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How to easily play League of Legends as a pro

The key of winning

By ClaraPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Are you an eager League of Legends player looking to climb the ranks and get on a higher position on the competitive ladder of gaming? Well, fear not, my friend! I'm here to offer some tips and strategies that might just give you the edge you need to achieve your desired rank.

Let's face it, not everyone is born a gaming prodigy, and I count myself among those who don't exactly boast an impressive KDA ratio. But worry not because there is a solution to every problem you meet. The first step on your journey to rank-up success involves seeking out a skilled teammate(or more teammates if you like) who can guide and protect you through the ear-piercing world of Summoner's Rift. This partner-in-crime should possess an deep-seated understanding of the game mechanics, champion abilities, and strategic gameplay. Long story short, your so called 'partner-in-crime' needs to know how to play, needs to be a feard and non-toxic player of League of Legends.

Once you have found your League of Legends guru, it is time to apply my favourite method, the time-honored "let-them-carry-you" technique. Sit back, relax(but don't relax too much, you know?!), and let your newfound mentor showcase their skilfulness. Their calculated moves and expert decision-making will give your team the upper hand in battles, inching you closer to victory. I mean, hopefully :)). However, remember that even in this carried state, observation is key. Pay attention to their tactics, item builds, and map awareness, even their words. You are not just winning matches – you are learning from a master.

With step one successfully completed, it's time to hunt through into the art of survival. In the heat of battle, keeping yourself alive can be as challenging as securing that Baron steal. Positioning is paramount; ensure you're always at a safe distance from potential threats, while still being able to contribute to team fights. Proper warding and pinging can turn the tide of battle, preventing ambushes and providing valuable information to your team.

But it's not all about avoiding death – it's about enabling your team's victory. As you gracefully maneuver around the battlefield, keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to assist your allies. Lend a helping hand to secure kills or protect teammates in danger. Remember, a true victory is one that's shared among the entire team.

As you progress, don't shy away from communication. Even if your mechanics aren't as close as Faker's, your strategic insights can still be invaluable. Gently suggest objectives, notify your team of enemy movements, and offer encouragement during those intense moments. A well-coordinated team can outplay even the most mechanically gifted opponents.

In the end, the path to a higher rank in League of Legends isn't just about individual skill – it's about understanding your role within the team dynamic. So, when you step onto the Rift, focus on the bigger picture. Embrace the lessons learned from your mentor, hone your survival skills, and contribute to your team's success through strategic gameplay and effective communication.

There you have it – a roadmap to ascending the ranks in League of Legends, even for those of us who might not have been blessed with natural gaming talents. It's a journey that combines learning, adapting, and thriving within the collective efforts of your team. Remember, victory tastes all the sweeter when it's a product of collaboration and growth.

May your elo rise and your victories be plentiful, fellow summoner! Best of luck on your path to a higher rank, and may you find joy in every well-earned victory. Happy gaming!

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