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Newest New Beginning

Blasar Incorporated

By Lawrence FinlaysonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Newest New Beginning


In the beginning, there was the Interface.  An internal, spiritual computer of the higher dimensions, and this guided Asterick along his maturation process.  It calculated his successes and his flaws, his goals and his dreams and brought to him brilliance beyond his years, as it did for many people who sought the wisdom of the stars.


It was a little-used system, though it was advanced beyond its years even in the midst of technology for those who knew it, somewhere in the depths of space.


Asterick searched for it among the pyramids and felt a trace of its glamour; he sought amidst the Coliseum and picked up on its grace.  Then among the Mayan pyramids he had begun to understand its dread.  But, it was in the crevasses and cracks of the glyphs that the horrible truths began to come from them.  A strange shadowy darkness by day subdued Asterick, then as if by night…the tension eased.  Long days turned into longer months and he began to understand that this was his life now.


The civilizations that the Interface interpreted were cruel indeed.  The societies that the social sciences spoke of were wretched enough.  The class structure was as if a delicate glass ladder amongst the jungle of a rather obnoxious world outside of little Canada in the world.  Indeed the differences were major.  Here difference was acclaimed, elsewhere it was dangerous…and indeed, elsewhere could be closer than even he would like to admit.

Asterick dreamed, and in this dream he awoke somewhere in the United States.  Above an old factory he hid himself until the morning light.  He fell in the dream, but felt nothing, then began walking, searching.  Where were his friends?  Then, just as Ast was about to give up, a bright light descended from the sky and picked him up and brought him back to Canada where he drifted in and out of dreams.


The places he searched were vacant, like old ghost towns with only level ten people on it.  Level Ten people were those the Interface considered to be living their Heavenly life.  Ast searched his level allotment and found himself to be a Level Four.


Asterick searched the astral plane around California and was overjoyed when he came across a person name Jade, whose cool and calm demeanor begged the question of how he got to where he did.  The boardwalk looked beautiful in the semi-twilight of the astral plane, and by the appearance of Jade he seemed to enjoy the area as well.


“What you doing in such dangerous places” Jade hissed the last syllable.

Asterick was overjoyed he was actually communicating with someone, his purpose becoming clear at once:

“I think I might be lost.” Ast answered without hesitation.

Jade looked Ast up and down and asked: “Where ya heading?” his interest captivated

“Back to the place of the living” Ast answered, the Interface calculating that this individual would be of great assistance.  The brown eyes of Jade turned to red as he turned and ran.  He pressed the back of his left hand and a portal of white light opened before him, Ast passed through and suddenly saw the other people around on the beach, going about their lives, unhindered by things such as ghosts.


Then Jade passed through the portal, his form crumpled and collapsed into bones and dust, and then he was gone.

Ast then imagined himself at home again, and when he lifted his head again, his pen was writing in his journal and he was safe again.


“Thanks.” Jade stated from behind him, right beside his ear which made him jump a little, then was gone again…with a “be back!”



About the Creator

Lawrence Finlayson

I started writing at 11. Finished Highschool at 20, still an undergrad at 40, Major Indigenous Studies, Minor Indian Art History; spent much time in the Mining Trade Sector and Community Recreation Sector.

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