s made up for by the fantastic setting and the great atmosphere. Resident Evil village is a must for any horror fan, or anyone who enjoys Resident Evil.

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