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Dark and Darker From Level 1 Wizard to Hero Build

Wizard Build

By PattonVastPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Building a powerful wizard in a dark dungeon game is difficult. As a player who likes wizards, you need to plan for the future path at level 1. The following content will describe in detail how to make a wizard. Level 1 wizards gradually grow into heroic professions.

Choose the right Spells.

Level 1 wizards can only learn a limited number of spells, and Sage and Meditation are the best choices under current circumstances. Also, use Ice Arrow instead of Slow spell, which slows down the enemy and does some damage.

As a wizard, if you are playing solo, don't add the "Haste" attribute; "Haste/Stealth" will take up too much time. Replace "Haste" with Ice Bolt - keep the rest of the spells the same. It will slow down warriors and rogues with high headshot damage, fast movement speed, increased range, and the ability to challenge rangers at a distance. Since they move so slowly, it's pretty simple to hit them very far with ice, allowing you to fireball and electroshock. Stay online for any follow-up or completion strike-type transactions. It does make a big difference in extraction! Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.


Choose the right battlefield.

For lower-level mages, choosing a suitable battlefield is crucial. It can reduce the game's difficulty, open treasure chests, and obtain a large amount of Cheap Dark and Darker Gold. Goblin Caves is recommended here. After entering this map, the main goal is to break barrels and loot boxes, kill mobs, and exit as soon as possible to accumulate gold. Extracting from Goblin caves is relatively simple. If you carefully avoid PVP battles, you can quickly complete this goal.

Loot as much as you can, but be wary of mimics, as they count as mobs and hit the mob drop table instead of the chest.

buy dark and darker gold

Goblin Cave should only drop gray if it has a good chest, making it nice for everyone or the group not to spend hours looking for a decent green kit and get slaughtered constantly.

It's more of an easy feeling of satisfaction that will soon make you stop caring about the less attractive green. Only blue matters, purple items, and gold keys are rare in the game. They require a lot of time and long battles. Follow to get them very easily, saving a lot of energy.

Improve your character's abilities.

After players buy dark and darker gold, the next step is to improve the character's strength as much as possible. You can purchase more powerful spellbooks, bandages to aid healing, oracle robes, and kuru boots for knowledge, strengthen your gloves, and crystal swords.

Once ready, you can jump back into the game and compete longer to earn experience points and items.

Take the test of Ruins.

When you upgrade and acquire levels, you can try to enter Ruins. There are many unprepared PVP battles here. You must always be vigilant here and be generous for treasure boxes. Keep the boxes in dangerous areas as far away from them as possible to ensure that you can survive first. Use protection shrines and be wary of traps to increase your chances of survival.

Notes on the Wizarding Profession

For the wizard profession, spell-casting speed is crucial. It would help if you prioritized using all items that can increase knowledge, which can effectively increase the speed of spell casting, increase the power of spells, and enable you to protect yourself quickly.

Because of the wizard's fragile defense, you must always be wary of other players' approaches in PVP dungeons. Any negligence can kill you in an instant.

In PVP, different spells are used according to different opponents. Use thunder and lightning spells to deal with rangers to paralyze their bodies or ice arrow spells to slow down the enemy.

Everyone's storage space is limited, and not all loot is worth picking up. Prioritize items that enhance your wizard's abilities and statistics. Although there may be valuable items in the treasure chest, the priority in the dungeon is ensuring you survive.

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