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HTML5 Games- Future of the Online Gaming Business?

Online Gaming Business

By VevansPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

HTML5 was launched in the year 2008 as the fifth release of the HTML standard. It instantly surpassed "Flash" the first time it appeared. Nowadays, HTML5 games have completely sidelined Flash games and are now one of the most played games that you can play on the internet. Gaming has seen an enormous change. The advent of new technology is a major factor in the expansion in the gaming industry by offering players an enhanced and immersive gaming experience.

According to Statista the estimated earnings from the computer gaming industry was $37 billion. The mobile gaming market produced a net income of $77 billion during the year 2020.

The global gaming industry has a total worth of more than $196 billion, which makes it among the most profitable businesses in the world.

Do HTML5 Games the Future of Online Gaming Business?

HTML5 makes use of technologies such as WebGL and Canvas which permit designers to design and convert their 2D photos into 3D images. The games are played through the browser, and they offer multi-platform support. It's a simple to master language that offers flexibility, simple and cost-effective development and much more. Its popularity HTML5 is increasing exponentially because of the benefits it brings to developers and gamers.

Mobile games are getting more well-known, and the majority of gamers like playing games on their phones over desktops or laptops. This is among the primary reasons that developers choose HTML5 for mobile games creation andover any other programming language. Although HTML5 was initially introduced as a rival to Flash and 'Flash', as it progressed through the course over time, it swiftly beat it to the top spot in technology for creating interactive multimedia content that is available on the internet and providing gamers with the most immersive gaming experience, and also making the work of developers easier at the same time.

What can HTML5 Game Development Enhance The Gaming Experience?

Every gamer desires a continuous and smooth gaming experience. Game loading times along with frames-per-second are among the most important concerns for gamers. HTML5 games are played using browsers , and require a limited amount of resources to run. This is a way to overcome both issues by allowing gamers to enjoy an uninterrupted and immersive gaming experience with any low-end device.

HTML5 is able to kill the two birds that strike with one stone because it delivers a premium gaming experience for gamers as well as facilitates the game development method for programmers. Contrary to Flash, HTML5 isn't dependent on plugins to function smoothly. It offers transparency throughout the process of developing games and also provides the gaming experience that is interactive.

High-Level Frameworks

A majority of developers have a certain framework they work with. A great framework should be user-friendly as well as have a broad coverage. These are the two primary elements that draw developers to the framework. HTML5 offers efficient frameworks such as Pixi.js, Phaser, Construct3, Knockout.js, and many others. These frameworks are efficient for HTML5 game development and can be employed to develop web-based apps with flexible features for a minimal cost.

Simplified Update

HTML5 games run on browsers and require continuous internet connection. This eases the update process by providing regular online updates, which are reliable and rapidly. It takes the stress out of manually updating games. The introduction of new features and frequent updates makes HTML5 self-sustaining.

HTML5 to play Mobile Gaming

The majority of people are turning to mobile games. Mobile games dominate the online gaming market. Many mobile operating systems, including Android, iOS, and Windows are compatible with HTML5 gaming features. The most important thing is that HTML5 mobile game developmentHTML5 games developed for mobile devices facilitates faster and faster game development because the process of coding is easy and the development process is cost-effective, and provides cross-platform compatibility. HTML5 dominates different categories of mobile games, such as RPG and multiplayer games arcade, action racing, and more.

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HTML5 is for Cloud Gaming

Online streaming of games is different from streaming video and music. Gameplay buffering is an enormous issue that can hinder the game experience. Every video of gameplay has to be rendered in real time because players are manipulating the feed each second. In the course of gameplay, any delay will disrupt the experience overall.

HTML5 makes use of local computing capabilities, requiring less server power, less downloads, a speedy delivery using standard internet connectivity and playability with well-known browsers that make HTML5 gaming on cloud computing a viable alternative for cloud gaming online.

What are the benefits in HTML5 Games Development?

The development process for HTML5 games is geared towards creating a more enjoyable playing and browsing experience to gamers, while also facilitating a simpler developing process for game developers. The introduction of new tags lets developers create amazing visual effects.

Cross-Platform Support

One of the most significant advantages that comes with HTML5 games creation is the cross-platform compatibility. It is ideal for games that run on browsers since it works on a variety of platforms. Users have the ability to enjoy HTML5 games within the browser without installing any additional software and without much effort. The browser-based platform provides more fluid and less lag-free gaming. It allows publishers to draw more players and earn substantial revenue.

