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My Love For Gaming

Gaming has always been a part of my life

By Crystal NicolePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

Ever since I was in sixth grade, I have loved gaming. It all started when my grandparents bought my grandpa a PlayStation to entertain him after retirement. That gaming system became something my sister and I played almost religiously every weekend that we would go over there. Which was actually EVERY weekend. Grandpa didn’t play it, but Grandma would love it when we would come over and she could watch us. I remember her sitting behind us while we played games like 2-Xtreme, Tomba and Crash Bandicoot.

Over the years, my gaming habits continued, but I moved on to games like Final Fantasy 8, Xenosaga and Kingdom Hearts. I would play these games as much as I could and lose myself in the endless game play available to me. Of course, in those days I never completed a game and would just move on to the next. This was mostly because back then these games were only available on disc and sometimes you would get to the final disc and it would be scratched.

These days I am playing games like Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online, Diablo 3 , All Dark Souls games and I still dabble with some of the older Final Fantasy games from time to time. The game I play the most though is Diablo 3. Diablo 3 has so much more to offer than other games out there. If you have a PlayStation membership, you can play the season online with others, without having to purchase a season pass. You can still play season without a PlayStation membership if you play alone.

Gaming interests me because it takes my mind off of everyday life. I can escape to different worlds and leave real life behind for a bit. With the different challenges and trophies, gaming can have you entertained for quite a while. Even more so if you are competitive like me.

One thing I love about gaming is there is always some enemy in the game you can take your frustration out on. Spending long hours grinding for gear normally does it for me. Especially when you know there is always something you can do to progress further in the game. Diablo 3 is a game that I have completely all trophies for on the PlayStation Network, (yes, even completing the game on Hardcore mode). However, there are so many more in game achievements, I may be entertained for quite a while.

This of course is the best time for me to show those trophies off. Trust me, it's not that big of deal. I'm not doing that great, but still love that I have done some of these.

Gaming also helps get my creative juices flowing. I start to imagine the stories in my head and wish I was part of the team that created these masterpieces. Gaming can open up someones mind to so much more than they could ever imagine and then some. Many artists are even inspired to paint, draw and digitally create new pieces of art that are pretty amazing.

I always love to find new games to play and spend quite a bit of time gaming with my fiance. It’s always fun to have someone who you can escape with. Especially if you two love all the same games. They might also teach you things about the game that you didn’t know were possible. I learn new stuff everyday from my fiance and he even learns from me from time to time.

I still wouldn’t call myself a gamer girl though. My fiance does. He says anyone who can play Dark Souls games (Damn, why did we sell every copy we got? Now I want to play!) and complete it can call themselves a gamer. I don’t know if I would consider this to be true though, but maybe that’s because it’s me.

Gaming can be an outlet for so many people. Some people might go a bit far with it, but I feel that it is a healthier alternative than other things I could be doing when I’ve had a bad day. At least I can take my anger out on someone who isn’t real. Gaming can take you on new adventures and be visually pleasing. Do you game and if so why? Maybe I will see you in the gaming universe!


About the Creator

Crystal Nicole

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