Minimal Resources

HTML5 games are played with browsers and do not require a top-of-the-line device to play with ease. The games run on only a few resources. In addition, because they're accessible online, HTML5 games provide faster loading and playing times, which are sought after by players around the world.

Say goodbye to plugins

The days of apprehensive plugins are long gone. Contrary to Flash, HTML5 doesn't need many plugins to play games. It's not dependent on plugins and HTML5 tools for developing games together with Java Script and CSS, creating a deadly combination that is able to be used to create interactive multimedia content for the internet.

A Cost-Effective and Simple Development

Many developers favour HTML5 because of its ease of use and accessibility, and a lot of developers are already proficient in working with HTML5. It simplifies the work of developers since it's user-friendly and allows you to play the game on different platforms without having to modify the code. Making video is simpler to develop, quicker, and more cost-effective than other platforms.

A Similar Experience for Users across Platforms

Since HTML5 is a browser-based game It provides the same game experience on multiple platforms. Many gamers play on desktops, whereas others play on mobile devices. HTML5 removes the boundaries between platforms and lets developers create games that offer the same experience on a browser.

Simple Updates

HTML5 has made it easier to manage the updating process for games. Each update is set up automatically and applied to all users and the platform on which it is being played. This feature is unique and allows HTML5 an improvement over the previous editions of HTML. Additionally, users don't need to endure the trouble of manually updating the game.

HTML5 Game Engines

Since the advent of JavaScript, API, WebGL modern browsers are capable of rendering complex 3D and 2D games without the need for plug-ins. There are a variety of frameworks and engines available to create HTML5 games .


Three.js is not a specific engine, but it is the open source JavaScript API that allows you to create and animated 3D graphics within browsers. It is among the most popular and reliable JavaScript libraries to create 3D games within web browsers. It is built on WebGL and is able to work using HTML5.

It's easy to master and offers a performance benefit over the other libraries. It also includes built-in PRB rendering that makes rendering graphics more precise. Three.js also has a huge user base, allowing you to join an enormous developer community.


The framework was developed in collaboration with Photon Storm, Phaser is an engine for games that runs across platforms and the most popular platform to build HTML5 games. It's an open-source framework to build HTML5 games for a variety of platforms. It is an underlying technology of WebGL as well as Canvas.

It's well-designed and the library includes 'TypeScript' support to develop games. There are a lot of plug-ins that you can play with.


In 2013, Babylon.js was released in 2013 by Two Microsoft employees, Babylon.js is a 'real time' 3D engine that is based on the JavaScript library. It is able to render 3D images in the web browser with HTML5. It is a trusted engine utilised by numerous large conglomerates such as Microsoft, Adobe, etc. Additionally, it uses PBR rendering. It is also updated with a codebase, and bugs can be eliminated quickly and it is a great option to use for HTML5 gaming development.

These are among the most well-known and widely used game engines used in HTML5 games. These engines streamline the development of games and make the lives of developers more simple.

HTML5 Market Statistic

Before you begin the process of developing a game, you must research the market thoroughly. HTML5 is now a standard method of creating digital content. The development of games has never been simpler, and there's been an exponential growth in the amount of HTML5 games being released each day.

The HTML5 games market is currently estimated as worth $2.1 billion. When you consider additional services that are related, like game analytics and virtual item trading etc. The market is predicted to exceed $7 billion.

Mobile games dominate the world of online gaming and are the most profitable sector of the gaming business. The market for only games for mobile devices is estimated to be more than $50 billion. The market for games on the internet and mobile is predicted to grow to $99.6 billion in 2022.

These numbers are sufficient to show the potential for HTML5 games. It's a lucrative business that investors are eager for opportunities to put their money into. Numerous companies are creating and developing their own HTML5 games, which has increased demands for HTML5 games. Games development services across the globe. It is clear that HTML5 will be the next generation of the gaming industry.


The demand for HTML5 games is growing. Gaming that is responsive and without lags is what attracts players to these kinds of games. The move of players towards these games has caused changes to the HTML5 gaming industry. A lot of companies are planning to invest in this lucrative business. The increasing popularity of HTML5 games won't end. The ease of access and capabilities they provide are bound to transform the future of gaming.

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